‘Celebrity Big Brother 2019’ Spoilers: Round 3 Nominations

Nominations on Big Brother

Nominations are in for Round 3 of Celebrity Big Brother 2019 with the spoilers from the Feeds after the Houseguests’ long night lead to some quick decisions before a shift in the plans for the new Head of Household.

After seeming to settle on a Backdoor plan the new HOH talked about taking a more direct plan in his targeting this week but would that be the smartest plan? But wait, there’s more! Soon the noms plans were changing, then changing, and still changing again. If you watched along this afternoon you might have whiplash. Read on for the spoilers.

Celebrity Big Brother Round 3 Nominations:

  • Tom nominated: Kandi and Joey

Tom was ready to go with Kandi and Tamar so he could BD Joey then he shifted over to putting up Joey directly. That was soon overtaken by going after Ricky because of Tom’s fear that he might be working with Lolo and Natalie on the side (he is!) but ultimately he went ahead with Joey upfront and a plan to keep considering if he needs to put the spotlight on Ricky. Should be a fun few days!

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