Jeff & Jordan’s Baby Has Arrived! – Meet Lawson Keith Schroeder [PICS]

When Jeff Schroeder showed up in the Big Brother Over The Top house this week he teased that Jordan Lloyd was very close to giving birth, he wasnโ€™t exaggerating. Jordan and Jeff welcomed their first child into the world today.

Jeff & Jordan baby announcement

News broke earlier that Jeff & Jordan’s baby boy was born to a happy and healthy mother with our first look at the future Big Brother 41 contestant. Read on for the beautiful photo.

Jeff announced on Twitter just before 3PM on Thursday that the couple had a baby boy and have named him Lawson Keith Schroeder, adding that Jordan did great. From the looks of their first mother and son photo everyone is doing very well.

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Welcome to the world Lawson Keith Schroeder. @bbjordanlloyd did great! ??? #family

— Jeff Schroeder (@jeffschroeder23) October 13, 2016

Jeff and Jordan were having a surprise baby shower in just the past few days so this baby is arriving to a lot of big, warm welcomes for sure. We’ll have to keep an eye out for even more Jeff & Jordan baby photos to share!

click images to see full-size views

This happy addition to their family marks the second Big Brother baby after fellow alumni Rachel and Brendon’s beautiful little girl Adora.

Image source: @jeffschroeder23 & @bbjordanlloyd



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  1. SO HAPPY for Jeff and Jordan and the addition of their beautiful baby boy, Lawson, to their now growing family. I hope to see him as a contestant , someday, on Big Brother . <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  2. I’m just not a fan of Jeff, he’s a homophobe and if you watched his first season you’ll notice that he has a possible dark vein of intolerance, I was surprised and disappointed that CBS gave him the gig. There are other more personable former contestants that would have served us fans better..I like the Doc from season two.. who would you like to see?

  3. Congradulations Jordan and Jeff on your first and new baby boy. And may God bless your all.

    Love Cheryl, a HUGE Big Brother Fan from Chicago, like my man Jeff. Much love and well being to you both, and your baby.

  4. Ok, I just noticed that I am a year late…lol…lol…But still, Best wishes. Better late than never…

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