Will Second Group Be Second Class Houseguests On Big Brother 16?

The speculation of teams pitted against each other for Big Brother 16 has become increasingly more plausible since we learned the HGs would be divided in to groups for move-in. Will those Groups soon become Teams? Production might be working to hard to make that happen.

Big Brother 16 Group 2 moves in
Big Brother 16 Group 2 moves in and celebrates in low grade – Source: CBS

Update: It was fun while it lasted, but nope! Group 2 does in fact receive champagne flutes. They just don’t use them. Go figure on that part. Anyway, we can see the fancy glasses on the table of this picture from another preview clip.

Last night we saw the first batch of eight Big Brother HGs move in and just as I suggested, and many of us had to see coming, they quickly bonded and formed an alliance. Now whether that lasts is yet to be seen, but by moving them in as an isolated group and giving them to the chance align against “The Others” the opportunity for teams is more organic.

You know how else you can divide people in to two groups pitted against each other? Class warfare! I think that just might be what Big Brother is set to do with this second group of Houseguests.

In the latest episode preview for tonight’s premiere part two we see Group 2 celebrating their arrival with champagne and juice, but wait, what’s that? Mason jars? Yes, in the picture above you can see Brittany and her surrounding fellow HGs hoisting mason jars together in a “cheers!” celebration.

Yesterday we watched Group 1 celebrate with champagne flutes as is tradition to the start of the season, but when the next batch of players arrive they’ll be demoted to “lesser” stemware. This is obviously an intended snub by production and will no doubt get some of these players miffed.

Maybe the attempt at “organically forcing” teams will end at the move-in events and the HGs will be left to their own devices to form alliances, but what if it’s more than that? What if there will be a Have-Not Team that swaps around through the season or heck, what if Group 2 is doomed to be Have-Nots until the twist is put to rest? What if it doesn’t stop at mason jars and Group 2 is degraded on multiple fronts as second class Houseguests in the game? So many possibilities!

As for the Have-Not room we’re still waiting to see it unveiled. So far we have the Wind, Earth, and Fire rooms with the Wind room being the last to be released by CBS. Photos had briefly floated around for an Ice room with hard beds and boy would that not be fun.

click images to see full-size views

If one of these current rooms is changed to be a HN set up then it’ll likely be the Wind room as that was the room used last season in the layout. Oddly though, during the Media Day coverage one participant claimed the Fire room was the active HN room with the alarm bells ringing at random times to awake HGs and torture them as HN rooms are designed to do. Hmm.

What do you think of Big Brother creating a tiered system of Houseguests this season? Would they go that far to drive a plot twist? Or would that be taking it too far? Share your thoughts!



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  1. Oh brother… here we go again with the wannabe models & divas… sigh… can we PLEASE get back to some regular people?

    • Heh. Yeah, we’ve gotten the “hot bods” & pretty faces for so long I’m not sure what there is to go back to. Still some “regular” people in there this season, but they’ll always have their eye candy.

      • Hey Matthew, glad to be back with you here. Yeah I don’t blame them for the eye candy (heck I’d be lying if I didn’t say I like the eye candy!) but, wouldn’t it be nice if there was only a few token eye candy people and the rest were ”normal” people like the first 7-8 seasons? Now it’s all eye candy and ridiculous personalities with one or two ”normal” people. sigh…

      • Television is where I go to get away from the “normal” of every day life. Normal, regular looking people are also not that interesting to watch in a setting like this.

      • Oh don’t get me wrong as I mentioned before the ”eye candy” is nice to look at, but does it really have to be all wannabe actors, models & divas? Can’t we have your neighbour from down the road who actually needs this money because he’s struggling with his mortgage payments like so many people are nowadays? I don’t see anything ”boring” in somebody fighting for the chance of a lifetime to help their families in a real way, instead of using the airtime to promote themselves and their aspiring acting/modeling dreams… And truthfully I find it way more interesting when everyday people are forced to compromise who they are instead of watching spoiled rich kids talk about why they’re the smartest & most deserving people on the planet.

  2. I hope it’s not class warfare. Any kind of group scenario is not good. Let them have at it without playing them against each other from the get go.

    • It’s a stretch, but just trying for a fun discussion on possibilities. This just just be one small snub, though I definitely think it was an intentional move by production if Group 2 doesn’t get flutes. Someone will notice and it’ll have the effect TPTB are hoping for.

      • I have to assume that the first 8 will be sequester in the backyard while the second group handle their celebration. Then after Julie’s announcement they will go to the backyard for their HOH comp and find the other 8 there, watching them.

  3. Paola’s face was on the extreme end of the frame, left side during that toast scene with Brittany holding their jars.

  4. I can’t wait to see the next 8 go in the house. Normally you run straight to the bedroom and drop your stuff on your bed. But the beds are already taken. Will the excitement of going in the house be diminished when they run in the bedrooms and see unmade beds, stuff on the dressers, etc. Kind of ruins the newness of it for the next 8. Could make them feel like guests in someone else’s house instead of equal players. Another instance of class warfare.

  5. Oh!! I know what they’re doing! They are copying BBAU! Thank the Big Brother Gods!!
    In BBAU they split up the house into have and have-nots from the very beginning. The have-nots had to sleep in one room with not enough beds, they had to eat at different times and the food was not as good, the backyard was roped off so they could not swim or get into the hot tub, and they had to do the “haves” laundry. After a week they competed and another group was chosen to be have nots, but those first early folks, chosen at random, remembered the sting of being a have not for no good reason. It was awesome and it did start the seeds for alliances that lasted even after they merged.

    • I was going to comment the same thing! I’m kind of happy, though, that they didn’t literally split the house like BBAU.

  6. Is there a reason that they’re celebrating in the kitchen and not the living room? I don’t think it’s fair if Group 1 gets time alone with each other and able to form an alliance against Group 2 who doesn’t even get that opportunity.

  7. I don’t think it would be fair if group 2 are automatically have-nots. Just because they were in the second group. Hopefully they all will have to compete. But who knows right…expect the unexpected! There are so many assumptions I just cannot wait to find out about all these twists.

    • Well, that depend. If they had a drawing of some sort, then luck is making the choice and it’s not unfair. You have to believe they (the producers) didn’t try to deliberately stir the game and are working to give every body a fair chance.

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