Celebrity Big Brother 3 Eviction Prediction: Who Is Going Home Round 6?

It’s another eviction day in the Celebrity Big Brother house, and this time there will be two. That’s right, it’s double eviction day. So that means we once again have the impossible task of making a prediction on who will be going home tonight.

Of course the first round will be a little easier to call (MAYBE), but the second one can be anyone’s guess. Let’s discuss.

First of all, as we saw in Sunday night’s episode, Todrick nominated Lamar and Todd for eviction. What you might not know is Todd won the Power of Veto, and will likely use it on himself tonight. In that case, the nominees will be Lamar and Cynthia. And Todrick and Miesha have been planning to take Cynthia to the Final 3 because she’d be easy to beat in the competitions. So it seems like Lamar should be going home first tonight. But there has been some flip-flopping so we can’t be totally sure. I’m going to make a prediction that Lamar will actually go.

Here’s how the votes could play out.

Votes to evict Lamar: Miesha

Votes to evict Cynthia: Todd

Todrick breaks the tie to send Lamar out. Or maybe he will convince Todd to not make him do that. He really doesn’t want to do that, and has even tried to get Todd to not use the veto. So really anything can happen, but I’m going to go with Lamar as the first evictee tonight. I think Miesha wondered if they should flip back to Cynthia, but Todrick promised Cynthia he wouldn’t send her out. Todd does really want to make Todrick break the tie though, so he plans to vote the opposite of Miesha. So we can’t be sure how the two votes will fall.

As for the second round, I think Todd will be their target, but if he or Cynthia win HOH (haha), Todrick could be in big trouble. But let’s face it, Miesha will likely win HOH and then Todd will go home second tonight.

Who do you think will be evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother house tonight?



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