Scott Dennis – Big Brother Over The Top Eviction Interview

Scott Dennis fell victim to his own alliance this week on Big Brother Over The Top when the Ball Smashers sent him packing over turning out one of their own. Now on the outside of the BBOTT house he’s ready to reflect on his experience and discover what’s been going on in the game.

Scott Dennis loses it on BBOTT

We had the chance to speak with Scott today about Danielle’s broken Veto promise, flipping over to the PBS alliance, what he thinks of the secret relation between Alex and Morgan, and more. Read on to see what Scott had to say.

Big Brother Network (BBN): How surprised were you that Danielle broke her promise to save you with the Veto?

Scott Dennis: I was really shocked when she didn’t save me with the Veto. Not only did Danielle tell me I’d be taken off the Block if one of them won the Veto, Jason and Justin also told me I’d be taken off the Block as well. I was going in to that Veto meeting literally 85%-90% certain that the Veto would be used on me.

I even checked with Danielle in the morning just to let her know, “if you don’t use the Veto on me I’m pretty sure I’m going home because the girls will vote me out.” I didn’t want to overplay and really hammer it in to Danielle that she should keep me in the house because when three on the other side of the house tell you you’re going to come off the Block it doesn’t seem like a situation where you should overplay and potentially ruin a good thing that you already have going.

BBN: Speaking of the three girls voting you out, why did you decide to flip from the Jamboree over to a group where you’d likely be on the bottom of the list.

Scott Dennis: We formed the Jamboree on Day 2 and everyone had already disbanded the group on Day 4, so the Jamboree was no longer a thing. (Later in the call Scott learned the LNJ continued without him and Shelby.) I decided to flip to the girls in Week 2 because obviously when Alex won HoH, Alex had been my best friend in the house since Day 3 or 4 to the day I was evicted so I wanted to do whatever I could to support her HoH and her decisions. She stood up on [the sword HoH endurance comp] for three hours so I wanted to make sure her HoH went the way she wanted it to.

Basically I just had better friends on the other side of the house. Alex and Shelby were pretty much my two best friends since the first week and I really regret not listening to them when they told me I should keep Cornbread.

BBN: Regarding your closeness with Alex, how does the revelation that Alex and Morgan were sisters change your perception of your alliance with Alex?

Scott Dennis: It really doesn’t change a whole lot. I was actually really relieved that Alex is Morgan’s sister because as soon as Julie announced the game was going to end in a F3 instead of a F2, I literally felt like I had lost the game at that point. I was a Have-Not twice, still the only HG to be a HN twice, so I really felt like America really didn’t want to see me do well in the game or America didn’t want to see me win the game. So I decided I was going to put all my chips in Alex’s basket, so to speak, and hopefully just push her along as far as possible so she could win the game.

It didn’t change my perception at all of our relationship. One of the things I was really worried about was Whitney flipping to the other side of the house and teaming up with Justin and maybe Kryssie. I was really worried that Whitney would try to bring Morgan along on that and Morgan might flip to the other side of the house, turning on me, Alex, and Shelby since that was my core three. I’m really relieved. I really don’t think it would have changed my game at all if I knew they were sisters.

I absolutely support Alex and Shelby and hope they take it all the way to the end and now I hope Morgan does as well.

BBN: Readers want to know, during your dance routine in the lounge before the Veto results were revealed, what song was going through your head?

Scott Dennis: I dance to the rhythm of my own heart. I’m not sure if I had a particular song in my head. I couldn’t tell you. I have a lot of songs going through my head. I’m sure it was probably Rush or something. Those were the songs I was listening to Week 3 when I was HoH so it was probably one of those that was going through my head in Week 4.

BBN: Thank you, Scott.

The group call went on for another twenty minutes and Scott was very enthusiastic with his discussions. At one point he even disconnected after celebrating so hard over news of Shelby’s HoH win that he managed to hang up the phone. There was also talk of learning that Shelby was actually a law graduate and Scott said he knew she was very smart and noticed she’d question others’ jobs. And as for curses go, yes, Scott knew that the first HG in has never, ever won Big Brother US or Canada but had hoped to break the curse this season.

Scott will be back in the wild later today so I’m sure you can find him on Twitter before too much longer so his fans can look out for him soon.



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    • But we gave him one of the worst ones because we didn’t want to waste it on the houseguests we actually liked haha

    • I think at that point in the game many viewers liked him, plus he was on Alex’s side and she has a lot of fans. He became worse and arrogant after winning his HOH.

  1. I wanted to like Scott because I felt like he had potential as a superfan. Turns out he tried way too hard to be the villian.

    Hey Scott, if you wanna be the villian then don’t push yourself too hard. Play the game naturally and then we’ll see.

  2. When exactly did Alex tell Scott that Morgan was her sister? I missed that. I thought the whole house still didn’t know.

    • Julie told Scott in her interview after he got voted off the house still doesn’t know

  3. Scott didn’t have many fans, but I enjoyed watching him play this season. Yeah he could be odd at times, but there was no ill intent in his behavior. He seems like a pretty positive person.

    Scott had a real passion for the game and it’s good to see superfans get a chance in the house. We all complain about the number of recruits, personally I’d take another Scott type before another Corey, Paulie, or Clay.

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