‘Celebrity Big Brother 3’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night? Double Eviction Results

Julie Chen hosts Celebrity Big Brother

The Double Eviction arrived for Celebrity Big Brother on Monday as the remaining five Houseguests were ready to battle it out for a seat in the season finale on Wednesday. Two more HGs were out the door in a lightning round of events starting with the Veto comp and ceremony before another eviction and then they did it all again.

Todrick held the HOH power at the start of the night which means he’s guaranteed a spot in the F4, but beyond that anything was possible. Read on to find out who was voted out last night on Big Brother.

Todrick sent Todd and Lamar to the Block while trying to protect his preferred F3 with Miesha and Cynthia. He’ll need to lockdown that Veto though if he wants to guarantee their safety.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Results – Round 6 Veto Comp:

  • Round 1: Miesha beats Cynthia
  • Round 2: Todd beats Todrick
  • Round 3: Miesha beats Lamar
  • Round 4: Todd beats Miesha
  • Todd wins Veto

HGs had to ride a luge down the lane and be closest to the designated time. It’s knockout-style eliminations.

The Veto holder will have the chance to change up those nominations or leave them just as they are.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Results – Round 6 Veto Ceremony:

  • Todd saves himself
  • Todrick renoms Cynthia
  • Final noms: Cynthia & Lamar

Only two votes this round and from the Feeds we’ve heard threats of pushing for a tiebreaker to put as much blame on the HOH as possible here. That’s a good move when we’re this close to the Jury votes.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Results – Round 6 Votes:

  • Miesha votes to evict: Lamar
  • Todd votes to evict: Cynthia
  • Tied! Todrick will need to tiebreak
  • Todrick votes to evict: Lamar

By a vote of 2-1, Lamar has been evicted from CBB3.

First round is down. Time to go through it all again! Part two of the doubleheader is coming up next on CBB3.

Todrick will have to sit on the sidelines for this one as Todd and Cynthia take on Miesha for safety and a spot in the F3.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Results – Round 6.5 HOH:

  • Round 1: Todd gets a point
  • Round 2: Todd gets a point
  • Round 3: Miesha gets a point
  • Round 4: Cynthia gets a point
  • Round 5: Cynthia gets a point
  • Round 6: Miesha gets a point
  • Round 7: Miesha gets a point
  • Miesha wins HOH

Three options and two nominations. One HG stays down to vote but the Veto could change all of that.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Results – Round 6.5 Nominations:

  • HOH nominates: Todd & Cynthia

Either the Veto winner or the HOH’s designee will be the sole vote in this second round so the pressure is on for this Veto competition. Only Miesha is completely safe from eviction this round and moves onto F3.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Results – Round 6.5 Veto Comp:

  • Round 1: Miesha & Todrick get a point
  • Round 2: Todrick gets a point
  • Round 3: Todrick & Cynthia get a point
  • Round 4: Miesha & Todrick get a point
  • Round 5: Todd gets a point
  • Round 6: Miesha gets a point
  • Round 7: Todrick gets a point
  • Round 8: Miesha gets a point
  • Round 9: Miesha gets a point
  • Tiebreaker: Miesha
  • Miesha wins Veto

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Results – Round 6.5 Veto Ceremony:

  • Miesha did not use the Veto
  • Final noms: Cynthia & Todd

One vote is all it takes to set our final three HGs for Celebrity Big Brother! Let’s see who makes the cut.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Results – Round 6.5 Vote:

  • Todrick votes to evict: Todd

Julie reveals what we suspected. America will be the 9th vote since Kattan bailed. Our vote only comes into play in the case of a tie. That’s not likely with a Miesha vs Todrick F2. Todrick will be lucky to get 2 votes, I’d wager.

After the show, we’ll be heading back to the Live Feeds to watch the fallout over who was evicted and the final days of the season. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!

Reminder: The season finale is this Wednesday, February 23rd at 8/7c!

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