‘Celebrity Big Brother’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH Round 2?

Big Brother HoH competition

The first eviction for Big Brother’s Celebrity Edition ended without a new power in control which actually worked out pretty well for Feedsters. We saw anger and strong reactions to the blindside vote for Chuck to go as both sides prepared to battle for control in the next round. Now that’s been decided.

Shannon knew she had just moved up to the top of the list for targets on the opposing side with Omarosa and Keshia. Meanwhile, those two knew it was likely do-or-die for their game in this latest competition.

Shannon might be able to spell ridiculously long words in Veto comps, but I wasn’t so sure she made the right long-term choice there this last round by flipping the vote and ripping up her alliance. Would it come back to bite her so soon though? Feeds were down for over six hours, but now we have the spoilers.

Celebrity Big Brother Round 2 HoH Comp:

  • Ross Mathews won HoH

Looks like Shannon should be safe with this situation since Ross was one of the votes to help keep James. The obvious choice for nominations will be Omarosa and Keshia after that blindside left them angry (rightfully so) with the vote-flippers. Ross told Marissa that he won’t Backdoor the targets so they should be going up from the start and will have a chance at Veto.

Metta wants to be the next to go as he’s been trying to leave, but Ross told him earlier that he might have to wait another round. Sounds like Ross has a bigger target in mind.

Speaking of targets, it sounds like Omarosa was actually hit and injured (not badly) during the comp. This seems to have been the spin-and-bowl comp which lead to Marissa hitting Omarosa with a ball Correction: Asthma-related incident. And apparently, Omarosa had to go get medical care over it. Surely Omarosa would never be dramatic and inflate a small situation to seem like a bigger deal than it is, right??

Nominations will be coming up soon and we’ll keep watching for the spoilers for you.

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  1. Way to go Ross! Marissa hit Omarosa with a ball? I know I shouldn’t laugh about someone getting hurt but I just can’t help myself – hey, apparently it wasn’t serious :)

  2. she did the same thing when she was on the first season of apprentice…got a little bump on the head when they were rehabing a motel…the other contestants said she left because she is adverse to hard work…..she will play the pity card if she is put up and if she is god hoping voted out..

  3. I’m really enjoying this edition of bb – they actually landed some decent talent and entertaining mix of personalities.

    Is it really only a 3-week run, though?

      • LOL No! I’m finding this a refreshing change from the horrors of Paul & Nicorey the past couple of seasons😸🙀😀

    • Actually it’s only 2 1/2 weeks….with 4 episodes per week. It’s CBSs idea of counter programming the Olympics. CBS Said the “stars” (wink wink,nudge nudge) were too busy to spend more than 3 weeks. They all need to get back to their day jobs sweeping Mickey D’s parking lots. I’m liking Ross and Shannon (anyone who has a sanctuary in Africa to protect endangered animals is AAA+++ in my book,-Shannon). I hope one of them wins.
      Hating Omoo,Keisha.James,Mark(idiot !).Sorry to see Chuck go. What a dumb move., Pretty boty James with the dead/empty eyes and the great hair should have gone.

      • LOL I definitely think Shannon is simply awesome as a human being and a player.

        And not only has she sacrificed a great deal setting up the animal sanctuary, she is doing it in one of the most DANGEROUS cities in the world-esp for white women to be honest (if politically incorrect).

        Ross is growing on me esp since he helped Shannon make the right decision on the POV.

        I can’t say I strongly dislike any of the rest of them, though-not even Omarosa. In previous seasons I’ve developed immediate and profound dislike for at least a few players right out of the gate, but not this season.

  4. “Black Girl Magic?” This is the card that Knight Pulliam and Omarosa are pulling? Are they SERIOUS? Can you imagine the reaction if, say, Shannon and Marissa decided they would be “White Girl Magic?” I can only hope that AG warns the “BMG” to knock off their racist name.

  5. I missed the episode. Did Assaroma get a penalty? Peacock costume? How long is she gonna have that on?

  6. I am so happy my fave Ross won HOH. I hope Oma and Brandi are on the block.
    I think Keisha won’t be such a B without Oma there to support her.

  7. Omarosa was put into Big Brother by Julie Chen to stir stir up the political agenda against Trump. People its all about ratings, not about the people who actually take part in the reality show. Julie is married to president of CBS, so its all about increasing ratings and nothing else. I Used to like watching Big Brother- but this Celebrity Big Brother is joke. It has come to be a political show not a reality show. As far as Omarosa is concerned- she is Drama Queen- she’ll say or do anything to further her career.

    • “As far as Omarosa is concerned- she is Drama Queen- she’ll say or do anything to further her career.”
      The same can be said about her former boss. And, that includes trying to destroy this country.

    • No, she did not. She worked for Al Gore & later was moved to Bill
      Clinton’s side of the White House.

      • Another anonymous source quoted in the People article said Manigault was “banished from two jobs in four years” in the Clinton White House, as she moved first to the administration’s personnel office and later to the Department of Commerce. Manigault held two positions at the Commerce Department, and was “bounced” from the first “because she couldn’t get along with people,” according to the magazine.

  8. Kim per your comment Omarosa has been a part of Democratic camp for years and probably would have worked for Hillary campaign if given the opportunity. However, Trump was gracious enough to give her shot. Now she bites the hand that fed her.

    • I agree. Oma is an opportunist. She will jump on any “band wagon” she thinks will offer her the best advantage to find fame & fortune.
      It has been reported by multiple sources that she was outraged when she was fired & even had to be restrained as she tried to reach DT in an attempt to have him personally reverse the decision. And then was removed from the White House by security.
      Now she appears on BB weeping crocodile tears about how bad things are at the White House. IMO, she just here to hype her upcoming book.

  9. Kim, Although we have different political opinions,at least we are civil in our discussions. Why can’t other people follow that example, instead of calling each other names.

    • I agree that we should be civil even when we disagree. When people have to resort to name calling & personal insults to prove thier point, IMO that really have no point to begin with, just dogma.

    • If they didn’t mind, you shouldn’t either.
      It was hilarious. And they still looked like men. Chill.

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