Tonight on Big Brother 19 the last chance arrives for Cody Nickson to dodge the Backdoor route out of the game with this week’s Power of Veto competition. Don’t miss tonight’s show on CBS and streaming live on CBS All Access starting at 8/7c.
This week’s challenge brings back the classic prize swap comp complete with punishments and prizes. There have been a lot of silly costumes so you can check out our gallery here of all the losers’ outfits for the week.
Cody narrowly lost his surefire seat in the Veto competition so the draw for players will decide whether or not the Backdoor is all but a done deal. Once the comp is over we still have to get through the Veto Ceremony to decide the final noms for the week. That should all be revealed by the end of tonight’s episode.
Can’t wait for the spoilers? Check out what happened at the Veto comp & ceremony this week.
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Let me say a fact: Paul is a jerk, look at how he turned on Kevin and what he says…what an ahole
Kevin is a sneaky little tattletale who deserves to be turned on. He’s like that sniveling kid in elementary school who’d run and tell the teacher whenever someone did something he didn’t like.
Agreed but P starts to question if he even has kids and how he twisted the 25k situation. P was K ride from day 1 and he is just trying to play something so he can say he did stuff in the game to possibly win it but never went to others to talk trash about P, never
Alex and Jason questioned if he had kids.
Hell, I questioned if he had kids or if that whole family scene in the first episode was fake. LOL. Never trusted anything about shady Kevin from the 1st episode.
That’ kevin’s game. He is not good at comps so spying and scheming is his thing. I am not as huge of a fan as I was 2 weeks ago, but I still want him to make it to the end. Paul is obviously doing the best job and Alex is trying by winning comps and aligning with the majority of the house, but her game play su**s. The only 3 people playing and doing it differently. Everyone else is kissing behind and floating by. Alex is joining that group soon.
Nicole did something similar except she had a bed partner next to her.๐
Paul is playing the game…. what would you have him do? show up and do nothing
So you have to be hypocritical and with no morals to be called a good BB player, I think is just his personality has not much to do with the game
Paul should be kissing Kevin’s a$$ bc if Kevin didn’t go for the $25K, Paul the ahole wouldn’t be playing in the game. This season of BB not fond of anyone’s game play. All the bullying that’s been going on since get go is unacceptable and face it’s not entertaining to watch.
There were a few others that went for the 25K. Kevin was just the fastest. It was basically a guarantee that Paul would return to the house. That amount of money would be tempting to most people. Kevin’s mistake was not in taking it but telling ANYONE he did so. I knew he told Paul. I didn’t know he told Josh. That really surprised me and makes me wonder if anyone else knows.
Kevin should have kept that little tidbit to himself and it would have died when Ramses was evicted.
I knew and Kevin should have known that Paul would hold on to that info until he found a convenient use for it. When Paul found out that Josh knew, cue the little light bulb turning on. He’s trying to blame Josh for divulging the info. I can’t figure out how he’s expecting to get away with that, though. Kevin is a snitch. No way Paul will be able to get Kevin out the door without Kevin first letting everyone know that Paul knew it from the get go. Alex and Jason might not appear to currently care about the fact that Kevin took the money but they will care if they find out Paul blatantly lied to them.
I wish I could Veto myself from being interested in this trash heap. Unfortunately, I cannot.
CBS has to do something to make this season more interesting to make the hg’s play instead of following Paul’s lead, maybe a twist that brings another vet to challenge Paul or bringing somebody to shake things up. HGs this season are just hopeless.
I agree. I would like to see Paul get another three week pass.
Sarcasm Cy? ;)
Wouldn’t you rather see your baby get a pass?? lol!
Leave my baby alone!
You’re baby needs one of these…
That kitten has buttocks.
That would really light up this forum even more than it is right now!!!
Good call…
Can you imagine if that
Well I’m telling you right now. It had better not. I will NEVER watch BB again. NEVER!!
Famous last words….
Hehehe…I say that every week, my friend, and yet here I am. ;) lol!
I’m so bad K, I don’t know why, I’m running out of comments. haha..I guess I’m bored reading the same comments over and over again. lol..
Thank God for posters like you who mostly keep it light and humorous or else on topic with strategy comments. You know I love it!
I hear ya.
Hey Jello, do you like baby Meatball?
He’s got another 3 week pass; he gets one every week from his minions.
My favorite part of Big Brother is how I might like somebody at the beginning of the season, but by the time it is done I like somebody else because of all the swings in power and how we see people battle back from adversity. This year, man just none of that.
I can’t believe I liked Raven. I thought she was so cute and bubbly. I can’t stand that skanky lying bi**h now.
I was with you there for a NY minute, but it didn’t take long for me to change my mind about that one.
The minute Arkansassy came out of her mouth….I was done.
I thought she was gonna be the sweet innocent one like a Bronte type from last season but everytime I see her now she looks like she came out of the trash bin esp when she talks
Agree, don’t even know who to root for AFP
It’s not Paul’s fault they follow him blindly. The two things about this game that are driving me crazy this year are.
1. Josh continually saying he is tired of arguing and fighting but he constantly injects himself in to other people’s arguments. Which always gets turned in to the saga of the flip flopping Mark and Elena story.
2. Paul getting blamed for every single thing that happens even if he was no where near when it went down. It is true that they run and tell him about it after the fact. I’m sure he will still get blamed for things when he is sitting in jury house.
“It’s not Paul’s fault they follow him blindly.”
Yes! This is why I don’t understand why so many people think Paul deserves to win. He hasn’t had to DO anything. They all just follow him around like he’s their idol. What a bunch of sheep.
Paul does a lot. It takes a whole lot of energy to lie and manipulate 24/7 and then go back and do it again and again and again. I’m exhausted just typing this.
I guess he just makes it look easy since they eat up whatever comes out of his mouth.
Don’t be fooled, Paul has been working it 24/7 in that house. He’s always 3 steps ahead, targeting and directing their attention to the next nominees/evictee.
Yep. He has not stopped playing ever! I think he dreams of new ways to manipulate his fellow HG! haha
Is it really working though when you don’t have to worry about being evicted? To be able to put things into peoples ears and then just sit back and watch as they do your bidding?
Don’t get me wrong I think people over time have slowly started to realize what he’s doing, but they’re all too afraid to cross him for it to be a real concern. At least for the foreseeable future.
A good BB player never becomes complacent and that is what we are seeing in Paul. He is under no false impressions and knows at any moment the HG’s could turn on him and nominate him. It’s why he is making and continually cultivating his relationships with the HG’s. He knows all too well how easy the house could flip.
Then why is he always laughing about how dumb the rest of them are? He was basically handed followers and now all he has to do is make sure they stay in line.
It’s much harder to start off being a brand new player. But some people are acting like Paul came in at the same level as everyone else…
Yessss…I totally agree!!!
Putting things into peoples ears? Not a coincidence, he started that in week one. Now they’re following his lead…and he’s still doing it to survive the game….this game is not easy., lol
That’s what I keep saying…
And I hear you lol
Imo Paul has been playing this game non stop. I might not like some of the tactics he has used, but getting all those people to follow his lead takes a lot of work/manipulation. ;)
And this is why I disagree with those who say Paul has been playing a “great” game. He has not. He hasn’t had to work for one concession his lemmings have given him, and he goes into the DR and laughs at how ridiculous the rest of the HGs are playing.
You have to be kidding. Paul is playing at all hours of the day, even when he is sleeping. If you can’t see and appreciate it for what it’s worth, you aren’t a BB gamer.
“Even when he is sleeping” aaaand you’ve lost me. I absolutely can not appreciate what he’s done in this game, ’tis true. I didn’t think he deserved to win last year and I was disappointed to see him back this year.
Currently looking forward to a much better cast next year. I’ve watched since season one and I wish they’d bring some elements back from the past when it was much more fun to watch. <3
They don’t get it. they would rather be Paul haters than admit that he is completely controlling the game. I don’t care who the cast is. He is doing things that will get him further in the game. “Helping” the other HGs to do things that will get them further in the game, all the while doing the things that also are getting him further. He is making himself a valuable ally to everyone so that they think they can’t get to the end without him. And, in some cases, they are right. Paul is using what the game is giving him to his complete advantage. Hate him if you like, but I don’t think that you can dispute it.
I fully admit to being a Paul hater. Never have liked him, but that doesn’t mean I have to agree with what everyone else thinks. I don’t see him as a good player, but as someone who was handed the game from the beginning.
It’s an opinion, not the law. ;)
I know. “Handed to him” or not, if he just sat back and did nothing would he be is the same position he is now? I think not. IMO
I just don’t see leading gullible people as work. He easily redirects them if they even start to question him. With how quickly he’s able to get them to do whatever needs doing, it just doesn’t look that hard.
I personally feel like any vet could have come back this season and they’d be following them around as well. Because the only thing that matters is “JURY, whoooooo!”
Edited to add: which isn’t Paul’s fault. He was clearly given malleable people to deal with. Paul says jump, they do it. When Jason said he’d be honored to lose to him? Like, what?! Did you come to win or to just hand Paul money? These people are nuts!
I agree with you to a certain extent…this cast is ridiculously malleable, but that does not negate the effort Paul has put forth in regards to forming bonds with everyone. It is that exact lack of effort that has landed Cody in the position he’s in now and what got Jessica evicted last week. Neither one of them put forth any effort to bond with their fellow HG…BB is a social game. If you don’t make allies you will be evicted.
Still, leading is doing something…lol…I agree with you that these are gullible people, but he still has to work to take in all of the information being spoon fed to him, know all of the angles, what to tell who, and when to tell them, etc…
My opinion too is not law…lol… ;-) I can certainly appreciate yours.
Lol! Look at my post below yours…we’re like thinking with the same brain here. hahaha
Yes. I am not a big fan of Paul, but I can see that he is always thinking game…ALWAYS!!!
I was actually a HUGE Paul fan last year! He & Vic as the Sitting Ducks…LOVED them!
This season… I didn’t want a vet returning, but Paul coming back was alright b/c he was so fun last year, but he has turned into a little termagant! He micromanages everyone’s game and even tells them who they can and cannot talk to!! I’m not liking this paranoid, all work and no play version of Paul. I do agree, he’s playing the most serious BB game of everyone…but his tactics leave something to be desired as well. Wish he had Pablo back, maybe that’d help! ;)
I so do miss Pablo…
Agreed!! It’s the same comment over and over, I hate Paul, blah blah, wonk wonk. How about analyzing the game/player and not just saying what you want to happen or what you think should happen. BB doesn’t work that way.
Anyone, as a fan of BB, should be able to do that. You may not like, or even hate, a player, but don’t say they are not playing a great game just because of your dislike of them.
Paul dreams of taking down his enemies… Fear the beard! lol!
Hahaha, “Fear the Beard” I love it TG!!
I’m so tired of this comment about people following Paul’s lead. Of course they are following his head, he’s playing a stellar game, thus far. He promised certain people jury and guess what, he has delivered. He is also interested in the other HG’s, talks to them, listens to them, gives them advice etc… Unlike Cody who doesn’t give a F about anyone but himself and his scummy girlfriend. Of course people are going to be on Paul’s side. My question is, why wouldn’t they be on his side?
Amen sister, AMEN!!!
Yep. Now would be a good time to bring back Derrick or – forgive me for suggesting this – Vanessa.
Oh pls not her, it’s gonna be a crying fest in there
they tried that with the battle back and the hex. this cast is a bunch of mindless sheep and paul is the sheep dog that is going to lead them right off the cliff one by one.
Well, Zingbot better amp his zings this season
Cody deserves to go. I lost all respect for him, after how he treated Megan. He was the bully first. So I’m sick of hearing about everyone bullying Cody. They’re bullying a bully. Boo-hoo. And on top of that, Cody gets rewarded by getting to live in a mansion for the rest of the summer, and being the tie-breaker vote in the jury.
that would be interesting if that happens. It would serve Paul right because he would not win. I would LOL big time. I wonder if it were Josh and Paul at the end who would he vote for?
Amen Tim. I immediately didn’t like Cody form the beginning. He thought he was God’s gift to the game. And when he won HOH he fit that role to a tee. He did what he wanted to do with a house full of people, almost half of which were in his alliance without one thought about those people. then when they turned on him for he called them disloyal??? WOW!!! And, now he gets to vacation in the jury house…great!!! And we get to hear from him occasionally for the rest of the season. And, he gets to question, and help decide, who wins the $500K when he had no clue how to play the game. They should have taken out Jessica the week she was OTB(even though she had the HH by then), then when/if Cody came back in, they should have tried to send him right back out and he wouldn’t even had made jury. I would have rather seen Jessica make jury over Cody.
I agree with you, but I hate Paul and Raven a lot more.
After Cody choosing to sleep in the HN room, eat slop and take cold showers when he doesn’t have to, I picture him pitching a tent in the backyard of the Jury house and living out there by himself for the rest of the season
But (LOL), he doesn’t get to be in the mansion by himself for very long with the DE coming up tomorrow. Hopefully he’ll get to room with someone he hates (which is anyone but Jessica). My wish for his first companion: Josh.
I want Alex, but I know that won’t happen.
She’s a good choice, too. Or maybe Raven.
LMBO!!! I’m good with that, also Elena. really, any of the women in the house for that matter.
If Cody leaves they may as well end the season and give Paul the money, I have hated this season, too much bullying on all sides, Paul riding the bull and the rest just following in line. Cody and Paul have actually been the only 2 to try and play the game. I don’t watch anymore just come on here to read what is happening. Still just shaking my head at these houseguest.
Well……Cody is leaving and the season won’t be ending.
And the earth will keep spinning, lol
Whoa……..let me get my bearings tr8! LOL
Aw Em, you’re being modest…you’re always ready for the sharp comeback! You’re not fooling us with the aw shucks let me get my bearings routine. hahaha
Just having a little fun. What’s BB if you can’t have some fun *mwah
It’s too serious that’s what it is! ;) Need a little fun to shake off the crazy! hehe
Please. it gets hot here in So-Cal. If the earth stayed put our fire season would last way too long! hehe
It’s hot here too and I’m in Canada. What’s the temp there today? 84 today, lots of humidity here
It’s actually only 76 here, so the HG should be spending lots of time outdoors today. The SFV is at perfect temp today!
Better not. I’m waiting for Raven to actually fake her own death on camera for a few extra gofundme bucks!! lol!
Wow, it’s bad how much I laughed at that…
IKR! You know I might actually send her a couple dollars if she’d just shut up for a day… Is that an option?? ;)
Oh, if only!
LMBO, now that’s a SL I can get behind!!
I’d send her a hundred bucks if she’d shut her yap about her diseases for just one freakin day, Em! ;)
I wonder if she has been called into DR yet. She’s been moaning for the last couple of days because BB hasn’t called her to do a DR. Even BB can’t stand to listen to her! LOL
I think she burned herself last night to get into DR!!
Yes, she certainly seems like the Munchausen type
I know hon. Either herself or her mother…I think Raven might regret her stint on BB honestly because I have heard a rumor that her gofundme account is under investigation because of that youtube video about her and the ways she spends those $$!!
I fault BB to some extent, it seems like they don’t do their homework. Think they were looking for the ‘noble girl suffering from terrible disease’ angle but didn’t select wisely. Surely they could have uncovered more background on her to think twice before putting her in the house
Honestly I wonder what kind of background checks BB prod does for any of these HG because I am still wondering about Josh. Yeah, he’s not as cray-cray as he was in the first three weeks, but still…all it would take is one mean comment to send the kid spinning again. smh…it makes me wonder if production chooses the nuts on purpose. ;)
Don’t laugh but at one point I wondered if BB had slipped some actors in there to play a ‘role’ cos these people can’t be for real. I questioned Cody, Raven, Kevin, Josh. Now I just figure they’re all just cray cray
I know right! The first night the way Cody gave Paul that dead eyed stare…I thought, is this guy a method actor or what?? And then we have baby meatball!! He’s such a nutjob half the time I wanna ask him “what’s in the box, man?” (anyone remember 7 w/Brad Pitt? lol!) And then we have little Ms. Lies-A-Lot! I have come to realize if Raven’s lips are moving, she’s a lyin! Kevin is Sir Sneaky and will flip on you in the drop of the hat…this HG cannot be trusted! haha! And then let’s not forget the tiny bearded Svengali of the group who sends his minions in to do his wet work! ;) Fear the beard people. hahahahahaha!
And that my friend is my take on the HGs so far.
We’re on to them, they’re not fooling us, LOL
And no one notice lol
Well said my friend!
oooh, creepy, lol
Usually by now I’ve found a houseguest I like and root for. Season 6 will always be the high water mark for me – half the house was contemptible, half was not, both played hard. This season, pretty much everyone is contemptible in one way or another. Paul and Alex are jerks, Josh is an emotional train wreck, Raven is 31 flavours of yuck, Matt and Elena are non-entities, Cody just keeps finding new ways to screw himself, Christmas.. omg.. I’ve never seen anyone with such a low standing in the house behave like royalty. Kevin? Kind of like him but he has no chance and just seems greasy.
So I’m down to Mr. Pepperoni Nipples (Mark) pretty much by default, when he’s not trying to beat Cody in the Psycho Carebear Stare department.
Agreed, by exclusion I am left with Mark and maybe Kevin .. which both are already on Schindler’s list lol
31 flavors of yuck…
I am right there with you… I have liked and then unliked nearly every HG with the exception of Raven this season! Couldn’t stand her from day one & that feeling has only intensified each week!
Dr. Will and Boogie…one of my absolute favorite seasons…EVER!!! They were hilarious!!!
damn, dr will was dreamy.
Ooooooooh T, he’s winking at me
again !
the way he moved his eyebrows made me swoon.
his son looks just like him, but dr will aged bad.
I agree, too much Botox or whatever, I choose to remember him as he looked in the BB house
Ditto… I think he became his own patient. Never a good thing. Kind of like a lawyer representing himself. hehe
Or a doctor treating himself, not good but thx for the gifs of Will, 2 days in a row now ๐๐๐
He IS my all time fave!!
Much as I liked Will, I gave a great should of joy when Janelle turned on him.
I did too! I think even Will respected that move. That was what I loved about Will…yes, he was diabolical as far as manipulating people, but it never became personal for him. It was all BB strategy and if someone beat him at his own game, he’d smile and tip his hat to them. <3 Love that!
Exactly, he enjoyed playing the game. I did like it before all the ‘extras’ were thrown in there, when you had to survive with your wits.
I miss food comps! Not only were they another fun comp, but that actually was a competition that inspired house unity if only for one day!
it’s like bb got lazy and less fun
Right. The food comps were especially interesting because it was one comp where the entire house worked together to achieve goals. It inspired camaraderie, if only for that time.
crazy food to eat too
I know! But then sometimes they’d get really good stuff like steak and lobster, beer and wine for the night, all the fruit they could eat, etc…
It was just fun & it brought the house together as a team.
Lord knows they could have used that this season…
IKR! Some house camaraderie would have been appreciated… Not all these personal attacks and bullying from nearly all the HG… I think Kevin & Matt (maybe Mark??) are the only exempt HGs of the bunch!
Mark has had his moments too. Not as notable, but he has. I agree with the other 2 though.
Yeah, throwing the concoction in Josh’s face, but honestly… if I had to live with Josh & his constant drama, tears & harassment… I’d be a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs too! hehe
Yep! Will won BB2 by utilizing the 4 Cs… and no those aren’t bad women! haha!
It’s charm, conniving, charisma and cunning! lol!
And darn cute!
I stand corrected… the 5 C’s! lol!
he made it fun and we were all in on the joke with him.
I honestly think he had no intentions of winning BB7. I think he only signed on to help Boogie win. I have no proof of course, but he did say once that after Boogie won BB7, he (Boogie) had the money to go into business with Will… JS. I think if he wanted to win that season, he could’ve.
newbie watchers aren’t aware of how it was charming, funny, sexy, head games….
we tolerate so much less now.
The quality of players has dropped so we’re forced to tolerate less iimo.
I also think the BBAD and live feeds made us see what was really happening there too. We had to wait until the night of the show and then was shown what production wanted us to see and we didn’t see their bad side. Just a thought. And yes loved looking at Will and Boogie is hilarious with Will.
;) Yeah, perhaps Will wouldn’t be quite as charming if we saw all his dark sides?? ;) Idk…Will Kirby might be the only player in history that could even out-charm bad behavior on live feeds! haha
IDK, I think he was truly surprised by Janelle’s move. I’m sure he planned for he and Boogie to be F2. If so, I think he would have won cos the other vets would have known how much he carried Boogie
I met Janelle at a try out (just to say hello) and she was more beautiful, nice, gracious and charming than I could have expected. plus, this might seem weird, but she has the prettiest smell of anyone I’ve ever met.
I always liked Janelle. Did you try out for BB?
no I just stood in line to say hello and tell her I was a fan.
Janelle is my all time fave female HG!!
Miss women players like her!
Yeah baby!!!
Oh no tr8p hon! He was totally shocked at Janelle figuring him out and then taking him out!! ;) What I meant to say is what you said… hehe…I think he only came on the show for Boogie, but figured he’d be (at least) in F3!! Probably told Boogie to cut him then just to make it look real good…y’know what I mean??
ooh, that full head of hair as it grew out on the show!
Have you ever seen the interview Regis did with him?? OMG!
He looks like sex on legs!! hahaha
i’ll look for it. thanks
youtube has it…Holy *bleep* he has a goatee…yum is the only thing that came to mind when I watched it. ;)
ty, once you start with the youtubes, it’s hard to stop.
Especially Will clips b/c he’s so dang charming…and conniving simultaneously. You know he’s working ya, but you just can’t seem to make yourself care!! ;)
I wish we had somebody here to watch like him.
I know. I think Paul is trying to be a combination of Will, Evel Dick and possibly Derrick… but he’s lacking on all three because what he has to remember is none of those guys took things too personal. Even Dick, who did his share of bullying, did so on one specific occasion for one specific reason…to save Dani. It wasn’t personal, it was a strategy. same with Will and Derrick. Nothing personal, just game play. Paul is making it too personal this year and I wish he’d stop it.
I was riveted by evil dick and derrick and dan, I loved a bunch of the ladys too. they had a way of sucking you in.
not so much this year.
I think Paul is trying too hard to be like those guys… He even said at one point “Evel Dick, you’re going to love this” during the whole Jody vs the house debacle. That tells me he’s definitely watched ED’s season and admired him.
Paul plays better as an underdog. Last season with being OTB so often and then joining up with Vic, the two of them had to constantly fight to stay. Vic helped calm Paul down, It’s too bad that Paul doesn’t have anyone that he could have fun with and truly trust like he did Vic
I know hon. I can see where the lack of that relationship is truly changing his game play. His paranoia, which Vic used to talk out of him, is one of the things that is making him so *hands on* the rest of the HG. He is constantly monitoring them, watching what they say and do…it’s creating a monster in him and I just don’t see Paul having fun anymore. That’s what I think I miss the most. Paul just having fun in the BB house.
Yup, yesterday for the first time this season I got the impression that he is just tired. And I know for me, fun and laughter gives me energy. I think he’s feeling the effects of no fun and constantly trying to micromanage. The jury house will be the best thing for him, relax and have fun. At that point, it would probably be better to have all the cameras there cos this bunch will not be entertaining IMO
If I could have a word with Paul, I’d tell him to remember Pablo & have fun… I miss that Paul. This Paul is the all work & no fun Paul and I’m just not that into him.
Okay…you guys are officially creeping me out….LOL!!!
Lol! Is the Will Kirby love fest freaking you out?? ;)
Well c’mon, you gotta admit the guy played a near perfect BB game back when he didn’t have a POV to save him or anything like it…
My “work” picture…I hate it…would much rather be in my tee shirt, shorts and sunglasses sitting on a beach and having an adult beverage.
Uh…yeah. I love Dr. Will, I just don’t loooovvvveee Dr. Will…
LOL!!! ;-)
take your shirt off ;)
Hey now… ;-)
nooner babe?
ROFLMAO!! You guys are killing me here!!
Too faithful to the Mrs. 19 years next month. Yay me. Really flattered though, thanks.. I guess I’m single online though, right? What happens in BBN stays in BBN…lol…
Lmao! You’re cracking me up! Aaahh…needed this!! Too serious on this site for awhile there. hehe
yep, single
happy anniversary though
Ok, so how about noon-thirty then???
you two are too funny…but I’m starting to feel like a voyeur!!! hahahaha
Innocent banter to lighten the mood…
But really, bring the camera…
Ya know, I needed this banter today. I was getting so frustrated with BB and this hilarious kind of chit chat is why I love this forum so much!!
Right on! Smh… I’m out of film. Sorry. ;)
Ok, next time then…
Love it!!!
whew! It’s getting a little frisky in this forum right now! Must be all the Will Kirby going around! ;)
Too many pheromones flying around I think!!!
Too much of something flying around fo shure! ;) lol!
So you don’t find him sexy and alluring??
Howie did…there’s no shame in admitting it! hahahahaha
Uh, I don’t swing roll that way…
Lol!! I don’t think Howie did either but it’s Will Kirby…no one would blame ya! hehehe JK
As good looking as you say he is, I only play for one team, thanks you…hehehe…
Ah, so this BB player is more your style then…
If there was one female HG that is BB Queen it’s Janelle! Comp beast, *plus* the only HG to evict the legend Will Kirby!
Now you have me all flustered…darn it!!!
she looks like sunshine and out shines all the ladies this year (including jess)
Please don’t even put Janelle in the same post as Jessica….
Even Megan out shined Jessica!!! Jess may be pretty on the outside, but dig even a little deeper and, well….you know…
It’s like comparing a sleek golden lion to a snarky house tabby! ;)
She drove me nuts with her Oh my Gaaawwddds!!!
Jessica drove me crazy coz she was a mean girl, but Raven is really my least favorite HG…maybe of all time!! Every time that girl’s lips move it’s like nails on a chalk board for me. *shudders* Ugh! Can’t take much more of her. It is time for her to fake her own death and leave the BB house! lol!
But she is one of the good guys votes…
In due time lovely, in due time…
I wish I could see her face when she gets a look at the social media sites since she’s been on BB!!
Or a pretty peach all perfect on the outside, but rotten to the core inside!! ;)
Oh hell yeah! Comparing Jess to Janelle is like comparing a peacock to a swan…both are beautiful but a swan can take flight and escape her enemies so she can survive to battle another day, e.g., Janelle and all her POV wins. The peacock (Jess) can do nothing more than run for cover and hope the boot doesn’t connect with the behind! hahaha
Janelle IS my all-time favorite female player, by a long shot!!!
Mine too dj. She was spectacular! A strong, fierce competitor who could take on the boys and the mean girls!
honey, loosen that neck tie.
Heheheehe Yeah, djdad, loosen up. ;) Drink the Dr. Will Kool-Aid…
see, he made it seem like we were all in the game.
damn could he work it.
just for you hon! I will always supply the Will fix! ;) hehe
request? can you get me one of him workin’ those eyebrows?
How about this one…
You likee?
he had every lady eating out of his hand.
thank you.
YW… I aim to please, especially if that includes some Will Kirby fixin! hahaha
those were the days
Yeah, you don’t get players like Will anymore. But if you think about it, Will played BB originally before POV or any of those types of life-vests were the norm. He had to survive by his wits alone… That takes a lot of social game.
looking back, he made it fun.
You’re a great little sis.
Aw shucks…
Go Raven!!!!!…..LMAO
He was, but all that plastic surgery has messed up his face.
If I were to have a “favorite” this season I would have to say, based on “GAME PLAY” and not their personality or actions to get where they are(you are in a contest), I would have to say (gagging with TU in my mouth) Paul. He is working this group of HGs every day and is looking past what is happening now, and even a couple of HOH reigns past the DE this week. He knows he is a huge underdog, and is working what he has been given. Props to the bearded one. He is playing hard…
and you didn’t even mention Jason.
It would be awesome if BB announced before eviction that the evictee will select the next HoH. Imagine the heads spinning if they should vote out Matt. It would teach that if you win the veto, you should use it on yourself.
WTF happens to raven over nite that she wakes up like that?
Swollen face form all of those lies she tells.
maybe that’s it, swollen face. it’s more than just bed head.
Can’t wait to see this comp and ceremony
Is dis da place?
Me too.
Beat you. Lol
Hey all. Lets go.
I’m first!
Wrong thread!
Not this week!!!!!!
For what?
Not this week!!!
Hey we have at least 5, you think we could go up to 10 by the end of the season? lol
Maybe. If there’s enough noobs
Matt open the thread too early today, there’s already 230 posts in the thread. LOL
Thursday already!
Yea, can’t wait. Action packed DE.
I know. When it gets this full my iPad keeps rebooting. It’s a pain. I might not stay.
In Windows it’s when it get to 500 that we see weird stuff happening.
Hopefully tomorrow he has a new thread right before the show.
Usually does that on Thursday.
Is he crying in the fridge instead lol. I mean, we still know youre crying buddy
So Fredo cries inside the freezer? ha!
And Kevin runs right out and tells somebody. Lost respecy for him then.
I think it’s safe to say by now, no he doesn’t
He doesn’t trust or like them.
Did I hear right? Mark wants to win the Veto, leave the noms the same and keep Cody in the house? so Elena gets voted out? LOL
Good edit for Cody before he goes, and also for ‘Double dealer’ Fredo lol
Yes, the guy even had a paternity test to prove it. Did he not believe it?
See the difference in his eyes? Ptsd. His daughter is darling.
Love the Johnny Mac sound effects
Paul can deliver his lines..and make it sound funny.
Your meatball has a good sense of humour, tandam lol
lol I heard that!
I think it’s tandem.
It is for all of us but for Josh it’s tandam lol
Oh I see. I didn’t catch that.
Elena really f her up..(Alex)
Boot that girl out ASAP. She should have taken the veto and no one would have thought twice.
Now that I saw what had happened from the beginning….I want her out. Dirty, but it’s a game.
Lol omg these players this season I cant
Elena wears so much makeup and her fake lips are a turn off and she has shown zero personality to even be considered as ~famous~ after this season.
I am so over these hg. Production searched high and mostly low to find these people.
I feel that way every summer. I think it’s a love to hate them that keeps me watching.
Usually by now something is in the works but these idiots are proud to lose to Paul.
But he’s helping her (Elena), he should throw Elena under the bus to the alliance, to Alex…I don’t get his strategy.
What a guy !
Stirring, stirring, stirring
Remember when Dan persuaded (what’s his name) to use the Veto on him? He’s got the power of persuasion. Watching him talk/pitch a deal is amazing to watch.
I know I was comparing Cody’s ‘strategy’ with what Dan would have done or Will. They never would have given up
That’s the opportunity right there. Dan G would have killed this one.. The Greats like Derrick, Will
Cody had a killer idea, but they wouldn’t do it.
Alex may regret it later on.
I look for her to very soon.
They could never trust him
Im proud of Cody that he is actually attempting to socialize even though he hates them and its uncomfortable for him. Good job buddy!
Yah, right. Make me to want to a beer with the guy. NOT
Lol Id drink with him, he is very nice to look at. I love his legs!
Not my type.
In many ways besides the obvious one, lol
No, she/he is talking about Cody
I was asking if Jessica was your type, lol. Be nice.
That was nice.
I can be classy when I want to. LOL
Those are some fine looking legs.
I have to ck myself because everyone but Kevin are younger than my son.
He is a little pigeon toed
have you seen his calves and thighs? His calves are perfection
Ok now, stop slobberin ROFL
He has tried, but he can’t hang with them long. 30 min to an hour tops.
He spent 3 hrs on the bike talking to them. He spent a long time in that room after Alex invited him. He also spent another long time talking to Alex and Jason alone int he HOH room. Paul was stuck outside the DR room waiting fro Christmas and couldn’t go to stop him. Dying of course.
Hello! Philly Kitty Boo-Boo finally made it. Did I miss anything good?
Cody knocked Raven out!
Dang! I’m going to quit my job so I can get home in time for BB, lol. I know you’re kidding about Cody.
Philly here too! Philly representing!
Actually Phil is one of my cats names. I live in St. Louis.
bwahahahahaha….thats funny
Seriously, they just showed the Veto comp
I saw the end of that. What is wrong with Elana?
Exactly, she sees $$ and loses her mind
Sigh, where did they find these people?
BB Can started this. The we have Outback.
In reality Matt should just veto himself. Tell Alex that Elena deserves to go home with her $5,000 anyway. Why put yourself at risk when you “have” Veto?
Matthew has the veto.
Sorry, typo.
Please, I hate when BB does this. We all know Cody is going home. Just get on with it.
I’m sorry, that’s his talk strategy?…I don’t get it.
You know Paul would have loved the camping punishment
But then Xmas would have missed out on cozying up with Paul. Guess she wished P was Kevin.๐
Did Matt have a chance at it? Him spending two days attached to Raven? That’s a reward!
Oh how I wish Cody had gotten that punishment and ended up in tandam with Josh, lol
You are so evil! But yay, I agree.
That was actusually nice of Paul. Wait, did I say that?
Yes, you did. I’m going to screen capture it.
Oh no!
We’ll remind you from time to time, lol
Ok, but imma bout ready to rip on him again.
What did he do?..I missed that one.
She just know he is going to do something.
Right! So funny.
He didn’t do nothing but go to a room and sick his thumb
No it wasn’t. It is his way of getting closer to Christmas so she can do everything he tells her. He knows that she was talking behind his back.
Alex doesn’t have to nominate someone else. She tells Matt to veto himself and there is no nominee, Elena goes home.
If only
Nope Paul had already told him what to do.
Then she goes next. Everyone wants Cody out including Alex. The show tonight made it look like Alex was thinking about it but she never even considered it.
They did Matthew, they said thank you outback. Their mouths were full of food.
That was sarcasm. It’s written on the wall behind them.
Roflmao. Thought so.
I got that, lol.
I am pretty sure he was being sarcastic
Outback Steakhouse wasn’t it?
Lol. They were trying to be funny since it was mentioned a million times and what about that huge sign behind them.
Yeah I saw a few secs later. Lol
Glad Matt dressed up for the Veto Ceremony
Shocker huh?
It would be perfect if Matt was evicted for doing that.
I know dreaming…none of these people can think for themselves.
Elena should be getting evicted for being on the block and not take the veto when she had the chance.
Well to be honest, anyone of the three could go home and I would not care.
What does Alex mean when she said she washed her hands of it?
Pontius Pilate. It is not up to her it is the house’s choice who will get evicted.
Ah, thanks.
Pontius Pilate and Che Guevara
I thought he wasn’t with the show anymore. LOL
Is that their baby?
So adorable and big. Time flies.
He still interviews the HGs when they leave or no.
Exactly what I was thinking.
Cutie patootie!!!
Hate to say this but their baby is cuter than Branchel’s was.
lol Jeff and Jordan are more attractive than the other two. Rachel’s daughter is beautiful.
I agree she is now. I didn’t think she was that pretty as a tiny infant though like Jordan and Jeff’s boy!
Interesting. Cute baby though. I hope that he at least comes back for the backyard interviews at the finale.
I didn’t even know they had a kid.
The best and most genuine showmance in BB history. They got married and she became pregnant right away. Unless she was when they married. Rachel and Brendan also had a baby.
She was like 3 months pregnant when they got married.
Took longer to plan that wedding than anticipated.
More success stories on BB then the bachelor and bachelorette LMAO
Aw, that little one is still a cutie.
I thought the same thing, but production probably told him that it should be veto players.
You’re the best Capt. I don’t even understand the tweeter thing.
Very easy. 30 minutes and you’ll be hook.
Probably didn’t want good steak being thrown at him!
Maybe she can’t eat steak? That would be super hard to digest!
Other than the fake DR sessions, there was nothing new or interesting about the show. They didn’t even show when Elena supposedly didn’t want to eat and Alex got annoyed. It looked as if she was stuffing her face, even using her fingers at the end.
That was after the veto meeting, they might show it tomorrow, but then again it’s a DE show.
They were talking about the Outback dinner. How annoying she was being.
That was on the feeds ?
Yes it was. I was watching the feeds and someone said, not sure if it was Matt or Alex that Elena said that she doesn’t like to eat anyway. And Christmas ignored her the whole time she was talking during the Outback dinner. They got drunk and she wouldn’t shut up.
Yes, after they came back from the yard.
I meant they didn’t show the actual dinner.
Ok, but I meant after they came in.
I saw. Hate when someone tries to suck the happiness right out of you.
Are you referring about me? I was just clarifying.
No, no, no. I was talking about Elena’s complaining throughout the dinner!
Missed that.
Production must have been annoyed that all the really interesting things happened AFTER the veto meeting, especially on the week of the DE.
It the nature of their game.
I feel the same way.
Too funny
Why is everyone following Paul do they seriously think they are all going to win. Wake up people join an alliance with Cody…so aggravating