Tonight on Big Brother 18 we’re heading back to the cliffhanger results from last week’s Head of Household competition that left the HGs spinning and even some puking. Good times.
With Paul as the outgoing HoH he was sitting on the sidelines watching as HGs battled it out for nearly two hours on the Live Feeds for our first on-Feeds competition of the season. Finally! That’s not all tonight has for us though.
Once the HoH competition was decided the targets were soon set and one controlling HG made a move to put an ally at risk to keep his game moving forward as we shift in to the backhalf of the Big Brother 18 season.
It’ll be a busy night between the HoH comp and nominations, but we’ve also got the latest results from the America’s Care Package vote intended to send one HG the power to knock out two nominations this week. Unfortunately things like look those may go to waste though so don’t get too excited.
If you can’t wait until tonight’s Big Brother show then check out our spoilers with the HoH results, who won America’s Care Package, who was put on the block, and even who won the Power of Veto last night. This could end up a heated week by the time we get to Thursday night as competing plans struggle for control.
Join us back here at 8/7c and chat live with other fans throughout the show. Want even more Big Brother? Download our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates.
Bridgette or Paul need to win this DE and then Victor or the one who didn’t win between Bridgette/Paul need to win 2nd HOH. Otherwise it’s looking more and more like we’ll be getting 3 showmances for final 6. If Michelle actually does blow up Paulie/James/Nicole’s games like she was saying she would to live feeders and Paul/Victor/Bridgette actually listen it’s possible things could change. They just need to win DE and evict Paulie which would leave Nicole (1 HOH), James (1 HOH), Corey (1 Veto), and Natalie/Zakiyah who have 0 wins. If they could just win and evict him the game could change this week, but I am not optimistic this will happen currently.
How exactly could Michelle blow up their games? What does she know that everyone else doesn’t already know? The only info out there that may be unknown is the james Corey and Paulie alliance. But no one but those three know about it as far as I can remember.
I’m not sure how she would blow up their games either. I just know she listed those 3 people when talking to herself about blowing up people’s games. I assume she’d point out Fatal Five and the Nic/Corey/Paulie/Zak showmance alliance. Other than that not entirely sure what her plan is.
I wish she would get started! Michelle will be crying too much to get a word out. LOL
She will tell what she have to, but no one in that house will believe her, they will only believe what Paulie has to say. #ditwits
This may be off topic, but what in the hell happened to Bridgette’s knee?
got it hurt during OTEV comp….then Frank accidently caused her an ankle injury..
Dang…I hope it doesn’t hinder her from winning any more comps. She’s the only female that’s actually capable winning.
Natalie has been doing fairly well.
Natalie almost won this last comp and it looked brutal.
She really tried hard.
I thought Frank kind of landed on the ankle first then the OTEV comp but who is keeping score.
Ok, let see what you feedsters got to see thursday night.
I’ve seen this Capt.
Tell me when I need to look away. LOL
where’s everybody?
Don’t know.
Watching Frank hit Michele’s booty with that stick.
I was waiting for David.
oh ok.
We got a 4th
lol..but it’s working..Rating has been going down though. We got to think of something.
Only one more then it will be a successful season. Lol
that’s funny.
There are always new people , like me for instance three seasons ago. :(
You two are so funny with this thing.
As many times as David has played, he’s gotta be dumber than James if he hasn’t won some money by now.
Hahahaha I know right. He’s been on the last 4 seasons.
oh K!! You are legitimizing it…you’re good, thanks. There could be another hit..LG
Happy to help.
now you can look away Bridge exorcism.
I did. Heard it coming.
Good evening, Capt.
Good evening K.
Nat did good to hang on there.
Victor was still looking strong to be such a big dude.
I know. Muscle guy, but flexible. I was surprised.
I was, too. I thought he’d be struggling.
Yeap, this really need endurance and pain management. He’s got it.
Mind control. He’s legit. haha
Big threat to his game, aha…aha…aha
Please no more crying. Ugh!
What is this ? There’s no crying in Big Brother.
I forgot to say, you have to use the voice of Tom Hanks.
I read a post where someone had read where her sister had a few negative comments about her
Who ? Michelle ?
Yes. Her sister wasn’t very complimentary to her, but I can’t remember exactly what was said.
Must be on twitter. I’ll try to find that.
Foolish boy.
One thing about Z, at least she isn’t a big crybaby. I’ve said enough bad things about her, I owe her that…I guess.
This is a problem with giving the package to Bridge, she’s gullible. Paulie and even Paul can control her….she need some evilness in her body. lol
You’ve got to have a personality before you can be evil. I haven’t seen much of one.
Oups. Did everybody just see this. Football on CBS next Thursday, so the show will be at some odd hour or weird sub-channel.
Can you believe what Miyagi is saying to Paulie?..”As long as we have your blessing..Don Coleone” lol he should have kiss his ring.
It’s absolutely ridiculous.
…and Z, ..blah..blah..blah ..but still trusting him. I thought she saw the she can go.
But she’s not completely fool, from what she says in DR.
I saw that for the first time.
So!..No V on PP It’s really exclusive. That’s good. I might start rooting for V. Ha!
I’ll be anxiously awaiting that. haha
it’s hard to root for anybody K..
Very hard.
But a bigger fool because she knows and refuse to do anything about it. She doesn’t trust herself and let Paulie walk all over her… he has her “trained”.
First DR, was promising, Then came Paulie’s persuasion. Her last DR was, be guarded, but I get the impression she’s still under his spell…that’s were we are now.
She’s definitely easy to manipulate.
It was a flicker and faded fast.
I’m sure “Miyagi” would wax it for him if he had one.
All season Zakiyah has been a passing figure in the screen during TV broadcast. Tonight, her entire neighborhood, childhood friends and school district got to see what the live feeders have been subjected to all season.
Heaven help this girl.
Hi, butterfly.
Hello ?
Who need Super Safety ? Remember the winner will need wear a Super Safety suit for the whole week.
I’d like to see Corey in that suit.
Right, whoever we save this week we also damn to what will most likely be the BB18 Unitard.
Shut up James! We should have just sent you the socks.
Who the hell voted for him ? The show is rigged.
Probably all the people who keep voting him favorite here on these Favorite HG polls.
I admit to wasting a few votes on him, and the rest on Michele.
Oh, so you’re the one.
I will always admit when I goofed. lol
LOL. He doesn’t even know what to do with it. cool.
Idk, I might wait until after HOH vote this week. If it’s DE, that means 5, in total, of the RK envelopes will be in play right?
You get 20 votes everyday, no need to hold off.
I’m just not sure who to vote for yet. I’m thinking.
Go with your gut.
I guess Victor wants to share Z???
I’m still rolling on the floor. I can’t ???
I was LMBO, too.
Last night Bridgette acknowledged Vic has a crush on her. Now he needs a showmance. He’s such a follower
Isn’t there a rule that you are only allowed 3 mances in one season? If not , there should be.
Nicole pointed it out to her and Bridgette said it was creepy. Lol
I hope it’s a slow boil.
LOLOLOLOL. I’m so bad.
Huh? LMHO!!!!! What a dumbarse speech. Does he want Zakiyah’s attention? Would have made sense to put up the one who nominated you! Why is she crying? Beads, eh? Boob!!!!
These girls have NO chance. omg this episode made it crystal clear. Even James. lol wtf…I have to say Paulie is doing a mighty good job. It’s getting clearer and clearer his intentions in the game….i still want him on the block Ha!..sorry.
In the jury house would be even better, whatcha think, Cy?
oh please..Yes!
..but he’s playing the game..ok? ha!
That’s subjective.
look like that was just on the feeds. Cyril, you were right to worry.
twitter dot com/TheBryPie/status/762448724597452800
That’s like a Mickey post, right?
Go check it out.
I have absolutely no idea how. Can I see a twitter post even though I’m not on twitter? You know I’m a legit illit when it comes to tech.
Yes you can. copy paste the link in your browser, replace the ” dot ” by a real “.” and enter.
omg You have to see it K..this is Vivid Entertainment. Ha!
They need to pay you for advertising for them, if they don’t already. :D
lol Z could be The Countess/lady gaga from American Horror story. The pic is….don’t know.
You talking about the twitter link that Capt posted?
yes…like on one the sex scene of AHS
what’s this?
Z. Go see.
I’m gone to read a little Jokers before I fall asleep. Night all!
Night night
night K
(tight hug) :)
I’m sorry, correct me if I’m wrong here, but didn’t Michelle and Zak know early on last week that Da’ was the target? And if I am right, then what the hell? Do they have short term memory loss or something? How the hell was this a blindside???
No they didn’t know she would be voted out.
They suspected it but the plan was Bridgette so they believed it.
best speech since Zach bb16
I thought it was so dumb it was hilarious but not in an entertaining way in a Victor is a joke way.
No it really wasn’t. Victor showed himself to be a stupid sexist a$$hole.