Unfortunately for Carson, his Celebrity Big Brother deal with Miesha and Todrick means nothing after Todd decided to wake up and start playing the game by nabbing his first Head of Household win.
Wednesday night’s episode picks up right after Shanna’s eviction. And Todrick lets us know in the Diary Room that he believes his own delusions in the game.
Lamar explains to the others that he struggled that vote because he had no problems with Shanna and thought they should vote out Miesha. And he says that right in front of Miesha. And she has to walk way before she “says something.”
And right away it’s time for the next Head of Household competition. For this week’s competition the players tastes kind of gross drinks and figure out what the secret ingredient is. The person who gets the most points wins the HOH competition.
The first drink has raspberry, sauerkraut, lemongrass and a mystery ingredient. The mystery ingredient is ginger beer. Todd gets a point.
Round two’s drink has root beer, clam juice, onions, chili oil and a mystery ingredient. The secret ingredient is BBQ sauce. Miesha and Todd get points.
The third drink consists of lime, pinto beans, spinach, anchovies and an extra ingredient. That extra ingredient is rosemary. Todd and Lamar get points.
Round four’s drink has grapefruit, potatoes, oat milk, safe and vegan fish sauce. And of course, there’s another ingredient. This round the extra ingredient is chocolate. Todd and Cynthia get points.
Todd only needs to get one more right and he wins by default.
The next drink is made up of tomato juice, raspberry, black licorice and bologna plus the mystery ingredient. This time the extra ingredient is garlic. Everyone bit Lamar and Todrick get a point, so that means Todd is the new Head of Household.
Todd has to pick two players for a costume punishment. He picks Lamar and Todrick.
And Carson soon realizes that all that work last week and the deal he made with Miesha and Todrick was for nothing because Todd has no reason not to put him and Cynthia on the block.
Elsewhere, Miesha and Todrick are plotting just that. They discuss to make sure they get Todd to go after Carson, and as Miesha put it, “do the dirty work” for her.
Todd tells Miesha that he doesn’t want to put Carson up with Cynthia, she he needs to figure out a “decoy.” He lets us know the if he spares Cynthia, he might be able to use her to help his game. Todrick doesn’t understand the idea of a pawn, but Todd has his reasons. Todrick just doesn’t want to be the one to go up. But Lamar doesn’t seem to mind. He tells Todd he would be his pawn.
So let’s get to the nomination ceremony. Todd nominated Carson as the target and Lamar as the pawn.