‘Celebrity Big Brother 2019’ Vote For America’s Favorite Houseguest [POLL]

Celebrity Big Brother 2019's Favorite Houseguest vote

Voting is open for America’s Favorite Houseguest on Celebrity Big Brother 2019 and here’s your chance to support your personal fav this season for a chance at $25,000 in bonus cash. No sort of charity donation or anything, just cash in their pocket. Feels kinda weird, but okay.

You’ll have ten votes a day in the official voting at CBS.com until 9AM PT on Wednesday, Feb 13th so be sure to vote today, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning to max out your remaining opportunities. And as we learned twice last year, finalists can win this prize. Both Ross and Tyler came in second after being robbed and both scored the AFP bonus cash last year. So this can truly go to anyone. Well, not Mooch cause he’s a “fake HG.” Sure, sure, CBS.

So how do you make your pick? Make your choice based on whatever you’d like for whatever criteria. Vote based on who you think played the best game, made you laugh the most, or who you just want to see get a little extra reward for this season of Celebrity Big Brother. It’s whatever you want.

Who do you want to win Favorite Houseguest? Vote now in our unofficial poll below (does not count towards official results) and share your thoughts in the comments section.

Don’t see the poll? Click here to refresh.

Keep checking back to see how these votes go and we’ll tally things up on Wednesday ahead of the season finale (9/8c) and see if we can accurately predict who wins the bonus prize.



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