Tonight On Big Brother 21: Final HOH Round 1 & Memory Lane

New BB21 episode on Sunday

Tonight on Big Brother 21 we’re down to the Final 3 and with it comes the first round of the three-part Final HOH competition. We get a sneak peek at that jungle-themed, Indiana Jones styled competition and it looks pretty fun. Special note, the episode is scheduled for 8:30PM, so a little later than usual.

Along with the competition, we’ll get Julie Chen hosting the return of last season’s Final 3 HGs: Tyler, Kaycee, and JC. Oh, and there will be the Memory Lane segment I’d imagine. Plenty to keep us busy tonight during the hour-long episode. Then after that, it’s just the big finale event on Wednesday night!

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Want some spoilers and don’t want to wait? Find out who won Round 1 of the Final HOH and then skip even further ahead with the Round 2 spoilers to set us up for R3 on finale night!

Big Brother 21 – Round 1 Sneak Peek:

Join us back here on the site tonight at 8:30PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates!



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