Tonight On Big Brother 18: Season Premiere Part 2

Tonight on Big Brother 18 the season premiere continues at 9/8c in part two of the three-hour, two-night event with one last hour to go and it’s going to be very busy.

Big Brother 18 host Julie Chen outside the house
Big Brother 18 host Julie Chen outside the house – Source: CBS

After last night’s premiere show we’re down to the most losing-ish team of them all, Team Nicole, and that’s bad news for their survival chances as one of them is about to be sent packing. But that won’t be the end of the drama, just the start.

Team Nicole lost three straight competitions to land themselves in the danger zone with one more competition to go. Whoever loses here will be eliminated while one of them goes on to be the first Head of Household. Likely the thinking in this move is to prevent Team Nicole from losing two members in consecutive evictions.

Following that first eviction we’ll need a Head of Household and we’re still waiting to see exactly how that goes down. As Julie Chen explained it the three surviving members of Team Nicole will choose among them to decide who is the first HoH of BB18.

Once the HoH is crowned we’ll immediately head in to nominations sending two Houseguests on to the Block to prepare for our first full week’s cycle of events. Keep in mind that Team James is safe so that only leaves Team Da’Vonne and Team Frank to pick among for the two noms. That will set us up for the new competition featured in Sunday’s show. Other than that we know nothing about this new twist.

It’s going to be a very packed show and we’ll be down one Houseguest by the time it’s over. Be sure to join us tonight at 9PM ET right here on the site for our live coverage. If you’ll be out and need updates then grab our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, then sign-up for our Email Updates to get everything sent right to you!

When tonight’s broadcast ends out west the Live Feeds launch along with After Dark kicking off for the season. Be sure to get your Free Trial now so you’re ready to watch at 10PM PT (1AM ET). Enjoy the ride!

Big Brother 18 – Premiere Part 2 Preview:



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  1. So the remaining players get to choose who will be HoH? I’m so confused this season!

      • I think I’m getting it now…so whoever is HoH, they then have to nominate two for eviction fast like! Similar to a double eviction night. After one is evicted then the next comp starts for next HoH. That’s what makes sense to me! hahaha

      • With Corey liking Nicole, then either of them will keep Frank and Da safe. Tiffany as HoH – I don’t know. Some will depend on whether or not the HGs think their teams will remain in tact for weeks to come. If they think the team twist is about done, she may burn a bridge. But if she feels obligated to accommodate them without having to plead a case, Vanessa-style, she may play along and not openly target a vet. But the girl is sneaky so I would watch out anyway, regardless of what she says. Paul & his two rude crew will be trying to get in the ear of whomever HoH is. They all will but you get what I’m saying. Would Tiffany target a strong player like Paulie? Or save him for a snack later – maybe get him to pledge allegiance to her in a secret alliance? – Play the V card to seal the deal? IDK

  2. My hope for tonight’s episode is for anyone but Nicole to win HOH so they can target the returning players. Since James is safe that’d leave Frank and Day on the block. Ideally Frank wins Veto and Day goes home 2nd for the 2nd year in a row. Something about Day really gets under my skin with how entitled she acts. Everything is someone else’s fault and never hers. If you recall last year the BoB comp that Johnny Mac was supposed to throw she had such a horrible strategy turning on all the monitors that he didn’t even have to. Anyway, looking forward to watching tonight’s episode and now I’m going to get the live feeds through your website Matt. Thanks for all the great work!!

    • Day has to go I agree but the way Paul treated her was disgusting I hope he feels good about making a woman cry Hope he goes very soon

      • Paul isn’t exactly my favorite but I don’t think he did anything egregious. He was just trying to win and ultimately his tips helped them win the challenge. If you watched Day last year you’ll know her tears are hotwired to her emotions. Any distress or anger from her always results in crying.

    • DAYYYYYYY GO! DAYYYAAYYAA go! Day she come in now she gotta go home!

      (if you’re completely confused, google “The Banana Boat Song”)

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