Celebrity Big Brother 2019 Live Feeds Round 3 – Tuesday Daytime Highlights

The Celebrity Big Brother 2 houseguests found out a power was unleashed in the game, but we didn’t get any hints as to who the power went to ahead of the nomination ceremony. Read on to find out what to expect out of nominations and who the target is point toward this round.

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Celebrity Big Brother Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, January 29, 2018:

9:15 AM BBT – The HGs are starting to get up for the day.

10:10 AM BBT – Lolo and Natalie are doing their makeup and talking. They mention that Joey hates it in the house.

10:14 AM BBT – Lolo and Natalie continue to talk about how hard it must be on Joey now that his friends in the house are gone. They say it must take the fun out of it.

10:18 AM BBT – Kato and Tom talk in the lounge. Tom tells him that he needs to have one of his crazy talks about anything and everything that comes to mind. He tells Kato that he needs him to do him a favor though. He wants him to promise that he won’t talk about this talk to anyone and not to ask in front of Lolo and Natalie if it’s okay to talk about something in front of them.

10:20 AM BBT – Tom and Kato continue to talk. They talk about Ricky and how there are some things he is doing that are manipulative to Tom. Talking about the Team Fun alliance, staying for a beer with them, and other things he has done. Tom is also worried about Ricky not wanting Joey to be BD’d.

10:25 AM BBT – Tom and Kato are discussing whether taking Ricky to F5 is a good move. Tom is worried about whether Ricky is going to stab them in the back later. Tom wants to have a conversation with Ricky before noms to get an official guarantee from him that he is with them and not going to turn on them later.

10:45 AM BBT – Kato and Tom are still talking, Ricky walks in. Tom tells Ricky he is trying to figure out what he’s doing. He tells Ricky that he wants to put Kandi and Joey up together and let them both know that they are strong players. He also wants them to know that it is up to them to win the POV and save themselves. Ricky likes the idea and tells him he thinks it’s fair. Ricky tells Tom that Lolo is starting to feel a little left out so Tom should make the time to talk to her and include her on the plan.

10:46 AM BBT – Joey and Tamar are talking in the bathroom about Ricky. Joey mentions thinking that he might be bipolar or something. He also says that he hopes that there is something not right with him because if they (Tom, Kato, and Ricky) are doing that on purpose, “like whoa!” Joey thinks that Ricky is being disengenuous about his reasons for being on the show.

10:55 AM BBT – Joey continues to talk about Ricky. He mentions how Ricky came up to him once with a hard look on his face and then went into this softy asking if he wanted to do benchpresses. He told Tamar that he wanted to puke and wonders if he was handing out shovels with that BS.

11:02 AM BBT – Tom and Lolo talk about the plan for the noms. He tells her that he is thinking about putting Joey and Kandi on the block because he sees them both as threats in this game. Lolo says that she likes that he is thinking this way because it gives them both a chance to save themselves. Lolo adds that Tamar might not be a game threat, but she is a social threat because she can plant seeds of doubt.

10:05 AM BBT – Lolo mentions that keeping Tamar to the end is going to stress out three of the five of them. Tom mentions maybe they should switch rooms, but Lolo tells him it’s not that easy. If they switch rooms, she will know that there is something up. She tells Tom that he should talk to Ricky and Natalie about how Tamar and sharing a space with her is stressing them out.

10:07 AM BBT – Lolo mentions that she like that he wants to give Joey a fair shot, but is wondering what happens if he wins the POV and stays. Then he could go on to win the HOH and pick one of them off. Tom mentions that he hasn’t won a comp yet, but Lolo tells him that he threw the Giddy Up and the only reason he failed at the Glam Rock comp was because of a previous shoulder surgery.

10:23 AM BBT Tom tells Kato that he thinks Ricky is manipulating him. He says Ricky is thinking five moves ahead. Tom says there is a reason why Ricky doesn’t want Joey to be backdoored. Kato says he thinks Ricky will honor the final 5 deal they have with Lolo and Natalie. Tom isn’t so sure.

10:30 AM BBT – Tom wants to get a guarantee from Ricky that he won’t screw them over but doesn’t want it to sound like a threat. Kato says even if Ricky screws them, he thinks they can still trust Lolo and Natalie. Tom asks how they get to final two with those two girls in their alliance though.

10:45 AM BBT – Tom tells Kato and Ricky he might nominate Joey outright along with Kandi. He said he’d let them know that if anyone other than them wins veto it won’t be used. Tom says Tamar was just on the block and he really doesn’t like the idea of putting Tamar and Kandi both on the block.

10:46 AM BBT – Ricky tells Tom that Lolo is feeling left out so he might want to touch base with her.

10:50 AM BBT – Tom says if Joey wins veto then he’d probably put up Tamar with Kandi as the target. He says Tamar isn’t a strong player after, especially after quitting the last HOH comp, so he wants her around longer.

10:54 AM BBT – Ricky says he’s not too worried about Joey because if he wins he’d go after Lolo and Natalie. Kato says that’s not good for them.

11:02 AM BBT – Tom checks in with Lolo so she doesn’t feel left out. He fills her in on the latest plan. Lolo keeps subtly pushing Tamar out the door ahead of Kandi, but Tom says he was thinking Tamar could be the last to go since she’s not a threat. Lolo doesn’t like the sound of that and brings up how hard she is to share a room with. Tom tells her to switch rooms and Lolo gets pissed.

11:40 AM BBT – Feeds cut.

12:32 PM BBT – Feeds return. HGs talking about the power.

1:15 PM BBT – Natalie asks Tamar if she has the power and she says no she thinks Joey has it. Lolo says she thinks he does too.

1:25 PM BBT – Lolo and Natalie talk about going against Tom and Kato at the end. Sounds like they’re starting to doubt keeping them that long.

1:40 PM BBT – Natalie and Lolo think Joey to Kandi have the power so them going on the block will be good because they’ll have to reveal if they have it.

2:00 PM BBT – HGs are a bit quiet and feeds are cutting in and out.

2:15 PM BBT – Lolo tells Tamar this is no set target this week and that Tom sees Kandi and Joey as strong players. Tamar is confused by that.

3:00 PM BBT – Kato tells Tom that Lolo had a long conversation with Joey and it sounded like she was trying to smooth things over with him in case he has the power. Tom asks Kato if he finds that suspicious of Lolo, but Kato says not really and he still trusts her and Natalie.

3:05 PM BBT – Tom tells Kato that he thinks Lolo and Natalie are with Ricky over them. Tom says he thinks they’ll cut them at final five so the girls and Ricky could be final 3. Tom says they’ve been sharing the room with Ricky and it all makes sense. He says they get to final 5, one of the others win that HOH and Tom and Kato goes up and one of them goes home.

3:13 PM BBT – Tom tells Kato he was leaning toward putting up Kandi and Joey. Kato suggests putting Ricky up if Kandi wins veto to be sure to get Joey out. Then they start talking about backdooring Ricky. They run through vote scenarios.

3:15 PM BBT – Kato said he feels like Ricky was spying today so he’s starting to see Tom’s mistrust with Ricky. Kato says the move to make this round is to backdoor Ricky.

3:17 PM BBT – Tom says if he puts up Kandi and Tamar with the ruse that he will backdoor Joey but then he will backdoor Ricky. Tom says that’s why he wants Joey out upright so a Ricky backdoor isn’t an option. Tom says he was told by other people who played Big Brother to go with his gut.

So Tom has gone back and forth over his nominations and his target, but right ahead of the nomination ceremony, it seems he has decided to nominate Kandi and Tamar with the potential to backdoor Ricky or Joey. And if it’s Ricky, things are going to get very interesting. Not to mention if one of the initial nominees has the secret power.

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