Big Brother Reindeer Games 2 Won’t Happen In 2024

Reindeer Games on Big Brother - CBS
Reindeer Games on Big Brother – CBS

There won’t be any stockings hanging in the Big Brother house this Christmas after producers Meehan and Grodner confirmed that Reindeer Games 2 won’t be happening in December 2024. After last season’s surprise fun and fast paced series we thought it was likely for a new annual treat, but alas Santa’s sleigh won’t slow down for a stop this year.

Talking with EW, Meehan explained: “Because we started so late this season and CBSโ€™ fall schedule starts so late this season, everything just pushes back.” And that sounds reasonable, but don’t forget that BB25 started even later than BB26 and ran nearly a month later so it’s kinda odd for CBS to be giving that out as a reason.

Grodner also noted that a lot of fans thought the Reindeer Games 2 announcement was imminent when Julie Chen teased she had some more news for us. Uh, yeah, yeah we did. But no, it wasn’t about Santa’s return to the Big Brother house with over the top ugly sweaters and fake snow. Sigh. That means our next stop for the series will be Big Brother 27 this coming summer.

Santa on the Reindeer Games - CBS
Santa on the Reindeer Games – CBS

Could we see Reindeer Games 2 still in the future? I think it’s likely and really this seems like an easy money grab for CBS with such a short run of the Games season. Fingers crossed for something in 2025!

Would you want to watch a new season of Big Brother Reindeer Games? And who would you hope to see back in the house for a chance at some wintery cash and prizes? Share your picks below and if we’re all real good boys and girls then maybe, just maybe, Santa will see us again next year.



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