Tonight on Big Brother 17 the next round of events is set up as the new HoH’s Vanessa Rousso and Jackie Ibarra have a plan to send home a big target and lucky for them, plans always work out just right, don’t they??

Yes, things are going to get messy which is bad news for the Houseguests but great fun for us as a new target wanders unknowingly through the game while others are busy plotting his demise.
Austin’s “Operation Jason” plan to confirm the twins to Jason has backfired in grand fashion and that brings the new HoH’s together with a common goal and target. Now to bring it all together with a quick Battle of the Block. Vanessa does not want to remain Head of Household for fear of all that blood because hey, who likes to do the dirty work around here?
Get ready for tonight’s show featuring the nominations and a Battle of the Block where yet another week’s plan is dependent upon one side throwing the competition. Sheesh. Let’s get rid of that twist already!
Can’t wait for all the spoilers? We’ve got the results for nominations, Battle of the Block, and even the Power of Veto competition! So much has been going on that you won’t want to miss our Big Brother updates on Facebook and Twitter.
Join us back here at 8/7c for the Big Brother 17 episode and chat with us and other fans throughout the show before we race back to see what’s going on the Big Brother Feeds.
Will this be the show thread ?
Good lets get this show on the road.
Ok ready. I said wed or thu that Vanessa would go the deep end next and she keeps confiming it. This season should h have been the Chelli and Van show.
Yea, Vanessa is having a hard time keeping it together.
She needs to grow a spine, pick a target, stand behind it, and relax for the next 3 days.
Right, like that’s ever going to happen. I can’t believe she’s a poker player.
Kind of hope this is her last HOH. She exhausts me.
Is this where I can whine ?
Welcome David.
Hey Will Clay pull a Mercedes? lol
LOL damn spell checker.
Haha well we will have to wait until Wednesday to find out.
Only if you bring some cheese.
Hey, you stole my line.
I said it first, whine, whine, whine
Go ahead, any cheese with that.
I was going to ask if there was a nice meat course with it, but sure, I like cheese also! ;)
Hey man. Stick around.
I’m here I’m here! :)
Nice to see you out and about tonight David.
Nice observation James
Good evening.
Hey Captain. :)
Well, at least Julia has some brains.
I think Julia can go far. I like her.
She just needs to keep the conversations mature and controlled – I agree she’s been a good player, but she’s starting to show a bit of teenager mannerisms which worries me…
OMG..Judas…what’s wrong with that guy?! maan.
Everything. Too much hit to the head in his former career.
IDK He’s kinda dumb..I believe the HG’s, they live with him.
Why hasn’t someone, just for the fun of it said, “Hey Julia” when she is in the house?
Because they’re all on the backyard couch playing summer camp. They have no brains. Lol
That would be so funny.
Still have time to make it happen.
Perhaps too much intelligence required?
Why would Jason tell Shelli what Austin said. Is he that clueless?
They all are.
I have no clue.
I can’t figure out his strategy. No explanation in DR either..No wonder he’s always on the block.
At least they showed why Austin will be a target. At least at first.
The reason is still valid. Vanessa is way overthinking this and is easily influenced.
I agree. She should put him on the block.
I know Jason reminds some people of PeeWee, but did anyone ever watch the kids show”Blues Clues”. He kinda’ looks like Steve.
Defintely see the resemblance but its the voice that is very PeeWee… He also carries himself more like PeeWee which is hard to watch sometimes… ;)
I was a big fan of Blues Clues. And there is a resemblance between Jason and Steve.
yes but he sounds more like sponge bob,their voices are very close in nature.
Well hey, gerald. I’ve never made that specific connection, but I’ll listen closely for it next time I have a chance.
Vanessa’s mom is better looking than her.
She’s beautiful.
They should get rid of this part (HOH rm show) with the BoB
In our dreams.
Oh I think the best line of the show so far: (James) ”Wowee” (somebody in the background) ”Ohhhhkay James enough”
I bet Vanessa mom is much older than him.
She looked really really young to me. Some people do have kids in their teens & early 20’s which isn’t that big of a gap…
Vanessa is 33, so she has to be close to 50 at least.
Yeah true, but 50 is the new 40 which isn’t that old… ;)
What about 60’s?
60 is not old.
Thank you.
i,m 64 and have been told i look about 50
And ? James is 31
Nothing wrong with that… Heck if that’s what works for him, go for it. ;)
Of course. Just fooling around.
Yes, I agree.
Me too. LOL
Me three. LOL
Me four.
Me 5. Was there color back then?
Hey I’m not that old. Lol but now that you mentioned it I don’t think there was. Haha
I think color film started around the early 1950’s ~ reference my mom’s pics of me.
1st color film came out in 1949
Twin code.
Uh oh.. looks bad…
A bit dramatic though.. ;)
For whom …
For Austin of course…
We know better now. He is going to get away with it for one more week from what is going in Van’s head right now.
Yeah it’s numbers… BUT… I can’t see why he wouldn’t be common enemy #1 next week so that should make most people happy. ;)
Ahhhh this is about 20 min of wasted tv time.
Yea, because we know about it, but for the people who only watch the broadcast, they need to know about that.
They need to start reading the spoilers. I have been telling people. But I do understand.
Hey hey for those of us who can only sometimes read the updates this is priceless… ;)
lol..These people. Becky..would you like to go up?..aaaah ………….no..ok!
Foolproof, ha.
Hmmmm, Vanssa’s speech is kinda telling… I’m not sure she should’ve approached this as a ”Your side needs to help our side” – kinda solidifies the notion that there are ”sides” in the house
And it went right over their teeny, tiny heads.
Yeap, right over their head.
I know I’m kinda surprised that even when it’s right in front of them (in the LAST week they have the numbers) they STILL aren’t doing something to stop the 6th sense…
Where is JMac tonight?
Trying to stay off the block for the first time.
I was thinking the same thing.
I believe he’s in the have not room working on Becky’s teeth… ;)
I wish she would consider an after-show showmance with JMac. I think they are cute together.
Well they both have what each other is probably looking for… So yeah I think they’d be fine. :)
Did Jackie not catch Van say to her, when she walked in on Van talking with Shelly/Clay, that they wouldn’t know she (J) was working with them (V, S, C)?
“…working with US” stood out to me when V said that to J
Common goal – > Get Austin out. Oh well.
Yup I said that… She actually revealed an ”US” and ”YOU” split, but they didn’t catch that?!! Sigh…
Love him.
He’s awesome
James=Best Actor
Pat Morita can’t act.
Paint on, paint off. Can’t lose for winning. But yeah he was trying to look sad when Jackie nominated him. Lol
I really dislike all the fake hugging. I don’t understand the hugging. I wish they wouldn’t do all the hugging. What is the purpose of the hugging?
lol…. Oh you prude. ;)
It’s a french thing.
That explains why I don’t like it.
I should’ve put my J/K out there, Capt.
Like I didn’t know. BTW, I’m french you know.
Whoopsy daisy! I didn’t, but I do now.
Oh I thought you did that’s why it was funny…. That’s also why I agreed to run the 700km to the next province to hold him back (these French people have a temper you know)… ;)
Hey you, don’t start anything.
lol… Ok ok how about this as a peace offering… I admit that for the past 20yrs its been much better being a Habs fan? ;)
I was J/K, but I didn’t know he was French. Excusez moi. Au revoir.
More precisely, french-canadian. Born and raise in Montreal.
I’m also French :D
Bonjour. J’ adore le traducteur en ligne. ;)
HA! I think you know more French that I do :D
I know nothing. “I love the online translator.” LOL
uhhhh ohhhh….. Now I’ve gotta run to the next province and hold him back!
(((( H U G S ))))
”So what am I supposed to do? Do I just sit here or something?” Awesome line. ;)
He gets to watch a competition. Lol
I don’t think he’d know how to sit in a chair to watch it…
The best.
“Like food stuck in his beard”. God, I love that one.
The twins convo in DR is kinda funny.
It really is.
Whatever Liz
What has happened to our beloved BB? No one wants to take credit for anything until asking for votes.?
Good one Jason!
Hey your broadcast is about 2-min ahead of mine….
Oops. Sorry. Didn’t know.
No no it’s ok… I just think it’s funny that you were the world’s best psychic until I realized we must be on an extra edit time delay in our area…
What did he say? I was in the bathroom.
Just before the BoB Jason said in DR that seeing that if blank wall (that the bond we’re going to throw paint on), must be what the inside of Clays brain looks like. Lol
There you go Matthew. There’s your commercial tie in.
There was no Hayden last year.
Shhhh don’t tell them…
Hayden ??
Shhhh I said! ;) I think they’re trying to spell Jun right now.
Surfer dude?
I didn’t remember he was called Hayden.
Pretty sure it was him.
Hayd9n, if you’re James
When I hear Hayden, I think of the Hayden from a few year back that ended up on Survivor.
I liked him a lot better than last year’s.
Hey Volleyball is a great sport (so is hockey)… Me? I’m just some goof who likes to comment. ;)
My memory failed me.
Yeah near the beach.
Nicole’s Hayden.
Hayden with the long wavy blonde hair (like David’s).
Can someone explain to me how Vanessa losing HOH would’ve been a fool proof plan? If James and Liz were still on the block and someone wins the veto to save one of them, how would that have guaranteed that Jackie would’ve put up Austin? I guess it’s all moot now, but I just didn’t follow the logic. Vanessa being HOH is her best case scenario. I know she doesn’t want to get blood on her hands, but backdooring Austin wouldn’t have pissed off anyone but Austin and who cares, he’d be gone and not in the jury house.