Celebrity Big Brother 2019 Spoilers: Round 6 Veto Competition Results

Power of Veto medallion on Big Brother

Results are in for Celebrity Big Brother’s latest Veto competition setting us up for what could determine the Final 4 and eventually the F2 in Wednesday’s season finale. Read on for the spoilers.

With only five HGs left in the game everyone had a chance to play. While Ricky had secured a spot in the F4 everyone else was probably a little more driven as a win here would set their spot in the F4. The stakes were high!

Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers: Round 6 Veto Competition Results:

  • Lolo won the Power of Veto!

Well so much for a little last minute excitement. Blerg. Lolo won’t use the Veto and noms will stay the same with Dina and Kandi on the Block. There will be votes from Lolo and Tamar to decide the last regular eviction. Probably the end of Kandi here with these results. Well nuts.

The Veto Ceremony will probably be part of Wednesday’s season finale so we’ll have to sit tight and see what happens over the next couple of days but I wouldn’t expect there to be much shifting of plans. It’s highly unlikely Lolo would use it but if she did then the only option Ricky would have is Tamar. Sure, that’d be for a dramatic ceremony but I don’t see it happening.

What do you want to see happen this round with the PoV? We’ll watch for the next round of spoilers so stick with us as we head toward the next eviction on Friday night.

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