Celebrity Big Brother 2019 Results: Round 1 HOH & Nominations

Celebrity Big Brother on CBS

Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother 2019 results will reveal and confirm whether our earlier spoilers were right and I’m still thinking they are but along with who won HOH we’ll also find out who was sent to the Block.

The new twist for this first HOH, and hopefully the last time we see it, sets us up for either Ryan or Jonathan being HOH with the other being the first nominee for eviction later this week. Are you liking this twist or is it another case of too much messing with a solid core concept?

Celebrity Big Brother 2019 Round 1 HOH:

  • Ryan Lochte wins HOH!

Julie confirms there will be more than just two nominees this round so watch for the HOH to pick two more names on top of this first default nominee.

Ryan was leaning toward nominating Dina & Anthony which Lolo and Tamar liked, but then Jonathan showed up and convinced Ryan to keep Dina safe. Remember Jonathan has the Mean Girls connection back to Lindsay’s mom. Ryan had to come up with a new plan and I don’t like it one bit!

Celebrity Big Brother 2019 Round 1 Nominations:

  • Jonathan Bennett
  • Anthony Scaramucci
  • Tom Green

Who would you rather see go this week? The Veto comp is still ahead on Wednesday’s episode then it’s eviction time on Friday night! Feeds start tonight at 9PM PT so get ready.

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