Tonight on Big Brother 19 we’re set for a live eviction show to make up for last week’s non-eviction night. Someone is definitely going home this week and to home they will go. We anticipate this is the final round of an eviction before the Jury begins which means a showmance is about to be split up for the summer.
Jessica is up on the Block against Elena and Raven, but there seems to only be one real target this time around. With no Temptation Hex in her pocket we expect this to be the end of Jessica’s run on BB19.
The real mystery is who will be taking charge next. The HGs have been listening to random sound effects for a few days now and I’m expecting that to come in to play for Thursday’s competition. Could be a before/after or some sort of trick questions about the sounds themselves. We’ll find out soon.
Starting tonight at 9/8c on CBS and streaming live on All Access we’ll watch as the final decisions are made, votes are cast, and either Jessica, Raven, or Elena will be walking out the door one spot short of Jury.
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Join us back here at 9/8c as we live recap the eviction show to discover who was voted out and who is the new Head of Household. What do you want to see happen in each of those outcomes?
I would find it rather amusing if the HGs would all take some really bright polish or lipstick and each write either Annusol, Prep H, witch hazel, Bye Butthole Princess(good one Fiddle, lol), something along that line on their forehead or arm or clothing to send a message to Jezebel. Alex could write Monistat. Jezebel needs/deserves to be embarrassed. That’s the only thing someone like her understands. I bet TPUTS would put a stop to it, though. She needs a wake-up call.
Cue people sticking up for Jessica in 3..2…1…
nooo The self serving egotistical twit would consider a move like that game play..She don’t know game play from personal…
Yes, yes, YES!! I think one of the HGs should have started calling her “Stinkfinger.”
Stinkfinger and Stinkeye, what a pair!
There a Rolling Stones album called Sticky Fingers.
Maybe Jesebel and Cody will make the “Cover of the Rolling Stone”. (Dr. Hook, uh huh !)
Which is a classic. Princess Butthole and her Surly Consort, nope. They are spoiled azzez.
, she has some stinky on her pinky.
It’s her index finger you need to be concerned with. That’s the finger she used to demonstrate how she violates Cody. *I think I just made myself sick LOL
Along with making the rest of us sick too LOL.
People who only watch the live shows (no feeds, no BBAD, no online chats) wouldn’t have any idea about what those words represent. I’m not even sure Jezebel has the ability to be embarrassed.
It is meant to be a FU to Jezebel, and you’d better believe it would concern her to even think the audience knows what that is all about.
We need to get a banner over the BB house toot sweet!! Love this idea.
I didn’t mean to delete my comment. I was trying to edit.
I am hoping Cody or Mark get HOH. I am so ready to see the house flip and new alliances formed. This show is starting to get boring with Paul leading everyone.
I agree and I don’t even like Cody. Lol.
Man i thought this year you and I would be on the same side of the fence, I am pretty sure he won’t make it farther but I am hoping he stays for the next two weeks then wins the jury buy back and Paul leaves this week or next.
Well we’re 1/2 on the same page. I want Paul gone too. Lol. Would love if Cody or Mark won HOH and backdoored him. I think they’d have the votes to evict him. Either Cody or Mark whoever wasn’t HOH would vote him out, Jason and Kevin I think would. One more vote and he’d go. I’m not sure about Elena or Alex. But Alex is a smart player and she’s talked about it with Jason & Kevin. I just can’t wait to see who gets HOH tonight.
Its some kind of memorization HOH comp, which Paul is typically good at. I won’t be surprised if he wins again…I’m sure BB wants it that way.
He doesn’t want to win. He just wants to beat Cody and Mark. He was talking about throwing it to someone else. He’s worried about a double evection coming up and wants to be able to play in it
If Cody or Mark win HOH the winner will likely be gone the following week. There will not be safety competition after this week. Whoever wins won’t be allowed to play in the next HOH. I don’t see any of them flipping until Cody is out.
If the HOH comp has anything to do with memory, I don’t see Cody or Mark winning anything both are such pea brains. The sounds have something to do with it and I can guarantee Cody hasn’t heard anything but Jessica’s sound
Also Christmas is starting to be annoying. Really don’t understand why BB let her stay in the game when she can’t even compete. #wastedhg
If it were you, I think you would want to have the option to stay. She is still playing the game. She just can’t compete in the physical comps, that’s all. She is the only voice of reason to Josh. Even though her gameplay is, IMO, weak, she is still playing. She added the blindside element taking Cody out of the veto comp, Which is one of my favorite reactions of the season from quite a few of the other houseguests.
It was spectacular, wasn’t it!! lol
With these HGs, the use of the temp could result in causing a little contention among the group. The ones who didn’t know that there was a possibility that Christmas would use the temp if Cody was picked, might wonder why they weren’t let in on the little secret beforehand. Paul knowing would just feed their paranoia, too. Just a thought.
The only ones I think that would have had a problem already knew about it. I don’t think that Maven, Jason, Alex and Kevin really care. This will just give them ammo further on down the line when, I mean if, they finally wake up and see that Paul is running the show and decide to make their own moves in the game, and not blindly follow Paul and do his bidding. Christmas used it because Josh wanted her to. But we all know that Paul wanted Josh to want her to use it…so that is what happened. I love me a good blindside!!! Poor Jessica(not really). She just can’t trust anyone, but Cody. Sorry, but I don’t feel for either one of them. I definitely didn’t want them both in the JH together, UGH!!! That would only give them the vacation alone together that they wanted. I am sick of their “true love” six week, ready to get married and have kids and live happily ever after fantasy that they are in right now. But I forgot this is reality for Cody. Thank goodness she will be gone before jury.
Somebody told me on after dark she was talking about Paul and how she hated him running everyone’s HOH is this true?
Pre season football begins tonight, so check your tv. Mine for instance didn’t shift it to the weird ME tv or whatever it is that it will be on, rather, its recording it at like four in the morning.
To Californians and other non-East Coast Dish Network viewers: Because of the football game, you can see tonight’s BB up to three hours earlier (depending on your time zone) on Boston’s WSBK, Dish channel 236. (That’s if you have Dish’s Superstation package.) Here in California, it’s on tonight at 6.
Thanks so much for this intel, RexOfSB. My DVR is set to record BBAD every night, and it’s currently showing 10 pm … but I’ll set it to record at 6 pm.
Jessica is likely to go home tonight. I watch BB14 the other day. Was major blindside in the works in BB14. Could we see another blindside like BB14?
Not with Kevin James in the house, unless it is him being blindsided.
Jessica, will likely go home tonight. HG know there’s cameras and say a lot that is not true. I don’t believe everything that is said. They all play for the cameras!
…Posters moan groan complain about HGs they dislike and want them evicted ASAP….Then they want that same HG to return in a battle back/buy back….Get real…get rid of em…Don’t vote em back in ….don’t wish em back in don’t pray em back in….Let them go…They had their chance its over…let the remaining players (no matter how dumb they may be) finish the game…Please stop the battle and buy back…they are annoying..
i agree i don’t like battle backs or returning vets unless the season is all vets
I don’t really mind vets “returning” ….. I am talking about HGs even vets that when they get evicted need to stay evicted…once evicted during a season stay evicted.. go home vamvoose .audios..just leave..
It ruins the game. You play and manipulate and make moves to get someone evicted, you succeed and there they are right back in the house. Why even bother trying?
I agree and think this season is fixed. Paul will win. I’m finished. Hate all the hatred of
this season , it no longer is a game but a Dictatorship.
Not sure who you are referring to but I never want people to come back in the game. Once a HG has been evicted, they need to stay evicted. It muddies up the game.
Just wondering when Cody gets to the jury house….is he going to last….be ready for a America vote for the final….i got a feeling.
UGH, I really don’t think so. But, they did give Jessica her HH, so anything is possible I guess. I really don’t get it??? It did make for some drama though. Maybe that’s what America was going for.
He will last, he needs the money. Otherwise he forfeits everything.
Everyone but Jessica and Cody understand that this is a game, they however feel that everyone is out to get them. Well duh!! This is BIG BROTHER. Jody doesn’t feel anything is wrong when they are in control, but when someone else is then they cry like babies. Can’t wait for Jody to be evicted. The sooner, the better.
I’m just happy the boring Jody love story of 2 spoiled brats crying about not being in control will soon come to close.
Everyone talks about jess being better if Cody isn’t around.
I wonder if the same might be true of him without her around? How’s he going to behave without someone to defend? Will he learn to use his grown up words and calm down his psycho lizard stare?
Tune in and find out!!
Cody has said he won’t talk to anyone and will make camp in the have not room. Wow, what a winning strategy. MORON, he still doesn’t get it and never will. Can’t wait until he’s booted from the house too.
I’m wondering if Cody is going to do something stupid like Chima did and get booted or he is going to self evict.
chema went crazy
If she is really doing this then she is disgusting. Vote her out and then make Cody’s life in the house miserable. Show some emotion boy.
Does anyone know when the show will start cause I want to be here while the votes are announced
Who knows when the voting will start cause I want to be here while the people go to the diary room and vote.