Big Brother HGs Evel Dick & Amanda Zuckerman Get Together [PHOTOS]

Amanda Zuckerman with Evel Dick

The Big Brother alumni would be a pretty cool club to join (ahem, you have applied for Big Brother 16, right?) what with seeing past seasons mingle and mix throughout the year. Last week Big Brother 15’s Amanda Zuckerman and Big Brother 8’s winner Evel Dick caught up in Florida for a Survivor viewing party.

They weren’t alone though as BB14’s Kara Monaco and BBEverySeason’s Jessie Godderz were along for the event as was Hayden Moss’s girlfriend Kat Edorsson of Survivor. Now that’s a wide spectrum of Big Brother HGs all in one place!

Amanda and Evel Dick have been hanging out and having a good time elsewhere too with a trip to see Jessie performing for Impact Wrestling. Of course that opportunity lead to one of Amanda’s other favorite past times, antagonizing online followers by joking she was there with her “new boyfriend” Evel Dick. I think it’s safe to say this was another joke, but you can decide on that one. Check out all their pics below!

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Source: Big Big Brother

Image source: Instagram



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1 Comment

  1. I think it’s safe to say that if Evel Dick were actually her boyfriend, they both would have to have the worst taste in significant others ever recorded.

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