‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Winner Revealed – Finale Results

We’re kicking off tonight’s finale of Big Brother Over The Top at 8PM ET as we await Julie Chen’s announcement for the season winner and runner-up among Jason, Kryssie, and Morgan. Will your favorite take home the crown?

Julie Chen with BBOTT F3

BBOTT delivered a whole new way to watch Big Brother with practically a behind the scenes approach to the season with more exposure to the game than fans have ever seen before. Now it comes to a close with a live show featuring all of the season’s cast and our Big Brother host, Julie.

Viewers voted for two days to cap off two months of voting on nearly every aspect of the game including nominations, Have-Nots, special Care Packages, and even who should be the evicted HG each week. Now we get the results of the most important vote of the entire fall season: who will win it all.

Jason Roy, Kryssie Ridolfi, and Morgan Willett have made their cases and your votes have been tallied. “But First,” it’s time to take a walk down memory lane tonight with a look back over the season and how each of the Final 3 Houseguests made their way to the end.

Before we got to the final voting results, Julie announces that Kryssie came in third place so she was evicted and comes out to the front for an interview with Julie Chen. Kryssie gets to be the only HG of the series for a live, post-eviction interview with Julie. Now it’s time to find out who wins and gets $250,000 and who gets second place with a prize of $25,000.

Big Brother Over The Top Finale Results:

  • Winner: Morgan
  • Runner-up: Jason

Congrats to Morgan Willet on her win! Julie Chen announced the lead went back and forth multiple times in the past 24 hours and came within 20,000 votes of each other (at 20 votes each day that difference could have been decided as few as 1,000 fans today!) and the closest vote in the game. Wow!

After the results are revealed and the show is over we’ll get the Backyard Interviews with Jeff Schroeder. CBS’s announcement for that said it’d be on FacebookLive so we’ll have to see if it’s also on the Feeds or if we’ll have to go over to FB to find it.

Update: You can go here to watch the live Backyard interviews on FB.

With tonight’s end of Big Brother OTT we’ll be about six months out from the debut of Big Brother 19, a much needed rest after nearly six months of concurrent Big Brother coverage already. This spring we’ll be covering BBCAN as well for those truly dedicated BB fans and I’m sure we’ll have a smattering of Big Brother alumni updates in the off-season.

Be sure to download our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates so you don’t miss any news in the lead up to next season.



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  1. Finally!
    I hope the HGs evicted get to talk about what they have seen on the show. I love when they show clips.

  2. Critiques on their statements…

    Jason, you can’t take credit for getting Alex up on the block when America did that for you. Sorry, that might have been your original plan, but you did not get the chance to execute it.

    Kryssie. Oh, Kryssie. Definitely the most delusional HG we have had since Devon in BB16. But did you honestly expect to NOT go up on the block just because you were in the Jambalaya Gang? Especially when we all knew you were in no way, shape, or form loyal to them? Will not be sorry to see you walk away with nothing.

    Morgan looks very, very different without makeup. That’s all I got. Her speech was the most cohesive tonight. She didn’t try to take credit for things she didn’t do, nor did she give us any revisionists history on anything.

  3. And there it is. Alex just admitted that the Smashers became too scared to touch Jason due to America’s influence.

    • He hadn’t been allowed to go home and only had what he’d brought to the house. I think he would have had he gotten that chance.

  4. Alex is so salty. She says America is the reason why Jason is in the finals. She is just mad America turned on her.

      • If you recall, her fans who voted her the nominee wanted to give her a chance in the Veto comp. That’s not turning on her.

        As far as the eviction vote, you little sheep just won the week out.

      • Oh, little sheep, don’t be bitter because Alex kept beating Jason out of the popularity votes, and would be hands down voted AFP if that was a thing this season.

      • I guess not. But I’m not shocked. I know how the world works. If you’re a pretty blonde girl, you get everything handed to you. If you’re someone who has struggled all their life. Life just continues to beat you down until you commit suicide.

      • Jason was nominated the first week and if he hadn’t gotten lucky and won the veto he would have been the first out. Which I wish he had been

      • It sucks seeing someone like Morgan. Someone who’s gotten everything in life. She comes from privilege, she was the homecoming queen. She got all the guys in high school. She gets everything. Everything her whole life has always gone her way. Shes never struggled a day in her life. Meanwhile someone like Jason can never catch a break. Just throw a bone to Jason. But nope, Morgan gets all the bones.

    • No you couldn’t, but you can crown Queen & Texas Longhorn College student MORGAN!! Now she can pay off student loans and establish her own business!!???

    • “I still have no idea why nobody voted for me! I deserved to win, not that good for nothing Morgan.” I think she was holding that back in front of the cameras for the good of her future in her singing career! hahaha

  5. Morgan won. Kryssie was the spoiler. I knew this would happen. That’s for stealing my $20 CBS you bastards.

  6. This has been the worst year of my life. First my wife died one week before BB18 started, then my mom died 3 weeks into BB:OTT. Trump becomes president. And not Jason lost.

  7. Woo hoo! I jumped off the couch when Julie showed Morgan’s name!! Been cheering on her, Shelby and Alex since the very beginning ?

  8. And we’re out.

    So it’s time once again to thank Matt Boyer, Branden, and the rest of Big Brother Network’s staff. It’s been one hell of a season, and one hell of a year. Thank you all so much for your dedication to this site and to us fans.

    See you all next summer! Hopefully for a season of no vets and no recruits! Come on, BB, make it happen!

    • And if you want to follow BB Canada, join us on Matthew site for it: canada.bigbrothernetwork dot com/

    • This was my third season visiting this site. I enjoy it since it is the first thing I turn on in the morning before I start work even if I don’t post. I really love how things are kept clean and as Matt puts it civilized. I somewhat enjoyed this season, but prefer the one in the summer. I do wish they added a bit from this season’s. I guarantee that they will be back to do this online thing since it seems to have been a success. An older generation of BB players only will be great. It will be fun to see how older folks can behave locked in a house with strangers. No vets please for any other season unless is an all stars.

  9. Well, I’m happy for Jason getting second place. At least he can say he made it to the end. Congratulations Morgan, even though you were a crying mess, and really having your own game played by your sister, you deserved it. This is honestly one of the best experiences of Big Brother I’ve ever seen. Can we please get another season of this?!

  10. Im so happy Morgan won. Now I can say this season was one of the best ever….Well done..

    • I can laugh about it now… Well maybe not laugh, but I’m OK with it. But I’m still not over the Paq Brothers winning BBCan.

  11. Really glad to see Morgan win! Feeds have died, anyone know where we can watch Jeff interview the HG’s ?

    • The season wasn’t long enough. That’s why they cut the prize in half. I wouldn’t mind if the summer season was the same.

      • I think it’s mostly because there was no commercial. The summer show get a lot of its money with the commercial during the broadcast.

  12. See this is exactly what I had predicted. (Look at my previous comments in other articles.)

    I knew the vote was going to be extremely close, and Kryssie was going to be the Ralph Nader. I didn’t think 20K votes close. I thought more like 100K votes close But I knew it would be close. And I knew that Jason would lose bc of Kryssie. Kryssie probably got less than 1% of the vote. But that was enough to make Morgan the winner.

    I would’ve liked to have known what the vote would’ve been have Kryssie not been the spoiler.

  13. Jason was the Al Gore. Morgan was the George W. Bush. Kryssie was Ralph Nader. The 20K votes was Florida. And Alex was the Jeb Bush.

      • Jason is Gore, bc Gore was the vice-president, having already had experience in the white house. Meaning Jason is the returning player, having already had experience in the BB house. I know Gore won the popular vote. But he lost in Florida by a slim margin of only 537 votes out of almost 6 million cast, and as a result, Bush won the entire presidential election. Jason lost lost by only 20K votes. And who was the governor in Florida? Jeb Bush. Who was Morgan’s sister? Alex. And Kryssie is the Ralph Nader, bc whatever votes she got (probably 1% or less), were votes taken away from Jason. And people say that Ralph Nader is what cost Gore the 2000 election.

  14. I’m not thrilled with the result. But I accept it. America voted. And they voted for the pretty blonde Texas who comes from wealth and privilege, and was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and has had everything handed to her on a silver platter. Over someone who’s actually had to face true struggle in his life, and hasn’t had it easy at all whatsoever. But this is a great reminder of how the world works. It doesn’t matter how hard you try. A pretty blonde girl will always have more opportunity than you, no matter what.

    • What I think made the difference was Justin fans. J/K should have acted nicer. Also Twitter had big Jason support, but often it was verbal only.

      Also, I did not think Morgan was above middle class?

      • I was wondering how people think they know that Morgan comes from privilege. I’m not saying she doesn’t, but I have no evidence. i didn’t hear her say anything about that on the feeds. Did you or others?

    • So what?! This isn’t about giving the money to the person who needs it the most! It’s a game show…and basically, in this case, a popularity contest…so, yeah, the one who everyone likes the best is going to win…ESPECIALLY when America chooses the winner! Sheesh! Who made Big Brother a show about giving the money to the most deserving? It’s not “Charity Big Brother.”
      Sorry if I sound rude, but it IS a popularity contest. Jason could have easily won. He had a LOT of fans. So did Kyrissie. But, you can’t expect a show like THIS to give the money to someone who actually deserves it.

      • Yo, Jason has had two opportunities to be in the BB House. TWO. Do you know how lucky he is? Also, Jason has every opportunity that anyone with an education has to make it in this world. If he expects to go on a game show to make his fortune, that’s just sad and stupid. That has nothing to do with ‘the blonde girl always winning.’ There’s no reason Jason needs to be living in his mother’s basement. He has two hands. Two legs. He’s smart and funny. Obviously very bright. He could do ANYTHING he wants to do. The ONLY thing holding him back, is HIMSELF. So, please—PLEASE, don’t blame his lack of success on the fact that he’s not a pretty blonde.

      • That’s not the way life works. I wish it did. But it doesnt matter how hard you try. The pretty blonde girl always wins in the end. The one who comes from privilege always wins, no matter what.

      • Yo, I know I came off sounding like a huge b****. I’m sorry about that. Please, please don’t feel so badly. I’ve read some other comments you’ve made tonight, and I didn’t realize you were in so much pain.
        Listen, if you need to talk to someone, there is an online support group at dailystrength dot org
        It has live chats and a huge variety of topics—from depression to PTSD, to the loss of a loved one (either from death or divorce), or loss of a job…if you don’t like that one, there are hundreds of online groups. And there are always places to call…
        I care! I know it might not seem like it by my other posts–for which I apologize–but I do. So, please get help. Take care of yourself, Yo. People need you.

      • Thanks for the concern and the links. But relax. I’m not gonna kill myself over big brother. Tonight was just a painful reminder of how unfair the world is.

      • Yo, you should know that your comments did come across as suicidal to me too. And not over Big Brother. Glad for this post from you.

      • Does it really matter? Not all the time the pretty blonde girl wins because they’re pretty and blonde. In fact Alex went home, she was even America’s vote.

      • Hold your nose, and vote for one. Wonder who America would have chosen if America picked the winner that year. I do not think it would have Andy.

      • If America would have had a say in regular BB that season, I do not think either Gina Marie nor Andy would have made it to the end. IMO< Helen would have won with McCrae coming in second…or vice versa. Either way would be right in my book.

      • Agree! If America had had a vote that season, I would like to think we would have voted GM, Andy and that nose-picking Spencer out–along with the other bigots and xenophobes–during the first few weeks. I would have been all for a Helen win, even though she did treat Jessie like absolute CRAP the week she (Jessie) was evicted. Howard should have stayed longer too.

      • Oh, he didn’t deserve anything either time! I was just pointing out that he had two opportunities.

      • Some people aren’t worth arguing with because they will never even try to understand what you are saying.

      • Sha are you getting feisty again!? ;) lol! Ready to don your super cape yet?? hahaha! Listen girl, it has been such a blast chatting with you… Have a Happy Holidays and Happy New Year too!! :)

      • Lol…I wish I’d been around more. I always have so much fun with you! I hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season too, Sweetie–and I hope the New Year brings so much joy, you can barely handle it. Can’t wait to see you next year!

      • Thanks hun! :) Hey can you believe two female winners this year!!?? Let’s cross our fingers and hope next summer’s BB is an all-star cast. :)

    • Okay, I’ll admit I didn’t watch BB:OTT and just came here to check the results, but what a complete disservice to the players of this season and the game of Big Brother as a whole to amount these people’s entire game based solely on the way they grew up outside of the house.

      Morgan can’t help the way she was born any more than Jason can. These players entered the house to play a game and to prove to America through their actions and gameplay why they deserve to win. The least you can do is give them the opportunity to prove themselves. It’s clear you didn’t.

      Not only did Morgan deserve better from you but Jason, as well. It sounds like he played one heck of a game in there. He’s more than just his economic status.

      • No. You are projecting your own short-comings, insecurities, and prejudices onto other people. Not everyone is as superficial as you are presenting yourself to be.

        I’d be willing to bet you read only the first paragraph of what I wrote and then stopped there. There’s really no use in saying anything else.

      • In my case, I voted Morgan to vote against Jason. Not because she’s a pretty girl.

        I disrespected Jason bad mouth and actions.

      • I understand what you mean. But with respect to the game, it’s true Jason was more of a player.

        But he didn’t needed to be as vile or do the discusting immature things he did in the house. A player also need to prove social aspects. He 100% lack of it.

        Morgan had a little of both.

        For me and my values, never i would give my votes to him because of what he said about others. It went way to far and was unnecessary. I also call it BS when he states it’s humor.

        So voting Morgan was not because she physically pretty. It’s for sure that she has a prettier soul and personality.

        He for sure lost because of this. Because objectively he had a better game. But he destroyed it.

      • You can vote/not vote for anybody you want, for any reason you choose. that’s what a democracy is all about. It just makes me sad that people were blinded by lust, and not for who deserved it most. Jason played a better, and actually needed the money Morgan comes from wealth, and played a much poorer game. But America decided she was the best. Which is typical of life. It doesn’t matter how hard you try, you always lose to someone who comes from privilege.

      • Privileged or not doesn’t give you the right to threaten people like he did with Shelby and her family. Or say the vile things he said.

        Also he wasn’t trying very hard when he robed his arm pit on others pillow. Their is cameras all over and america is the judge.

        He lost by his own behavior. Not by the fact that he’s coming from unwealth.

        Since when big brother should give the winner to people with the least money? It’s not a charity!

      • I have to disagree with you here. I do not think people voted for Morgan b/c she was pretty and blonde. Morgan beat Justin fair and square to be in f3… She was a likeable HG who at least won a few comps, plus, I also think she got all of Shelby and Alex’s fan votes, therefore, imo, she was voted for b/c she was the last member of her alliance still in the house, not b/c she is blonde and pretty.

      • Believe me, it played a much bigger part than you think. It helped her win a lot more than it hurt her. If Morgan was ugly, she wouldnt have even gotten on the show. But I had been saying for the past week that that Morgan was going to win, bc I knew Jason was going to get screwed over. I had been looking closely at all the polls from several different websites, and they were all tied (give or take one percent). Just going based off the polls, I knew that the vote was going to be within 1%. I didn’t think 20k votes close. But I knew it would be less than 100k close. I knew Kryssie was going to be the spoiler. We will never know how much of the vote Kryssie got. But even if she got 0.5% of the total votes. It was what ended up giving Morgan the victory. I wish the finals could’ve been between Jason and Morgan, so we could know who the true winner was. And not have a Ralph Nader/Gary Johnson in there to mess with the final outcome.

    • That’s a pretty biased way of thinking about it. Nobody liked Aaryn and GinaMarie and they were considered pretty blondes. I think it’s mainly that Morgan was less catty compared to Jason and Kryssie.

      Jason would’ve won had he improved his social game with people other than his alliance. Instead he talked trash about PBS and turned a lot of people off.

      • Does it really matter? They still didn’t win. You said America picks the cute blonde girl from Texas. Both girls were considered cute and blonde and Aaryn was from Texas. America didn’t support either of them.

      • It’s really hard to say who America would for. Because anytime you let the public vote for something, anything, you always with weird screwy results, that never make any sense. With the exception of Kelly Clarkson, I can’t think of any season, from any reality show that lets the public vote, that ever actually gets it right.

        But I would say it depends who they were going up against. If it was against Andy, it’s very possible America vote for GM or Aaryn over Andy. It would be very similar to to BB:OTT a gay guy vs a pretty blonde. America will always choose the pretty blonde, over a gay guy.

      • True none of them were loved, but compared to Aaryn and GM considering all the racist crap they had said (especially Aaryn) I doubt either of them could beat Andy. Yeah Andy was catty and cruel but GM and Aaryn were no better. Not to mention Aaryn was completely ignorant that she hurt people.

    • I think you do yourself a disservice by focusing on that aspect in this game, although I hear you and totally get where you’re coming from. There are many injustices in this world, and we are about to suffer through 4 years of one of them. But there were other factors at work here, and Jason was his own worst enemy. I disliked Morgan et al. throughout the game, but softened toward her in the last couple of weeks as she was on her own. In fact, I almost voted for her because of the horrible things Jason said in the house. People keep referring to his “potty mouth” but that is not what bothered me. It was his character assassinations and threats about what he’d do when he got of the house on social media. In the end, I voted for the best player, and that was Jason.

      • I really disliked Morgan the from day 1. She just came off as this little Miss Perfect, Texas beauty pageant girl, that only cares about makeup and guys. Fake as can be. Basically everything I hated in females. And I was right. Completely unrelatable. Danielle was the exact same, but at least she had a pulse, and actually understood she was on a show, and tried to be entertaining. I originally liked Kryssie and Alex, but ended up disliking them too. The only ones I liked were Jason, Whitney, Justin, and Neely.

      • I’m not sure where you’re getting this from…? Morgan *had* to get all dolled up all the time b/c Alex *insisted* on it b/c she was afraid people would realize they were sisters. Morgan has complained several times about Alex getting to be all comfy while she (Morgan) had to do her hair and makeup everyday… If you look back on the feeds, once Alex left, Morgan rarely wore makeup and was quite happy in nothing but leggings and a tank top–not exactly a beauty queen’s outfit. Morgan was not my choice for BBOTT winner…I actually voted for Jason b/c I truly believe (despite his rude behavior to other HG) he played the best BB game overall, however, I think your view on Morgan is off base. She never came across as stuck up or entitled to me.

  15. Well that is three winners in a row I disagree with, but at least I liked Morgan. I did not like Nicole and Steve was just ok. Not too upset. Getting a needed break from BB, but I will miss it. I will see everyone next season. Take care, all.

  16. Wow! After such a long time with no female BB winners, we got two this year!! I really thought Jason had it in the bag, but obviously, his potty mouth turned a lot of fans off. In hindsight I’m sure he’s going to wish he hadn’t been so outrageous.

    I’m surprised at the outcome, but not upset… Morgan won the right to be in f3, so I have to give her props. She formed a great alliance and was the last one standing. :) I have to think with Morgan winning…that has to make the Ball Smashers the most successful all-female alliance in BB history… Wouldn’t y’all agree?

    Whew! This year of BB has been a wild ride. I’m exhausted. ;) I’ll miss this site though and the debating with everyone here–lot’s of fun! Well, at least I still have Survivor! lol!

  17. Jason was ROBBED ! Morgan floated through almost the entire game and then got lucky at the very end….she SO did NOT deserve to win.

    • I was u were sleeping all season and did not watch the show at all..
      Get over it…Morgan , Shelby and Alex ruled this season…

    • Sorry but Jason wasn’t robbed. Morgan won several competitions including the one that got her there. Jason was loud, rude and obnoxious. That’s what turned people off. He never should have been brought back to begin with

      • I just don’t agree. I am glad they brought him back, but he could have been less crass at times. Still played the better game in my opinion. He had them scared to vote him out when they should have been thinking about his fan base. America would forgive them for getting Jason out. Also, Jason did win when he had to. Oh well, been a bad year for me in almost everything. I can’t get too upset considering what else has happened. Plus, I do like Morgan. But Shelby was the superior player IMO.

      • Matt I respect your opinion. I do agree he won when he had too. He is as my grandmother use to say not my cup of tea. Sorry you have had a bad year. Hope 2017 is better for you. I liked Shelby and Alex and you like to see them on a regular season, Take care

      • Please, girl, Shelby will be waaaay too busy to grace BB again. Just ask her. I think she was a very good player. I like smart people. But her “I’m better than you” attitude was a real turnoff for me. She was a horror for Production. Do you think they want her back?

    • Well maybe if Jason had better social game and wasn’t a jerk to the opposing alliance maybe he would’ve won considering. Yeah he played a good game, but you really gotta consider the jury (aka us). Why do you think Russell lost? His actions pissed off the jury.

  18. Hah! Just goes to show you not watching your actions can come back to bite you in the butt. Good game.

    • I’d be ok with getting bitten by $25k. It’s not $250k but it’s still more than he came in with.

  19. Maybe Jason deserve this for the gameplay, but well, like Candice Cody said on Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: I guess karma’s a b**** sometimes. Congrats Morgan! And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the BB Community! :D

  20. Matt, thats 0-2 for the last two BB.

    Paul getting robbed and now this. Jason did it to himself though, all the nasty things he said about everyone.

    • It’s more than that. It’s about the fans of ALL the Ball Smashers getting together and voting for Morgan, while I agree that Jason did lose votes because of his mouth. And Morgan came on strong at the end when she was alone and had to. It doesn’t bother me that much that she won, but never underestimate the power of marketing. Alex, Shelby, and Scott did a lot of work to get Morgan votes. Allegedly.

  21. Congrats to Morgan. Considering the format of this game, she did well. Yeah she may have rode on her sister’s coattails but considering Alex was a major target, it benefited her. Plus her social game and the fact she was in the underdog alliance with Alex and Shelby really helped her win. If anything big sister Alex was the coach and little sister Morgan was the student

    While I think Jason played better than he did in 17, his mouth got him into a lot of trouble. I think it has to do with the people he was with- bad people are bad influences. In 17 he was well liked because he was with good people (Day, Meg, Jackie and James), which brought out positive energy from the guy. However here, because of the negative people in his alliance (Shane, Danielle, Neely and Krissie) it pretty showed his ugly side. As a result he didn’t receive as much support from the jury (aka us) as Morgan did.

    • I think Jason’s personality was the same as BB17 but he got evicted before anyone got sick of him. His game play was much better this time around.

      I couldn’t stand Morgan until these last 2 weeks when she was forced to mingle outside her comfort zone. She became likable, too bad she couldn’t do that sooner. Or maybe not too bad since she won, lol

    • What makes Danielle a bad person? Not my opinion at all. In fact, I wouldn’t call any of them “bad people.”

    • I agree, Dan. Jason formed the 2 clans early… dark vs light. He should have known to switch it up, before the very end. Morgan made connections 1st w/women… then Justin to protect her in the early weeks & was the quite member of the Smashers

  22. Morgan had the right mix of social game & comp wins…. She played a great game… from flirting w/ Justine at the beginning, to her schmoozing enemies throughout.

  23. Why is that a veteran always in the finals against a newbie. I don’t like veterans playing w/ newbies, I like veterans playing w/ veterans. To me this seem to obvious. Have a hard time believing newbies 1st move isn’t to get the veterans out. Did not watch BBOTT b/c of this

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