Tonight On Big Brother 18: Nominations & Roadkill Results

Tonight on Big Brother the Houseguests move on from Thursday’s eviction with a new Head of Household as nominations loom and the Roadkill to set to make another opening for this week’s target.

Paulie Calafiore makes his nominations on BB18

When the previous show wrapped up we were quick to jump back on the Live Feeds and they didn’t disappoint. Frank and Da’Vonne were shouting at one another after Tiffany revealed it had been Day who pitted her against the house “dictator.” It’s been a fun ride since as those two finally got to talking and sharing info.

Paulie went back and forth on his nominations before settling on how to best go after his target this week, but Roadkill could make all of that change real fast. Tonight’s Big Brother 18 episode will reveal how all of that went down. Can’t wait to see the latest “roach coach” competition since we’ve got yet another new mini challenge for the Houseguests.

If you can’t wait until tonight’s show then be sure to check out our spoilers for the nominations and roadkill results. We’ve even got the latest on the Veto competition and that was a critical fight for control again this week.

Join us back here at 8/7c and chat live with other fans throughout the show. Want even more Big Brother? Download our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates.



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  1. Looking forward to tonight’s episode since the fight between Tiffany and Paulie was blacked out on the feeds. I wonder how much longer the Road Kill comp will last. Most seasons I have an overwhelming favorite and live and die by their success, but this year I find myself just enjoying the chaos. My mood on almost all of the houseguests seems to change day to day. I think seeing Tiffany and Day on the block should make for an interesting week.

    • I don’t mind the road kill comp…its the teams that are not fair at this point…hopefully after the returnee is back in the house the teams will be dissolved ..

      • And I hope the RK twist will dissolve too. As it stands now still having the RK comp, it’s sort of like ganging up on the minority of the house because the team that wins removes all of its members from being put on the block too.

      • I was not aware that road kill winners teammates were safe from being nominated..

      • Tit for Tat. Her teammate’s were going to vote her out until the flip. This is something she already know’s and realize’s if she don’t do something (or at least try), she is most likely gone..

      • I don’t get why Tiffany and Frank simply don’t confront Davonne and call her out on all her lies and trouble making…It don’t make sense for them ( T&F) to tell everybody else what a liar and snake she is but they don’t say it to her.. WHY NOT JUST CONFRONT HER???

      • I think they have and she continues to deny it. Then again, they may never confront her and then let her know they know when she goes on the block and hopefully out the door.

      • I DON’T THINK THEY HAVE CONFRONTED HER…Had they done that the whole house would have been in an all out war.. Best move ever would be to call her out in front of Paulie…lol…let him watch her squirm and lie…that would be great TV/feeds ..

      • Before T & F joined forces, they did call her out. It was like a 3-way verbal brawl. T was laying into F for coming after her. He said he didn’t til Da told him she/Tiff was coming after him. Tiff didn’t believe him at first and they were kinda loud.

        He called out Da. She came in and denied it, saying she didn’t talk to F so she didn’t tell him anything like that. He told her right there in front of who all was there that she/Da was lying.

        That went on a few minutes but Da walked away and Paulie was trying to get them all to calm down and let cooler heads prevail etc.

        But idk if F & T have called her out since they teamed up. Haven’t read anything about that yet.

      • They’re not..they just can’t nominate any of the team members from the team that won.

      • I don’t believe RK teammates are safe. For that to happen the RK winner would have to be publicly known.

      • I worded it wrong. LOL RK winners can’t nominate members on a team that won, so if a team has many members that are safe, the RK winner has to go after other members of teams that are smaller in size. That’s what I don’t like. Wish they can pick whoever they want to put on the block that isn’t the HoH.

  2. I’m kind of bored so even though nobody asked I’m going to give my own overview of the 12 houseguests as I see it.
    Paulie – I think he’s certainly a good comp player and overall has a pretty good mind for strategy. He’s positioned himself well within a few different alliances but will need to be careful moving forward because he’s starting to get a little too cocky which could eventually lead to similar problems Frank had last week.
    Frank – At first I loved him, then with him playing all sides and being super cocky and being disrespectful to women he became one of my most hated. The funny thing for me was after he was called out as a dictator he took it so well and laughed it off that I started to like him again. He’s in huge trouble but if he can evict Day this week he’ll have the start of a solid group between him, Bridgette, and Tiffany moving forward.
    Paul – Pre show I didn’t think I’d like him, early feeds he was so lost on gameplay and being around Jozea I really didn’t like him. After Jozea went and he starting playing the game I really liked him and he’s certainly funny on the feeds. Last week he was possibly my favorite in the house, but I am not a fan of his recent gameplay spreading all this information. I think he’s more loyal to Paulie than Frank but still I want him to chill out. Overall he’s in a pretty good position for the next few weeks probably.
    Corey – At first I didn’t like him, but as I saw him spend more time with Nicole I became a fan of them so my general mood on him was better. Winning veto this week he’s finally starting to make moves but overall his game has been boring to watch for me.
    James – At first I enjoyed his pranks, but at times I think he took it too far. I think him and Natalie have been the cutest showmance of the summer by far and enjoy swapping feeds to them when I get tired of game talk. The problem is James isn’t really actively playing the game and will probably go out around 7th again this year. Not really a fan of his game but enjoy him on feeds.
    Tiffany – She was really boring for almost the whole game and felt like a spinoff of her sister, but this last 5 days or so she’s finally getting into the game and I really enjoy what she’s doing. I think she has a solid idea of all the alliances in the house and is a decent player in comps. The big question is can she survive this week and start to build momentum or will she get booted this week.
    Nicole – Overall I think she’s playing a better game than last year. She has lied more, but I think that’s needed in this game. She is in a really good position to go far this game. It’s been funny watching her flirting with Corey and overall she is a cool girl to watch on feeds.
    Michelle – I’m not really sure where she stands in the game but I don’t see her as anyone’s target for weeks to come. She could be a sleeper to get really far and is hilarious on the feeds. Overall I enjoy her on the show but not really sure how I feel about her game.
    Zakiyah – I don’t really feel like I know her to be honest. She’s into Paulie but overall she seems to be the type that always just goes along with everyone else and never makes things happen. Not a fan of her game but she’ll probably go far if Paulie stays in power.
    Natalie – She’s cute to watch flirting with James but doesn’t really belong on Big Brother. She has almost no gameplay and I’m tired of hearing the just want to get to jury statements and the I’m a girls girl thing. She’s a sweet girl that will probably float a few more weeks but no shot as winning in my opinion.
    Bridgette – She laughs when things are funny, scary, sad, anything really. I think she said she couldn’t cry to Natalie on feeds after Bronte was evicted. She is a weird one and probably won’t make it much further but she’s a nice girl. At least she’s trying to play the game.
    Da’Vonne – I feel like she made all the same mistakes as her last season. She was in a big 8 person alliance just like last year, and even had an inner 5 person alliance within that 8 this year. What does she do though? Turn alliance members against each other at every turn and blow up everything. She has great DR’s and is funny but is a horrible player in my opinion. I personally would prefer she go this week as I think Tiffany would be more interesting to watch moving forward.
    Battle Back – I’d like to see Victor come back because he could probably win comps and could be recruited by both sides to tip the house in their favor. Sorry for the long winded post. Let me know your thoughts.

    • I enjoyed your post!
      I’m not happy with Nicole, which saddens me greatly because I just loved her. She’s just whiny…and she should know better than to get in a showmance. I was hoping she could actually win this thing.
      Da’ IS great in the DR, but you’re right; her game sucks and I wish she was going home.
      I’m still a huge fan of Frank, but I think I may be in the minority here.
      Bridgette is just…just…she’s gotta go. Yesterday.
      I liked Z in the beginning, but she seems kind of snotty right now and doesn’t seem to have much game.
      James—eh, he’s James. Nice kid.
      Don’t like Gnat.
      Paulie is really driving me crazy. One minute I love him. One minute I really dislike him. He IS cocky and he THINKS he knows how to read people…because his sister is a psych major. Ugh.
      I couldn’t stand Paul the first 2 weeks, but now I just sit back and enjoy his goofiness.
      I’d love to see Tiff turn the house upside down. I wasn’t a fan of Vanessa—thought she was a big ‘ol bully–but Tiff is a whole different type of Russo. A different kind of crazy (for lack of a better word—she is NOT REALLY CRAZY!!!).
      Anyway, that’s my two cents. Again, I really enjoyed reading your post. Hope MINE wasn’t too long winded! Yours wasn’t. :)

      • Like your post but I have no problem with Nat and can’t believe you are a huge fan of Frank. He wants to take over everything!

      • Sharona I just have to tell you that you are not alone I still like Frank as well and it’s nice to find someone else who does as it really seems we are in the minority. I completely agree with you on the majority of your assessments of the other HGs. I feel exactly the same about Tiff and I was not a fan of Vanessa either. I was enjoying Paul until last night when he became the rat running all the information Tiff and Frank told him right back to Paulie. Of course Michelle who I’m not a fan of was doing the same thing. Another thing I didn’t like was both Paul and Michelle were leading the charge with their mean girl talk about Tiff, Frank and Bridgette and none of it was game talk. Of course the others joined in except James and Natalie who were busy flirting with each other in the HN room. I was disappointed in Paul as I hoped he would lend support to Tiff in turning the house upside down. Anyway I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed your two cents worth. :)

      • Jacee2, thank you for your post! Notice that I didn’t even mention Michelle? Can’t STAND mean girls! I don’t have the feeds and can’t stay up for all of BBAD, but it doesn’t surprise me that Paul would run around acting like a ‘mean girl’ too. Lol. That disappoints me though, to hear he did that; it doesn’t surprise me, but it disappoints me.
        I like James, it’s just that because of Natalie, he’s not playing the game! I’m so disappointed in him and Nicole…they should know better. I knew Da’ would be the same old Da’, and she didn’t disappoint. Frank is the only one that has come in and is PLAYING! He’s playing classic Big Brother. Don’t hate on him just because he knows what he’s doing!
        You know, there’s still time for Tiff to turn the house upside down. You never know…crazier things have happened. It was really nice talking to you! Have a great week! :)

      • Hi Sharona sorry I am late posting back to you, but I had some weird computer problem and I couldn’t log on until my husband finally was able to have a chance to look at it. Thank you for your nice post back to me and you and I are definitely on the same page about everyone. Like you I was disappointed in Paul as I had hoped he was sincere in joining sides with Frank, Tiff and Bridgette. Unfortunately he was lying to them and just pretending to be with them and ran back to Paulie. If I have it right because things seem to change every 5 minutes I believe Paulie wants Paul, Corey and James to be the 4 guys at the end. Not sure if it’s a real alliance as I heard Paulie talking with Corey I believe who are wondering if Paul is playing both sides and supposedly were going to be careful just how much info they shared with him. I have to say this year the cast is disappointing to me with the mean girl mentality so many of them have and this week I haven’t been able to stay glued to the feeds like past seasons when so much time is spent bashing Frank, Tiff and Bridgette. Game talk is one thing, but when they get together and say such hurtful ridiculous things I’m not interested in listening to that. Things like Z and Paul saying that they hate it when Bridgette is in their kitchen baking because Z can’t stand to even look at her. Day saying she wanted to just toss out one of her cookies and she also took Tiff’s stuffed animal she uses to comfort herself and hid it on Tiff. Z has her own stuffed giraffe that she keeps close to her and even had a big birthday celebration for the giraffe including baking a cake. I believe that birthday party took place on Bridgette’s actual birthday or it may have been a day before or after. James even said they have a birthday celebration for a giraffe and nothing for Bridgette or Nicole’s which was a week or so prior. At least James and Nat stay out of that type of stuff. Again, I feel exactly the same as you do and it’s nice to have found someone who shares the same opinions of these HGs and are Team Frank :) Have a great week too!!!

  3. This should be the thread for the show tonight. Let’s have this show on the road. In spite of the bad news again today.

    • I still haven’t seen last thursday night show. Was it worth it ? Did this recap pretty much covers it ?

      • Don’t you just appreciate the game they’re playing? They’re all liars. lol

      • Yea, it’s pretty interresting this season. Is Tiff always alone like that on the feeds ?

      • She never really had a chance. It seems like BB just set her up. She looks and sounds like Van way too much.

      • You’re right though, she didn’t any chance to prove herself to the group.

      • I think BB cast Tiff just to get some drama. I also feel they set Glenn up as well.

      • Must have been a wild guest, because there is no garantee she is like her sister on the emotional side.

      • I don’t understand why they are not targeting Paulie the same way; Cody went far, further along in the game than Vanessa did.

        I know Tiffany is an emotional wreck but Paulie is Cody’s brother….

      • He keeps winning. You just watch, they will get him, when they get a chance. Vet knows who’s the power player in the house.

      • BB15 did the exact same thing to Elyssa because she was Rachel’s sister. They isolated and ignored her pretty much the same way. They really need to stop bringing in relatives of previous players. That being said, I really do not like Tiffany. With all the crying and the sniffling, it just reminds me too much of Vanessa

      • Yeah. It’s not easy to deal with her when she’s chanelling Vanessa. lol .You kinda have to babysit her.

  4. Paulie: what a speech. I wonder how many times will he mention Vanessa’s name in this season? >100?

    • Until Tiffany is out., Seems Derrick told Paulie that the first thing he needs to do is to get Vanessa out if she was playing, and in his mind Tiffany is the same thing…so since Derrick told him, than he must do it. lol

  5. Winning the right to naming the 3rd nominee is much better this way than giving it to Elissa every week.

  6. Tiffany: I’m gonna hit Paulie where it hurts the most!
    Thus #CalmYourNipplesPaulie was born.

    Heh. :D

      • We won’t know until friday who come back in. So either they will come in after the HoH comp and will be safe for the 1st week or won’t come back in until the following thursday.

      • I think who ever it is will walk back in on the live show Thursday and be able to compete in the HOH.

  7. OMG, Paulie is so good obsessed with Vanessa. He shouldn’t diss relatives. Cody made the dumbest move in BB history by taking Derrick to the final.

  8. If you didn’t have feeds and read spoilers like us, I can imagine the TV viewers are enjoying the show. I think it’s tonight’s episode.

  9. I absolutely hate Tiffany and Frank. Tiffany needs to make up her mind and stop whining. Frank needs to figure out who he can trust. He’s so stupid. I am so sad that Corey and Natalie are on the block. They don’t deserve it. And plus they have soul mates in the house and the 2 couples are so cute! Corey loves Nicole. Natalie loves James. Tiffany, Frank, and Bridgette should go. I love davonne all she is doing is playing the game. Don’t blame her. I love that’s she’s real and confronts you. She tells it like it is and doesn’t beat around the bush.

  10. Is Tiffany overly emotional? Yes, she is, but in my opinion she has good reason.
    That being said, I was sickened by Day’s reaction to her pouring out her pain & loneliness. She thought it was funny. She sat there with her hand over her mouth & laughed. What compassion, what mothering instinct, what a gash!
    Go home Day!

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