Tonight On Big Brother 17: Winner Crowned At Season Finale

Tonight on Big Brother 17 the winner will be crowned during the season finale when nine Jurors cast their last and deciding vote to give one of these final three Houseguests the half-million dollar reward.

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 17 season finale on CBS
Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 17 season finale- Source: CBS

After 98 Days it all comes down to one night and one more competition before the Big Brother reveal and the confetti falls on the Houseguest who will win it all. Will it be Liz Nolan, Steve Moses, or Vanessa Rousso?

Picking up where Sunday’s show left off we’ll have the round one endurance competition (spoiler results here) plus the round two competition featuring a giant crossword puzzle and an incredibly close outcome (spoiler results here). The winners of the first two rounds will then face off live on the giant scales of Big Brother justice, or something like that.

One final eviction will be decided by the Houseguest who wins the third round and becomes the final Head of Household for Big Brother 17. This will be a pretty fantastic stand-off competition because whether those two Houseguests realize it or not they’re in a do-or-die situation for making it to the end.

Will Vanessa continue her campaign of house dominance? Can Steve pull off the upset win? Or will Liz scamper past and get the Jury’s support? It all happens tonight at 9:30PM ET and we’ll be covering it live. If you tune in at 8/7c then you’ll get the Survivor 2015 season premiere which we’ll also be covering at our Survivor fan site, Let’s get ready for tonight!



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  1. Get some honest people on the show and if you get involved with another person on the show you will have to leave this is not a show about sex.

    • I agree. Production should tell them “Stop that” when they start that groping and stuff. People should not be allowed to touch each other for any reason at any time unless its a hand shake or pat on the back.

      And while we’re at it, the guys should have to wear shorts around the house. BB is infatuated with the idea of hunks in the house but I’d rather they get some good players regardless of what they look like.

      • That’s funny. I don’t recall any hunks this season. Austin is in no way a hunk and Clay who was slightly a hunk was not even that good looking. This year had many delusional players who got easily manipulated.

  2. As much as we hate the smoosh, it will start Liz off with a 2-0 lead in the jury house which is also not fair! It’s not right. Imagine what we would be saying if that was somebody that could win. Vanessa how ever alone she wss all summer. HA! Will pick up the check,unfortunately she earmed the win. I’m turning in to see if James, rightfully, gets Americs Votes favorite house guest. Go James!

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