‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Week 5: Tuesday Live Diary Rooms Recap

Tuesday night’s Big Brother Over the Top Live Diary Rooms weren’t as entertaining as I’d hoped after the day’s veto ceremony shocker. They were all spaced out on pizza. Even Alex’s DR volume was at an Earthly level. Thanks a lot, BB.


So let’s get to it. As always, I’ll be pulling out the strongest points from each HG’s Live Diary Room session all so you don’t have to go back and watch. But if you do want to watch, just hit the Live Feeds Highlights tab.



Whitney admits her life is a complete mess in this game. So she’s very self aware in the game. In fact, she knows her biggest threat in the game is Alex. Uh-oh. Trouble in Smashers Paradise. But she knows that when Scott goes, Alex will be less of a threat. She’s also very aware that Scott and Alex are the reasons she went on the block in the first place. She’s shaping up to be quite the polished floater.



BUUUUUUUURRRRP. That’s all I got for you with this one, America.



Jason knows that in this game, everyone is your biggest threat. And this counts extra for Jason, who already has a fanbase ready to vote for him to win at the end so he knows no one wants to sit next to him in the finale. Jason has missteps here and there, but he’s always aware of that part of this game.



Everything gravy, baby. Still not a care in the world. Unless you’re talking ghosts and haunted veto competitions. Not since Neeley’s witch hat has he been so shook.



Alex thinks she only “kind of” threw Whitney a “little bit” under the bus. So in other words, she is still lying to us in the Diary Room even though we still hear everything they say 24/7. And before you say lying is a part of the game, stop. Of course it is. You lie to each other when you’re a HG. You can’t lie to us in live Diary Rooms when we know what you said earlier in the week. Just be straight up. Fans will respect you more (see Shelby’s Live DR recap below).



The thing that I got out of Danielle’s DR is something I was already aware of, but it’s worth noting. Her loyalty is going to be her downfall. She’s way more loyal to the Jamboree than they are to her.



“Welcome to my last DR,” he said. He knows he’s toast. But hey, at lest his girl Alex gets to stay, right Scott?!

Number of Alex mentions this week: 18



She still trusts Whitney after today’s veto ceremony, but Whitney is at the bottom of the totem pole now. So basically nothing has changed. Whitney was always at the bottom of the Ball Smashers’ pole. I think there’s a dirty joke in that statement some where.



At least Shelby, unlike the others, admits that they were going to vote Whitney out this week so she was smart to try to save herself this week. Shelby is always truthful to us in the DR and for that, I thank her.

Again, if you want to watch the Live Diary Rooms in their entirety, check out the Highlights tab on the Live Feeds.



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  1. Kryssie, Danielle, and Jason’s whole DRs were trash. Justin has no idea what’s up or down. Whitney’s as delusional as the Misfits. Really enjoyed watching the other Smashers and Scott tonight, though. They may not be completely honest in their discussions, but at least they’re aware of their situation.

    But, hey, less shout outs this go around. Maybe pizza before the DRs is the trick to stopping that? But if they do that, then they’ll have to make a new rule that says Kryssie can’t eat any until AFTER she’s done with her DR. For our sake more than hers.

  2. Why Dani is Toast = It does appear the new alliance of Whitney, Jason, Justin & Kryssie want Dani out…of course the BallSmashers want her gone… except Alex.. who, like soon to be evicted Scott… thinks she can work w/ her.

  3. I love Shelby!! She keeps it real and gives the best DR’s. I loved that she called out BB on their poor wording in their questions, so funny!! That girl cracks me up, as of right now I want her to win BB. Not sure if that is possible, but I can dream! lol

    • Do you want her to win because you like her or because she’s playing a good game? Don’t get me wrong, I like her too, but she’s not playing a deserving game thus far. Just my opinion.

      • She’s playing the game she set out to play. From the very beginning, Shelby wanted to tone down her smarts, come of as the “dumb” HG, and she’s doing very well with that, based on how the Misfits see her. They’re underestimating her completely, and that could be their inevitable downfall.

  4. I wish Krissie would stop with all the burping. It’s gross for a guy or a girl. Class it up folks!

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