‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Week 5 Recap [Infographic]

The power shifted in the divided Big Brother Over the Top house, keeping the game pretty even. The week started off when Danielle won the Head of Household competition, leaving the Late Night Jamboree in power.


But this season power doesn’t mean much, as the LNJ found out last week when they lost Neeley. So the group of misfits were down once again when America awarded Shelby with this week’s Care Package. Shelby was given the power to eliminate three votes, so Danielle was left scrambling to try to make deals to protect her side from America’s nomination.

Danielle agreed to target Whitney this week instead of Alex or Scott, so Whitney and Shelby found themselves on the block. After America nominated Scott instead of a LNJ member, Danielle realized she didn’t need to stick to any deals because there was no one from her side who needed protecting.

So after Danielle won the Power of Veto, she decided to save Whitney and put Morgan up so Alex would be forced to evict Scott over one of the Ball Smashers. And that’s what happened. Scott left the BBOTT house on a unanimous vote to evict. The vote was 3-0 after Shelby removed Jason, Kryssie and Justin’s votes.

Check out the week’s breakdown in graphic form below.

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