Exclusive: ‘Big Brother After Dark’ On Move To TVGN: “No Difference” Says TVGN Senior VP


Update: Clearly we were told incorrect information by TVGN. BBAD on TVGN is most definitely still censored (BBAD on Slice is not). We are following up with TVGN to ask why it is being censored and why we were explicitly told it would not be when it most definitely is.

Since the announcement that Big Brother 15‘s “After Dark” series will be moving from Showtime’s SHO2 to the TVGN channel, CBS’s new venture, some fans have loudly championed a return to the old over fears of what this change would mean to their beloved Big Brother After Dark” episodes. Would the series still be uncensored? What about all the commercials? What’s all this about “curated live feeds”?

Looking to answer many of these unknowns I turned to TVGN’s Leslie Furuta, the Senior Vice President of Communications and Media Relations. Ms. Furuta provided detailed answers to every question we asked and the information she gave us should make a lot of “After Dark” fans very happy.

Will “Big Brother After Dark” be censored on TVGN?:

The biggest question we heard from many fans was whether or not “After Dark” would lose its uncensored privileges when moving from a premium channel to basic cable. “Fans aren’t going to miss out on any context or hot moments happening on “After Dark,” said Leslie Furuta. She went on to explain that while TVGN must adhere to basic cable standards things are already very relaxed during the late night hours. So there you have it. No, “After Dark” will not be censored on TVGN. But wait. There’s more!

What does “Curated Live Feeds” mean for BB15’s “After Dark”?:

We’ve seen over and over again the phrase “curated live feeds” when discussing the 2013 summer season of “Big Brother After Dark.” Yesterday we speculated what this could mean and whether it was just another way of saying there’d be camera selection to avoid views of empty rooms. Turns out that’s exactly it.

“‘Curated’ is just a fancy word we used to indicated that we will bring viewers to where the action in the house is happening,” explained Leslie Furuta. So again, “curated” does not mean “monitored to prevent viewers from seeing something naughty.” It’ll be a “guided tour,” with your best viewing interests in mind.

Will there be commercials on TVGN’s “After Dark”?:

CBS already announced BBAD would run commercial free for the entire first week of the series, but what’s going to happen after that? TVGN will air BBAD with “a shorter, limited commercial load,” she said. Presumably this will be similar to what we were used to seeing on SHO2’s version which did include occasional commercials throughout the show each night.

Will BBAD on TVGN be split-screen with programming guides?:

In its former life, the TV Guide Channel offered a scrolling programming guide alongside television shows. Some readers have expressed fears that Big Brother’s “After Dark” would have to share its screen with “what’s currently airing on QVC?” Not the case at all. Ms. Furuta confirmed that “Big Brother After Dark” would “air in full-screen with no guide.”

To sum it all up, Furuta explained, “there is literally no difference between “Big Brother: After Dark” on TVGN and past season of the show previously on SHO2.”

The TVGN channel is available to 80 million homes and 85% of those homes run its programming sans guide. If you’re wondering whether or not you’ll be able to watch “Big Brother After Dark” on its new home, then visit http://www.tvgn.tv and click on the red box titled “TVGN Channel Finder,” enter your zip code, and find its channel number with your provider.

Now with a full picture about what this change means, how do you feel about “Big Brother After Dark” moving to TVGN? Of course you should check out the Live Feeds as well, but BBAD is a great supplement to the Big Brother experience.

Thank you to TVGN and Leslie Furuta for providing detailed, additional insight to the upcoming season of “Big Brother After Dark” on its new home.



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  1. Big mistake CBS, moving to a channel many loyal fans can’t even get because it isn’t available with our provider is just plain bad business even if you do own the channel. Good thing I always subscribe to live feeds. Bad move CBS!!!

    • Don’t you realize by buying the live feeds you are falling right into their plans. CBS knows the fans will just order the feeds which is why they dont care. We need to all stick together and not order the live feeds or watch the cbs version either.

  2. I get that they won’t bleep bad words, but I imagine they’ll blur nudity.

  3. Sounds good. When she says there will be no differences, i’m assuming that means all the streaking, slip of the towels and under covers antics will still be included. It’s hard to blur any sudden nudity unless they have a 5 second delay (which it seems as if they won’t). I still think switching to TVGN is not the best idea they”ve had since it’s not available to some loyal fans. Maybe it’s their way of enticing us to buy the feeds. I suppose it’s a trade off of 2 hours instead of 3 on a channel not everyone can get versus lower live feed pricing for earlybird signups. It’s ok to tweek a good recipe as long as it doesn’t spoil the whole experience. They’ve assured us it won’t. Guess we’ll wait and see.


  5. Just to let people know showtime was harder to get. Then TVGN. TVGN is given to everybody with dish, Comcast. Showtime you have to buy it

    • TVGN is whats hard to get. I have cable with suddenlink and they don’t offer that channel and I am pissed.

  6. Optimum doesn’t carry it as I am in NJ so we can’t watch it unless we get Dish or direct TV. That is no good for us. They better do something about it.

      • Why? There were many people who couldn’t watch because it was on Showtime and they couldn’t afford the extra charge. It’s a wash.

  7. If you don’t get TVGN, let your service provider know you want it. I think it’s better for CBS to put BBAD on a channel that more people will be watching and they can get new viewers. Good ratings means we will continue to get BB in the coming years.

    • and what about the faithful viewers who have been watching for the past 15 seasons….its just too bad that Brooklyn cablevision customers cant watch this anymore? Not fair……you’re sacrificing the loyal viewers in order to gain new ones. Not good for Public relations!!

      • Hey I don’t work for them, I was just trying to look at the bright side.
        What can I tell you? Tell Brooklyn cable you want the show. Or don’t. Have a nice summer.

    • Yea I’ll let my cable provider know. Then six years from now if and when they ever get it I can have missed this season and many more. Genius.

      • You can still watch the live feeds and the show. You wouldn’t be missing the season at all.
        I’d be mad too if I couldn’t watch BBAD but I can see how it makes sense for CBS. A free cable channel will be seen be a lot more people than a premium channel you have to pay extra for.
        If people don’t tell their carriers they want the channel how will they know?

  8. But still….NO BB live feeds for Canada! I would think that is a lot of lost revenue. Oh well I won’t be watching the tv show this year either. It is a voyaristic program and it’s the live feeds that make it all worth while. Kinda sad about it actually, :(

  9. We don’t get this channel in Corpus Christi, Texas. I will miss watching big brother after dark. That really made it for me. I am bummed. I hope they can fix it for all of us that do not receive this private channel.

  10. The conclusion the writer draws after the first question is completely wrong and not what the executive said at all, assuming they were quoted correctly. They said they were going to be censored to adhere to basic cables late night standards. What about the answer to the question leads the writer to believe that “no” the feeds won’t be censored when the lady’s answer was clearly “yes” they will be.

    • I see what you mean. When she says “fans won’t miss out on any context or hot moments”, that can be taken 2 ways. Context meaning parts of the conversation that are relevant to the situation…not necessarily the whole conversation and hot could mean the fiery exchanges between hg…not the nudity. Some of the talking heads are good at double speak. That’s why i’m taking a wait and see attitude.

  11. Charter has TVGN, but not in HD as it was on Showtime2. But, since we’re beggars, we can’t be choosey.

    • No worries. BBAD hasn’t ever been in HD, so even if the channel were HD, like SHO2, the actual content is still SD. You won’t miss any quality between the two channels this year for BBAD.

  12. I’m happy! I have the TVGN but I didn’t have Showtime and didn’t want to have to pay for it just to get BB. So…thank you BB!!!!

  13. Wow I’ve never seen a bunch of big ass baby’s bitching…it’s now free to a lot of people who could not afford Showtime it’s live that means it’s showing the same as the feeds..So if you want it so bad drop Showtime for a couple of months and buy the 3 month package and you will after dark and 21 hours..I bought it yesterday for around $22.00 for all three months I think it expires soon…I hated I had to order Showtime for three months every year no I don’t…it’s free….your welcome.

  14. I don’t know if other Canadians have heard yet but Slice channel will be showing BBAD. I just set all my PVR timers!

  15. Leslie Furuta should revise her statement regarding censorship on BBAD…I’m watching it now and all conversation is censored as I haven’t heard not even one “bad” word uttered just dead air when they are talking…why was this move to TVGN made…you’ve lost me

    • It’s not censored on the Slice channel for Canadians. Every other word is cussing… I’m no prude but if it is censored, you wouldn’t hear much cuz that’s all they do is cuss,

  16. Well… Leslie lied to Big Brother fans… I’m not wanting to watch the show for the cussing and nudity aspect of the show… I want to watch it because it let’s you get into the game. You get to hear them talk strategy and all of that good stuff. Well, since everything is censored now, I’m listening to the conversations and I’m hearing dead air in the middle of the sentence! Then, I get lost. It’s ridiculous. Big Brother kind of lost me here. I’m glad that others get to watch it, but most of them aren’t going to understand what is going on with it either because of the censers. I wonder though… Why, since it’s after dark, can they not have cussing on the show? I mean, Nick Jr. has a show after 10:00 for mom’s that talks about sex and sex toys. So, why can’t they just Leave well enough alone? Oh well.

  17. It’s not even shown in full screen on Comcast. It’s a tiny squished video on the top with 5 lines scrolling listings grid.

    • The programing grid is still there and now the video is zoomed in and poorly cropped.

  18. Commercials STINK BB15! We watched all week with none and then the weekend you throw them in. We want Showtime back! Well gotta fast forward here’s another commercial! UGH!!!!

  19. The commercials are 10 or more at 3 minutes each. BB add that up. I watched BB and only last Thursday and Friday was commercial free. Saturday started commercials so were do you get a week free without commercials. NOT!!! I want Showtime back! I also heard of the two cast mates that lost they’re jobs well we did not see it..

6 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. BBAD: Will not be censored | Welcome to Big Brother & Survivor!
  2. Big Brother After Dark To Remain Uncensored On TVGN | Big Big Brother
  3. Big Brother 15 Pre-Season Updates and Stuff
  4. ‘Big Brother 15′ PSA: “After Dark” Is No Longer On Showtime | Big Brother Network
  5. Big Brother 15 Live Feeds – Week 1 Wednesday Night Overview | Big Brother Network
  6. Big Brother After Dark: TVGN Revises “No Difference” Censorship Stance | Big Brother Network

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