‘Celebrity Big Brother 2019’ Spoilers: Round 4 Nominations

Nominations on Big Brother

A late night Celebrity Big Brother HOH competition following the latest eviction sent the house in a new direction thanks to a wild card HG taking control.

Tamar had already turned the eviction vote Saturday night on its ear as we went from Kandi going, to Tom breaking a tie, to Joey going unanimously. Now she’s got the power to shake things up again and I imagine she’s ready to do it. Round 4’s noms are over and we’ve got the latest spoilers from the Feeds revealing who is on the Block this round, but it won’t last long with Monday’s upcoming vote. Buckle up!

Celebrity Big Brother Round 4 Nominations:

  • Tamar nominated: Kato & Tom

Tomato is on the Block together. No surprise whatsoever. Tom and Kato have toyed around with the idea of saving each other if they win the Veto but I imagine that’ll fall away as they decide to fight for their own game here. You’ve got to!

So now we’re on to waiting for the Veto comp. I thought we’d get noms this morning and Veto in the afternoon but so much for that expectation! Maybe the PoV will be live on Monday’s show which is very doable. We shall see. Who do you want to win the Power of Veto?

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