Celebrity Big Brother: Nomination Anticipation Round 3

Marissa and Ari on Celebrity Big Brother

Nominations are coming up today for the Celebrity Big Brother HGs as nine celebs remain and the battle for control continues. After last night’s eviction driven by tearful pleas, we should be back to targeting players hoping to stay in the game this round.

The new Head of Household was crowned overnight and the targets were quickly set though not everyone in the alliance of four was on the same page. But by the end of the night, things to have settled to the obvious choices and the noms should be ready to be revealed.

Ari and Brandi lit the fuse on targeting Shannon last round with their Backdoor plan but between Ross’s worries and Keshia’s pleas, the opportunity was abandoned. Not this time. Brandi and Ari agreed that Shannon should be the one to go this week, but if they couldn’t get her then James would suffice.

At first, Ross wanted to try another BD plan for Shannon, but the ladies in his F4 with Ari, Brandi, and Marissa weren’t in agreement. Flashback to 1:40 AM BBT last night on the Feeds as Marissa lets the women know what Ross suggested. After he arrives the group discusses their options. Brandi and Ari argue that by immediately nominating Shannon and James then they can be sure to have a shot to evict at least one of them in this round.

Shannon is the top target for Ari while James would be the alternative should Shannon win Veto this round or otherwise escape the Block. The group knows those two could end up fighting for each other if they aren’t up together so it’s the best way to make sure they’re split.

Of course, this is Big Brother and you never know what wacky twist could pop up and thwart this plan, but the logic is good. It’s always a risk that both could stay if they aren’t on the Block together and they’re doing the right thing with their best odds to split those two up.

When the results are revealed we can expect Ari to have nominated James and Shannon.

We’ll have the spoilers as soon as things are confirmed on the Feeds. Download our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates for lots more Big Brother coverage.

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  1. Ross is worse than a blabbering gossipy female. I’m glad he doesn’t get his period. lol

      • Maybe a tad, lol, but a Frankie Grande he is not, thank God! Ross can be irritating sometimes and funny at others, but to me, he is as likable as any of the rest of them.

      • I liked Ross until he turned on Shannon, but I’d take him any day over Frankie! Ross is also playing both sides which could either take him to the end or on the block this week.

    • I love Ross, I have watched him for several years on RuPaul’s Drag Race. I think my favorite is that he puts it out there on somethings and whispers on others. The funniest thing is he can tell where all the cameras are located and loves watching people from the HOH room.

      • The closest I will ever get to watching RDR is if I am in a straight jacket or otherwise confined and unable to free myself. My sense of humor doesn’t get it. I guess that is why I was cracking up at Shannon getting so upset. I have a different sense of humor than many, maybe most.

      • I’m already tired of hearing Ross and Marissa talk all the time. They’re getting way too comfortable in there so AG needs to think up a new twist fast to keep them from getting too smug and/or considering themselves super players.

        If Shannon is nominated that would be a great time to have a twist that takes Shannon not only off the block but also the power to nominate 2 new people.

        The Metta situation doesn’t make any sense to me either and I can’t figure this guy out although I will say that he’s acting like a big baby half the time.
        Other than that everyone else seem to be acting in a mature manner.

      • I know people think Metta/Ron is funny but his presence is kind of an insult to actual fans of the game. He is a placeholder, pure and simple. Doesnโ€™t know the game, probably has more $$ than several HG put together, and is allowed to leave the game at least twice with no penalty. Heโ€™s like the Master P of BB.

      • I can see why anyone would feel that Metta is an insult to the game. You would think he would ask a few questions about the show before signing the contract. Let’s face it, he feels entitled to be there otherwise he wouldn’t have left the house a couple of times.

        It’s only fair that AG comes up with a twist that sends Metta home next. He’s not even bothering to play the game so he needs to go next.

      • Yes, that would be more fair than allowing Ron to stay there over anyone else actually playing the game. However, I have a sneaking feeling that production wants Shannon out, now.

      • Oh no! Say it ain’t so! Why would production want Shannon out when she’s been #1 in the polls from the beginning? Please, spill everything you know about this!

      • I donโ€™t know anything and wonโ€™t act like I do, because Iโ€™m not Omarosa lol! Iโ€™m just thinking about a certain chain of events: Ross and Marissa absolutely obsessing about the โ€˜opticsโ€™ of evicting Keisha, Omarosa and Metta too soon. Shannon could have cared less, and was simply trying to play the game when she flipped the vote. O calls Shannon racist, and before we know if, Marissa is suggesting that they evict Shannon. Meanwhile, we have Julie apearing to promoting Omarosa and her stories, probably because of ratings. Iโ€™d really like to be wrong, but the sudden need to evict Shannon who was supposed to be Marissaโ€™s friend, seems pretty fishy.

      • You must have the feeds because I was completely unaware about the ‘optics’ angle – I hope the DR didn’t point this out to them.
        I couldn’t believe how quick ‘friend’ Marissa turned on Shannon either, but it made me dislike her intensely. I’m afraid we’re stuck with Omarosa for awhile then – that was one reason I thought Shannon should team up with Omarosa.

      • Yeah, Iโ€™m not on feeds all the time, but unfortunately watched the โ€˜opticsโ€™ discussion before the first eviction. BGM was trying to bully Shannon into voting out Chuck. She said no, Chuck gets evicted 7-1, and Shannonโ€™s fate is sealed. Keisha had not quit, Shannon would already be gone. Go figure.

      • Totally agree with you here. Both Ross and Marissa (AKA Omarissa), are just as conniving as they say Shannon is. From what I’ve seen Shannon has been honest and faithful to her alliance of James, Omarissa, and Ross. As far as I can tell she has not formed another alliance like Ross and Omarissa have with Brandi and Ari.

        Shannon was shunned by Brandi and Ari when they found out about the alliance she had with Omarosa to form an all girl alliance. Can you imagine what Brari will do when they find out that Ross and Omarissa have a side alliance.

        If I were James and Shannon and got evicted I would make damn sure that the entire household knew that Ross and Omarissa also had a side alliance with me. That would be a drop the mic episode.

      • That’s what is driving me crazy – no one in the house will spill the beans on Ross’s shady behavior. I hope he’s not one of AG’s pets!
        Ross also has a deal with Mark who seems to be clueless. I keep waiting for him to blab all he knows to his buddy James but this isn’t happening.

        The oh so pious behavior by Ross and his frizzy haired harpy sidekick Marissa is so ridiculous. Marissa had fallen way down in the Jokers poll too. I don’t mind them playing the game hard at all but they’re being so hypocritical about it. If they want to play the villain fine, just own it.

  2. I don’t care.
    Apparently Julie is very excited that Oma is getting them a lot of views and attention.
    On the Talk she asked the others and audience if they thought Oma was telling the truth. No one believes her, so why keep her around if she is obviously making things up.

  3. Piers Morgan claims that Omarosa offered him her body if he would let her win Celebrity Apprentice. That must have given Piers nightmares.

    • Yikes!! Iโ€™m not a fan of her or Piers, but he is one of the few people who doesnโ€™t act all scired of her. Him and Brandi lol.

      • The reason for Omarosa being fired from the WH has also become public today. She was using a car in the WH motorcade for personal use to and from work. When Kelly found out he called her into his office and fired her. She then tries to storm the WH doors to directly speak to Mr. Trump, but since she accidentally tripped off a security monitor she was immediately escorted off the ground by the SS.

      • Wow. So ironic that a reality TV โ€˜starโ€™ is so far removed from actual reality. If she continues to share her own version of โ€˜newsโ€™ there may be more info yet to come about her stint in the WH. Thanks for sharing!

      • I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything else. I hope Omarosa is investigated for tax fraud or something after her BB stint is over ha!
        Have you heard anything about BB ratings so far?
        After Shannon goes I don’t think I’ll keep watching, I’m finding so many of them unlikable.

  4. I guess we can expect fireworks right away, then, once Shannon knows she’s getting stabbed in the back.

    • From the info at Jokers I’m getting the suspicion that she’s giving up. Which might not be a bad strategy. If she refuses to engage in fighting to remain they will have to find someone else to turn into a demon that must be evicted immediately.
      It could be Ross if he doesn’t stop playing both sides.

      It’s not like they have a lot to do in there other than talk about each other.

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