Celebrity Big Brother 2019: Nomination Anticipation Round 6

Lolo Jones on Celebrity Big Brother 2

Nominations are right around the corner on Celebrity Big Brother 2019 as we await the decision of the new HOH from overnight following the Double Eviction. With so few HGs left in the game these options are going to be pretty straight forward and simple.

Ricky has made it clear that he’s sticking to his Bedroom Alliance with Tamar and Lolo which leaves him with just two options. If there was a way he could still nominate Tom then he would but that opportunity has passed. That means it’s Dina and Kandi’s turn on the Block together.

Ricky did talk with Tamar last night to get her blessing on going after Kandi and she told him to do it to it. Whether or not Tamar goes back and votes to save Kandi, her secret on/off ally, I’m not sure but that’ll be interesting to see if Kandi remains on the Block come next eviction.

What do you think Ricky should do? Is it time to flip on his allies or is this his best option to go with nominating Kandi and Dina? Share your thoughts below!

Make sure you come back a little later to find out which two lucky HGs will be put on the block! Who are you hoping he nominates this round? Who would you target if you were him?

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