Celebrity Big Brother 3 Spoilers: Round 2 Nominations

Nominations Today on Big Brother

Nomination spoilers are in for the latest round of Celebrity Big Brother 3 as the new Head of Household has revealed his decision. Two HGs are being sent to the Block to compete for safety in the Veto comp and then face possible eviction in the next vote.

Early on in the day Kirkpatrick, the new HOH, decided on his target as Mirai but then the question became how he could best assure her eviction and who would make the best pawn/co-nom. It looked like that would be Lamar and Kirkpatrick even got Lamar to agree to the idea. Seems that didn’t hold though as the day went on.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Round 2 Nominations:

  • Chris Kirkpatrick nominated: Chris Kattan and Mirai

Kirkpatrick had earlier said that Katton would be an okay eviction because there’d be little blood on his hands and so it seems he’s hedging his bets here by putting up two noms he wouldn’t mind seeing gone, even if his preference is Mirai. We’ll have to see how Kattan does in that Veto though as the HOH will need some support to fend off Mirai.

That Veto competition is coming up and seems most likely set for Sunday with little time before the next eviction soon after. Let’s keep watching those Feeds and see what happens next!

The next eviction on Celebrity Big Brother 3 is coming up on Monday (Feb 7th) night (9/8c) so let’s see who is the next target as we enjoy the Live Feeds and see what’s really going on in this game.

What do you think of these picks? Smart choices by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.

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