Big Brother 16: Donny Tells Nicole He Expects To Be Evicted
Donny Thompson and Nicole Franzel sit stop the target list this week and there’s no question about it. As soon as the HoH comp was over we knew who’d go up and the Veto comp […]
Donny Thompson and Nicole Franzel sit stop the target list this week and there’s no question about it. As soon as the HoH comp was over we knew who’d go up and the Veto comp […]
Donny Thompson is sitting in the hot seat this week on Big Brother, but is there a chance for him to escape eviction from his seventh nomination of the season and third trip to the […]
They might be the most popular male and female HGs for the readers here, but Donny Thompson and Nicole Franzel aren’t finding a lot of support on the inside of the Big Brother 16 House. […]
Donny Thompson is easily one of the most aware and observant Houseguests on Big Brother 16, but unfortunately that knowledge has been coupled with a stunted social game and lack of true alliances. With the […]
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