The Big Brother Over the Top houseguests spent Friday evening taking turn in the Diary Room for the live confessionals and there was one common theme this week: Danielle is the hardest person to live with in the house.
First up in the DR was Justin. And like every Live Diary Room, Justin isn’t very forthcoming and we remain confused where his head really is. All he will tell us is that he is staying focused and still playing his own game. Ya dig?
Justin, of course, named Danielle as the hardest HG to live with. He also mentioned Shelby, but added that they’re both good girls. “I guess anybody can get annoying if you’re with them every day all day,” he said.
Neeley is up next and she’s still in her witch hat. She lets us know that Shane getting evicted was horrible for her game and that she’s also not too mad that Alex won the care package this week. She says she knows that America is mixing things up.
She also thinks the house will remain divided until the numbers drop. Neeley says she’s just focusing on her social game.
Oh and even Neeley named Danielle as the toughest to live with. She admires her but says she can be very chatty. “I find myself getting more and more annoyed with it,” she said. “She’s a chatty Cathy.”
Neeley isn’t mad that Alex won the CP. She says she knows that America is mixing things up.
Scott and his over-sized shirt entered the diary room after Neeley and he really threw me for a loop with his DR focus.
He actually said the only thing that would be worse than him going out the door this week would be Alex getting evicted. REALLY? Really? OK, Scott. You’d rather her stay in the game than you. Aren’t you a super fan?
“She deserves to be here for Halloween,” Scott said. OH OK. Yeah, you’re right, Scott. She does.
Even though Scott seems to be playing the game for Alex, he’s still counting on Jason and Justin to help get him through the game, but he knows he can’t beat them in the final 3.
And as usual, the Diary Rooms drag on forever, so if you missed them Friday night, you can catch the rest of them on the Live Feeds under the highlights section.
As much as I’m enjoying the interaction, I would love to see a frank DR with Justin. Can he really be just a good-natured doofus accidently doing all the right things? I can see him at the Final Three because no one thinks he could win, and he stands up to deliver his final vote speech in a perfect James Bond type accent and tells us how he played us all. Of course, I’m probably as wrong as the guys who thought Donny was retired military…
That would be entertaining, unfortunately it won’t be happening, at least not he James Bond accent part.
BB needs to up their game on the DR questions/sessions. They are the same ones over and over again and it is boring. I also think they should do them in person, would make it more interesting instead of the HG’s reading off questions from cue cards. Makes it impersonal and frankly I start to zone out.
I agree BG…the live DRs need some work. Happy we have them this season, but they could be better.
I want to hear production asking questions and talking to the house guests like they do in their normal DRs. I’d also like them to have us feeders submit questions personalized for each house guest to ask them.
Yes, exactly what I want as well, human interaction
Um… why does this article seem half-a**ed? What the heck?! There was so much good material from last night that didn’t make it in here! Did Branden only watch the beginning? And yesterday’s ACP article was never updated, which is bizarre.
This isn’t like BBN at all. Hoping everything’s all right on their end.
Yeah, this one did seem pretty brief.
Justin should have been a have not with Jason,and Neeley! I guess Justin has a lot of people conned.
I like Justin but I agree, he should have been a have not.