Brittany Martinez is struggling in the Big Brother 16 game as she’s been nominated three weeks out of four so far, but while she’s once escaped by Battle of the Block, and once by Devin’s Veto, she isn’t looking to do herself any favors this week.
Early this morning Brittany and Amber discussed strategies on how they could wrestle control of the game away from the well-aligned men in the house. Step one was to get Brittany safe this week and make sure she either won the Veto or had it used to protect her. Maybe Brittany should have been paying closer attention.
Brittany and Amber wanted Amber to play in the Veto so she could have a shot at saving Brittany. Amber suggested a strategy to get Cody to pick Amber if he got Houseguest’s choice and keep Zach out of the game, since Brittany is worried about Zach. She’d go to Cody and persuade him to have Zach picked to be host. You see these two thought the hosting HG would not be eligible to play in the Veto comp. That’s not the case, but that’s what they were thinking.
So Amber goes and tells Cody that she’d really like to be picked to play if he gets to choose. Cody immediately recognizes this as Amber attempting to work with Brittany and he has no intention of selecting her if he gets to choose.
The time comes to draw chips. Cody pulls out Zach’s chip. Victoria pulls out either Nicole’s chip or a HG choice chip and selects Nicole, so Nicole is in the comp too. Now it’s Brittany’s turn. What she does get? HG’s Choice. Perfect, right? Guess what she does.
Brittany takes her perfect opportunity to get Amber in the competition as backup and throws it on the ground, stomps up and down on it, and then spits on it for good measure. No, not literally.
Instead of picking Amber she asks for volunteers then picks Caleb. Caleb, not Amber. Caleb. Why? Brittany later told Jocasta she didn’t want to reveal that she was working with Amber now. What?? Who cares? No one will know you’re working together when you’re at home next week, Brittany! Plus, it didn’t matter because the guys already figured it out.
At the very, very least Amber could make up a story to feed the guys and then agree to Brittany that she’ll at least throw the comp so Brittany had one less competitor against her.
If that didn’t make you shake your head, here’s the kicker. Last night Caleb told Brittany that he would not use the Veto should he be selected and win it. He explicitly told Brittany he would not save her but will try to win it. Because “beast mode” and all, ya know?
Brittany got the very opportunity she needed: HG’s Choice. She could pick Amber for at best a 1:3 chance at winning directly or by proxy or at least 1:5 if Amber would only agree to throw it. Now she’s got a 1:6 shot all by her own choosing.
Brittany throws around the “deserving” talk a lot and today I’ll give it to her. Brittany deserves to lose and let the guys execute their plan and evict her if she’s going to make terrible moves like that.
Maybe she’ll pull out the Veto win and none of this will matter after all. There’s just no reason to make the odds any more difficult for you than they have to be and that’s what Brittany did today.
She didn’t pick Amber instead she pick Caleb…OMG !!!…I have to lie down.
I hate when people talk about “deserving.” No one “deserves” anything in BB, unless you count deserving to go home because you made a dumb move.
Nobody “deserves” anything in life. Nobody is entitled to anything in life. You have to earn it.
Well then, maybe that’s what Brittany was thinking when she made her big move.
Tonight’s show worst by far. Unless they back door Caleb, very weak~week with non threatening nominations. Team America should not get paid for putting up Amber that was very weak and she is not a PHYSICAL threat in the house the guys are running the game, come on girls. Frankie and Cody did the weakest job at nominations so far this season. Cody needs to backdoor Caleb now before he turns on both him and Amber because of jealousy it would be bad game play leaving Caleb in the house. This season is much better then last year so far though!
I would love to see Caleb back door.
CALEB and Brittany seem to think alike. They don’t! Caleb thinks with the wrong head and Brittany is so old(she thinks too old to be playing BB) she’s got demantia. They she go out together. I really liked both of them but wts?