Tonight On Big Brother 22: New Time For HOH Comp & Nominations

New schedule for Big Brother 22

Big Brother 22 schedule is shifting with its new routine for the final weeks of All-Stars 2 and even that has turned a little messy in its debut week of Monday episodes. Due to an NFL schedule change, Big Brother is moving tonight’s episode to 10PM ET but still 8PM PT for west coast viewers. Be sure to check your local listings so you don’t miss the next show. After this week’s shifted Monday we’ll be back on a 8/7c routine for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays until finale night on October 28th.

Since the last episode on Thursday, we’ve seen a lot going on inside the house with a new HOH crowned late that night followed by nominations and the Power of Veto. We’ve just about got this week wrapped up inside the house and things are only getting started for the broadcast part of the week.

We’re down to our final six Houseguests after the big Triple Eviction event and the conclusion of the “what was that?” so-called Neighbor Twist featuring a few appearances by Dr. Will. Nothing like the good doctor pulling another one over on the house, game, and audiences with a non-twist twist. Ah well, on to the next round.

Can’t wait to find out who won the HOH? Get the HOH comp spoilers now and find out who was sent to the Block with the nomination spoilers. Then if you really want to get ahead, find out who won Veto this week.

Join us back here on the site tonight during the east coast broadcast tonight to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates!



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