Tonight On Big Brother 17: Nominations & Battle Of The Block

Tonight on Big Brother 17 the next round of events is set up as the new HoH’s Vanessa Rousso and Jackie Ibarra have a plan to send home a big target and lucky for them, plans always work out just right, don’t they??

Houseguests prepare for another round of Big Brother
Houseguests prepare for another round of Big Brother – Source: CBS

Yes, things are going to get messy which is bad news for the Houseguests but great fun for us as a new target wanders unknowingly through the game while others are busy plotting his demise.

Austin’s “Operation Jason” plan to confirm the twins to Jason has backfired in grand fashion and that brings the new HoH’s together with a common goal and target. Now to bring it all together with a quick Battle of the Block. Vanessa does not want to remain Head of Household for fear of all that blood because hey, who likes to do the dirty work around here?

Get ready for tonight’s show featuring the nominations and a Battle of the Block where yet another week’s plan is dependent upon one side throwing the competition. Sheesh. Let’s get rid of that twist already!

Can’t wait for all the spoilers? We’ve got the results for nominations, Battle of the Block, and even the Power of Veto competition! So much has been going on that you won’t want to miss our Big Brother updates on Facebook and Twitter.

Join us back here at 8/7c for the Big Brother 17 episode and chat with us and other fans throughout the show before we race back to see what’s going on the Big Brother Feeds.



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  1. Ok ready. I said wed or thu that Vanessa would go the deep end next and she keeps confiming it. This season should h have been the Chelli and Van show.

      • She just needs to keep the conversations mature and controlled – I agree she’s been a good player, but she’s starting to show a bit of teenager mannerisms which worries me…

  2. Why hasn’t someone, just for the fun of it said, “Hey Julia” when she is in the house?

  3. I know Jason reminds some people of PeeWee, but did anyone ever watch the kids show”Blues Clues”. He kinda’ looks like Steve.

    • Defintely see the resemblance but its the voice that is very PeeWee… He also carries himself more like PeeWee which is hard to watch sometimes… ;)

    • I was a big fan of Blues Clues. And there is a resemblance between Jason and Steve.

      • Well hey, gerald. I’ve never made that specific connection, but I’ll listen closely for it next time I have a chance.

    • Yea, because we know about it, but for the people who only watch the broadcast, they need to know about that.

  4. lol..These people. Becky..would you like to go up?..aaaah ………….no..ok!

  5. Hmmmm, Vanssa’s speech is kinda telling… I’m not sure she should’ve approached this as a ”Your side needs to help our side” – kinda solidifies the notion that there are ”sides” in the house

  6. Did Jackie not catch Van say to her, when she walked in on Van talking with Shelly/Clay, that they wouldn’t know she (J) was working with them (V, S, C)?


  8. I really dislike all the fake hugging. I don’t understand the hugging. I wish they wouldn’t do all the hugging. What is the purpose of the hugging?

  9. What has happened to our beloved BB? No one wants to take credit for anything until asking for votes.?

  10. Can someone explain to me how Vanessa losing HOH would’ve been a fool proof plan? If James and Liz were still on the block and someone wins the veto to save one of them, how would that have guaranteed that Jackie would’ve put up Austin? I guess it’s all moot now, but I just didn’t follow the logic. Vanessa being HOH is her best case scenario. I know she doesn’t want to get blood on her hands, but backdooring Austin wouldn’t have pissed off anyone but Austin and who cares, he’d be gone and not in the jury house.

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