Tonight On Big Brother 21: Premiere Continues In Part 2

Big Brother 21 premiere part two

The Big Brother 21 two-night premiere event continues tonight at 8/7c on CBS and All Access as the sixteen Houseguests face a new twist and challenge that we expect will quickly knock them down to one less competitor by the time the night’s over.

Last night we saw Jackson win the Camp Director vote and now his power of safety will also put him in a tight spot as he must name four other HGs to face off in a battle royale for their own Big Brother lives. Four will enter. One will go home. If you can’t wait, check our Spoilers Board for what’s been made obvious from CBS’s preseason reveals.

With just one hour to fill we may not even get the first HOH competition as this special Camp challenge sounds like it’ll be a real beast that could eat up a lot of time in the episode. If we don’t get to the HOH results that’s another spoiler we can share. I’m guessing we’ll wrap up with the first elimination of the season, an eviction with no voting at all. Ouch!

We’ll be back here at 8PM ET with our live coverage of the season premiere’s second half as we discover who is sent home first and when we’ll be getting to the first Head of Household comp of the season. After that, we’ll be anxiously waiting on the Live Feeds. That kicks off at 9PM PT, right after the west coast broadcast of the premiere wraps up. It’s nearly here!

After that, the next episode is Sunday 8/7c, Tuesday 8/7c, and Wednesday 8/7c before the schedule shuffles off of Tuesdays and onto Wednesdays (9/8c) and Thursdays (9/8c).

BB21 Live Premiere on All Access

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Don’t forget that the real action starts at 9PM PT after tonight’s show when the Live Feeds launch and we settle into our summer of BB21 fun! Make sure your All Access subscription is active so you’re not left in the lurch while the rest of us are watching away.

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