Tonight On Big Brother 18: Roadkill Competition Twist Arrives

Tonight on Big Brother 18 (8/7c) the Houseguests face a new competition when the BB RV rolls in to the backyard and everyone tries to avoid become the next “Roadkill” of the summer.

Big Brother 18's Road Kill RV

When things left off on Thursday night Nicole, the appointed HoH from her team, had just nominated Jozea and Paulie with the former as her real target. But hold on to those pawn plans, Nicole, because it’s about to get a little more complicated with this new twist.

Taking the place of the old Battle of the Block competition, this new challenge will send every Houseguest out to the backyard one at a time for their turn inside an RV custom fit to test their skills at quickly changing clothes. It sounds like a silly game, but there’s a lot at stake.

Whoever wins this competition will get to name a third nominee. So yeah, it’s important and it all comes down to how fast you can get your clothes off and then back on.

Can’t wait to find out who wins the new comp this week? Check our spoilers page for results.

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Normally this would just be part of the Sunday show but since Nicole’s nominations were squeezed in to Thursday’s events we’ll get more time to see this Big Brother Road Kill competition introduced. Then next week I think we’ll go back to Sunday’s shows featuring both the noms and the RV.

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  1. It’s at least a step up from the Battle of the Block, right? And it’s certainly better than the MVP twist. At least the player has to actually EARN the power to add a 3rd nominee. I think I might actually like this twist. Reminds me of the coup d’é tat from All Stars, I’m optimistic.

  2. Sorry, Jozea. How are you going to be HOH next week if you’re not there to see next week?

  3. He’s gonna be so blindsided on Thursday, because he’s so dumb on this game…and all the newbies will go….OH S**T!!

    • Just hope Nicole and her allies keep things a bay long enough to pull off that Jozea blindside.

    • Just hope that nobody clue him in during the week. I want his jaw to drop to the floor.

    • You know the way these things go down. He’ll go out claiming he was the ”best player ever” which is why everyone had to vote him out now because they were so threatened by him. (And nowadays nobody wants to burn bridges with ousted houseguests that might come back in, so everyone will nod and say ”Yep uhuh, you were THAT good we had to vote you out.”)

      • Nah just the pattern we’ve all seen time and time again over the past couple seasons… People go into the game with a very different set of thoughts than they used to.

      • Yeah he can think that, and hopefully if he’s able to come back in the game, he’s improved, but if he doesn’t make it and watches his season, he would be embarrassed on how naive he was in the game…he calls Rachel the ex player, Rachel Ray. lol

  4. Jozea…………………man he is “ASKING FOR IT (early interview with Julie Chen)”! Do what “has to be done”, Nicole…………..the house has got your back on this one. Nobody 4 MORE DRAMA (sorry)!!!

  5. At least it’s not a Bomb Squad-esque alliance composed of all guys and just two women.

      • rubbed me the wrong the way with his arrognce from the get go. Just didn’t think he would come out as “hot” as did with himself.

      • Some people purposely come on to play the ”villain role” as a strategy now. They try to make themselves unlikeable so that people will take them to the end (or near the end) in the hopes that they can turn it around in the last week or two after assuring everyone that they’re the least likely person to win or get votes.

      • Villain?..That’s a strategy I don’t think he understands. He’s not too bright. He was casts to play himself, and they know what we’re going to get. Have you listened to him? Have you heard his politics?….he’s whack…good tV, I guess

      • Yup so far he’s making a good dislikeable character. I hope he’s gone, but I could see how he thinks he might be in charge of a good strategy. ;)

  6. The names they are coming – up with this season……………….seriously? Nobody 4 LESS!!!

  7. looks like bridgette said/did smething to make everyone think she is threat

    • i think it’s more that there is only a small pool to choose from because so many are safe, and the others are in the 8pack

      • not only that, but it would be one less person eligible to vote with the other side-newbies

  8. Is it just me or does Bronte resembles Tori Spelling? (Just a little bit).

  9. Sure hope the feeds are more exciting tonight. They’ve been pretty boring!

  10. I’m glad I saw this episode, because the 3rd noms ceremony was great. watching all their mouth

  11. well now there’s only a 33% chance of a person going home that is on the block instaed of 50%

  12. By Thursday/Friday this week, we may have a clear picture on when the Road Kill competition will fit in the schedule over at the live feeds. But if it’s going to take the place of the dearly departed Have-Not comp, then it should fall around Friday after nominations or even Thursday after the live show and HOH competition.

  13. There’s a lot to digest this year. hard to keep up with all the action and get in crammed into an hour

  14. Did you guys see Corey checking out Frank or Paulie when they were wearing that nude coverup thingy? Is…….is he gay? If he’s gay that’s fine. I’m just really curious? He’s really hot and I can see him be in a showmance with Nicole

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