Jeff Weldon – Big Brother 17 Eviction Interview – Update: Exclusive Pop TV Sneak Peek Clip From BBAD

Jeff: Not good. She’s basically floating her way through this right now. I’m sure you all see this. Her social game is not on point. It sounds selfish for me to say, but I feel like if it was in fairness of who should be left in the house right now, I absolutely think I should be in the house over Jackie.

While the rest of the cast, outside Jeff and Jackie, were reality TV newbies did his Amazing Race experience help prepare him? How much more difficult was Big Brother compared to Amazing Race?

Jeff: Amazing Race didn’t hold a candle to the stress you go through in the Big Brother house. BB is mayhem, it’s lies, it’s deceit, it’s a mental challenge basically. When you compare something that’s more physical to something that’s more mental, anything more mental is going to be more complex and difficult.

There may be over two months left in the season, but who does Jeff think will win it all? He’s got two answers on that for us.

Jeff: I have who I want to win and who has the best chance. I want James to win, but I think you might be shocked at who I think has the best shot. I think it’s Steve.

One thing that shocks me about Steve is that in the challenges he actually does pretty good. Even in the physical ones he does very well. Right now people underestimate him. He’s the underdog. I think the challenges later on are going to counter more to Steve and people aren’t targeting him. I really think that Steve has a shot at winning this.

His time on Big Brother 17 is over, but what will Jeff look back and remember the most as a happy part of his experience there?

Jeff: I think the happiest memory I have in Big Brother comes down to two things: the bond that James and I shared and having fun with Meg. I thoroughly enjoyed pulling pranks and making fun of people with James, but even though I hate Austin’s game play, my podcasts with him, I enjoyed those thoroughly.

What’s next for Jeff? He’s got most of his summer left to go out there and do something.

Jeff: I’m unemployed since I quit my job to go on the show. I’m going to either continue to do sales or honestly, it sounds crazy and weird, but I actually really like hosting. Who knows, maybe I could fall in to it.

Back out in to the world Jeff Weldon goes and For his fans that want to find him online once he’s back home Jeff will be on Twitter (@Jweldon21) and Instagram (Jdweldon).



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  1. Was never a Jeff fan, but now I wish he were still in the house so we could see an Austin blow up.

  2. The Austin/Liz/Julia/Jeff thing could have really stirred up some serious entertainment. I would not have wanted Jeff to win, but at this time of the season, I’d have to say that he was adding more to the mix than James. I hope James comes alive soon.

  3. Where did you get this interview from? At Thursdays live eviction, when Julie asked Jeff about Jackie, he said he felt she could win it, not that she was floating.

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