My Big Brother 16 cast interviews had some audio difficulties when originally uploaded late last week, but thankfully I’ve been able to rework them & now have new versions with much improved sound.
If you had trouble hearing some of my interviews, especially the soft spoken Amber video, then these new versions should correct that issue. Turns out the cause was rooted in a sound scrubber I used in the video editing software. From the myriad options available I had selected “Noise Reducer” instead of “Noise Fader” to cut back on the background static. Apparently it caused a drastic change and one I didn’t catch in the mad rush to get these done before the deadline.
Now I’ve got the all new and much louder versions available for you on YouTube where you’re welcome to share and embed away to your heart’s content. The old versions will still be available if you’ve already placed the originals on your own fan site or shared them elsewhere with friends. I’ll have a link on each of those pointing to the better editions.
Again my apologies for the audio errors. Nothing more frustrating than exerting that energy, time, and cost to produce a sub-standard product for you. It definitely won’t happen again next year!
Of course this also means you’ll need to share all new comments on the new YouTube listings and help run up the viewings on your favorite Houseguests!
Big Brother 16 cast interviews – Version 2.0: [YouTube Playlist Link]
Amber Borzotra:
Brittany Martinez:
Caleb Reynolds:
Christine Brecht:
Cody Calafiore:
Derrick Levasseur:
Devin Shepherd:
Donny Thompson:
Frankie Grande:
Hayden Voss:
Jocasta Odom:
Joey Van Pelt:
Nicole Franzel:
Paola Shea:
Victoria Rafaeli:
Zach Rance:
Thanks Matt.
BTW did you catch this thing about Caleb ? Seems to me Kassting should have done a better jobs of checking the social media site to weed out the people like the one that spoiled the BB game last year.
Altought he probably has been warn by now not to aired his view, the scandal has already taken a life of his own.
I think what’s even sad is that I heard some fans were sending threats to Caleb’s family, which is as much of a low-blow as saying that is deemed offensive.
Hopefully things work out for everyone in a good way.
Very sad. But not very surprising. That’s the way left-wing zealots handle everything they disagree with these days. Thankfully they are only a small minority and don’t reflect what America is all about.
I did see the Caleb mess. Very disappointing, but after last year’s disaster I’m waiting to see what he does inside the house rather than damning the season for something he did before it.
If he’s foolish enough to open his mouth with anything like that on the show/Feeds then we’ll tackle it here on the site. I hope it doesn’t come to that.
I agree with you, I hope we have better thing to talk about throughout the season.
Hmmm.. Pretty decent casts. We have a cop !..but this guy Devin, doesn’t want to lie, wants to be the the HOH right on the get go, and wants to win all the Good luck ! lol
Wasn’t it what Howard was saying also last year ?
Yeah ! lol