‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Week 9: Tuesday Live Diary Rooms Recap

It’s Thanksgiving week and the soon-to-be final four will be spending the holiday in the Big Brother Over The Top house. So this week’s diary rooms focused on that, along with one of my favorite end-of-season topics: HGs’ biggest mistakes.


So that’s what were’ taking a look at this week in the Live Diary Rooms recap.


Morgan is blaming herself for Shelby going home. So much so that she thinks her biggest mistake this season was not finding the third ear of corn faster in this past veto. She also regrets telling Kryssie that Alex was her sister (even though Kryssie didnโ€™t even believe her).

What is Morgan most thankful for? โ€œIโ€™m thankful that I fought this hard,” she said. “Iโ€™ve been through a lot of ups and downs. Itโ€™s been a lot of lows, but Iโ€™m still super thankful to be fighting in this game.”



Justinโ€™s biggest mistake: “I really donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve made a tremendous mistake,” he said. “Iโ€™ve been very honest and true to myself.” Just more of the same from Justin.

What is he most thankful for? โ€œAny day above ground is a good day,โ€ he said. More non-anwers from him. Letโ€™s move on.



Jason’s not focusing much on mistakes. “I think that everything for me has kind of worked out,” he explained. “I think Big Brotherย is constantly a what-if game. One of my first biggest mistakes was not handing the BB bug to Monte in the first HOH competition. No regrets, only choices. I probably made more positives than mistakes.”

What is Jason thankful for? “I am thankful to be here,” he said. “I am thankful for being voted in. I am thankful for so much this year. I am loving every second of this. I will never be here again and thatโ€™s why I need to make this time count.”



“Iโ€™m not one of those people that lives with regrets,” Kryssie explains. “Everything in this game happens for a reason. I think there are maybe missteps in this game, but I donโ€™t think there are such things as mistakes. I think a lot of mistakes that were made in this game were made by other people.”

What is Kryssie thankful for? “Iโ€™m thankful to be a part of the Big Brother experience,” she said. “I still donโ€™t know why on earth I ended up making it in this season. Not only has it proven to me what Iโ€™m made of, itโ€™s made me realize that I am an extremely loyal person.”



Shelby believes she was never really given a chance to make a mistake in the game. “Honestly there wasnโ€™t a lot of moves for game moves this season,” she said referring to the deeply divided house and America’s involvement in the game. ย So she said the only mistake she actually made wasn’t a game mistake, but a competition loss and that was this past veto competition. โ€œWhat am I going to do? That was a competition.โ€

What is Shelby most thankful for? She had nothing to be thankful for. Sheโ€™s too over getting evicted and spending Thanksgiving in a hotel room by herself. I can understand that, but this was an experience a lot of people dream of and never experience. She should’ve at least faked that kind of answer. But no use kicking her while she’s down, right? So let’s call it a night.

If you want to hear the Live Diary Rooms in their entirety, check out the Live Feeds’ Highlights button or simply flashback to Tuesday at 7:31 PM BBT.



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1 Comment

  1. Thanks again! Love how you take each one and seem to get it just the way I do… Lol I watched some, and your lil rap is so perfect! Great job!

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