‘Celebrity Big Brother 2019’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH Round 6?

Head of Household comp on Big Brother

Double Eviction came and delivered its usual curse of excitement coupled with the eviction of a fan favorite. Celebrity Big Brother 2019 is down to just five HGs including one male despite their advantage at the onset of the season. In fact, we had our first female eviction tonight. Crazy!

Now the new Head of Household has been crowned as we work our way to the final few days of CBB2. Think your surviving favorite can win the game? Let’s find out and that starts with the latest HOH comp results. Read on for the spoilers

Results came back from the Feeds and we’ve got our latest spoilers for the new Head of Household on Celebrity Big Brother 2019!

Celebrity Big Brother 2019 Round 6 HoH Comp:

  • Ricky won HoH!

Ricky finally pulled off an HOH win and I’d say Tom should watch out but Tom’s gone! So who will Ricky target? It won’t be Tamar or Lolo which makes this easy to guess. Kandi and Dina are in trouble here and will need to compete for the Veto for their chance at safety.

Nominations Ceremony should be coming up on Saturday so watch for the spoilers to make that official.

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