‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH Week 3?

After the latest eviction for Big Brother Over The Top was complete the Houseguests prepared for the next Head of Household competition and Big Brother told them to get comfortable so hopefully that means a simple, quick comp this week. So which HG will pull off the win?

Big Brother HoH comp

Since everything with BBOTT is on the Feeds that means that this HoH comp and every single one to follow this season will be right there for us to watch as they happen in full. If you miss the event then you can Flashback and catch it all over. The comp kicks off at 9PM BBT on the Feeds and we’re live recapping it as it happens so read on for the results.

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HoH Comp Results – Week 3 – BB Barcode

HGs face a giant barcode and must figure out which line is the longest. Hmm, okay. They are playing in rounds and have 15 minutes to figure it out before their next attempt. Each HG was given a few items to use to measure plus a ring to set where they think it’s the longest.

Okay, more views makes this clearer. Each long line of the barcode has a run of cut boards in the line. One of those boards is the longest in the overall barcode series of lines. So they’re looking for the longest board, not the longest line.

  • 8:45 PM BBT – HGs waiting for the comp & we get a brief break
  • 9:01 PM BBT – Feeds are back as we learn about “BB Barcode”
  • 9:03 PM BBT – Comp has begun and HGs are quietly inspecting the barcode
  • 9:10 PM BBT – HGs are declaring their guesses. All wrong so far.
  • 9:20 PM BBT – Round 2 begins
  • 9:33 PM BBT – Round 3 begins since everyone guessed (incorrectly) in R2
  • 9:42 PM BBT – Scott found it! Board #72. Scott wins HoH.

Scott Dennis is the new Head of Household for Week 3.

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What do you think of these results? Jump on the Feeds right now to see what happens next!

Viewer voting for the Care Package is on Thursday, Have-Nots voting is Friday, and America’s Nominee voting starts Sunday. Busy schedule for viewers’ voting.

Nominations are coming up on Saturday and Sunday so get ready for those spoilers soon then Power of Veto comp will be held on Monday and the Ceremony on Tuesday. Once the game gets rolling on Saturday it’ll go fast until the next eviction on Wednesday! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.



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  1. Hope someone from Alex’s side wins. Because the mean night crew is all after her. And Jason is so full of himself right now I don’t think his head can get any bigger or it will explode.

    • No doubt, he know’s America’s vote is in his hands, no matter what kind of stupid crap he pulls!

  2. CONGRATS, SCOTT! From the HN room to the penthouse, you’ve earned this! Say goodbye to the showmance!

    • I’m so happy. Now I hope he puts up Krissie and Shane and let’s America nominate Danielle. Just so Danielle can see his much America loves her. Lol.

  3. Wow. Scott wins and everyone congratulates him except for Danielle, Shane and Krissie. Those three had hate in their eyes. Can’t wait to see them sitting on the block. I hope Scott puts up Shane and Krissie and America takes care of the spoiled entitled Danielle.

    • If Scott nominates Danielle, America may put up Shelby. I’m voting for Danielle or Shelby.

      • If Scott puts up Danielle then I’ll either vote for Shane, Krissie or Jason. Whoever is not up out of that group. I’m not voting for any of the girls. I want them to keep their numbers. And I like Shelby now. She really is funny when you watch her. She has a different personality but she’s funny.

    • I think everyone wants Danielle. That’s why I’m hoping Scott doesn’t put her up. I want the pleasure of nominating her.

    • It won’t help her unless she’s the winner of the POV. It’s only going to help whoever wins POV. It’s stupid I think.

      • Who is America? Alex is in the top 3 in most popularity polls. That can only improve with her sticking to her guns to try to evict the hated Danielle. She will obviously need the safety care package next week much more so it would be better for one of her allies to get the package this week.

  4. Scott as HOH…I like this.

    There’s so much in play that will impact the next eviction. What side will the viewer majority align with this week (nom, CP, and VTE votes)? Can Alex’s side finally win a veto and control the noms? Will they finally get a Jamboree member out of the house?

    Big week ahead!

  5. Scott talking to himself in HN room. Keeps saying Shane and Danielle. He already told Justin he’s good this week and the girls they are good obviously. He’s previously mentioned trying to work with Jason again so there is a high probability that Shane, Danielle, and Krissie will be the nomination pool. I say whoever he doesn’t nom from those 3 we nom as America’s nom. We should give the care package to one of the girls. Hopefully this is the week America makes the misfits pay for not winning HOH’s and just begging us to play the game for them.

    • I agree. I’m voting for whoever is not up out of that group. And ACP only helps the winner of the veto this week.

  6. I really hated jasons attitude directly after montes eviction. Saying no one can touch him. Arrogant much?

      • This is Jason we’re talking about here, boo. We didn’t vote for him to come back to be humble. We voted him back so he can be “Over The Top,” like the title implies.

      • I find the consistency of Jason’s character entertaining.. The things comes out of his mouth…yup..he’s an ass!. lol Production expected this from him..I did. ha!

      • I agree Cyril. I’m not a the biggest Jason fan, but I like what he brings to the show. He’s pretty lousy at the game, but his mouth is fast and loud.

        His “You just keep wearin’ that T-shirt with a dress.” comment to Shelby had me dyin multiple times!???

      • Oh, that t-shirt with a dress comment was hilarious. I think I’ve watched it twice. Dan..their late night smack talking in the backyard about the other side, I’m sorry..but they keep me up and entertained. It’s not for everyone, but it’s like watching a sit-com….I get it why they have fans.

  7. I plan to vote Danielle, Kryssie, and Jason as HN’s this week. I don’t want the showmance on HN’s together.

  8. Scott better not mess with Jason, and his side, if he knows what’s good for him. Scott is not safe next week, and we will put his ass on the block.

  9. Scott has some choices to put OTB. He has to be strategic, because there are players there that has loyal followers. At least for now. Especially Justin, that guy build up a fan base…I’m not kidding. He’s well received by the fans…not by some..but for now his ranking looks ok.

    • Justin is ranking #1 on many, many polls. Shocker!

  10. If America votes Jason’s side of the house this week for the care package or nom’s, I am done with this season, it’s not a level playing field right now, let the winner be someone who earns it!

    • I’m totally with you. If you don’t wanna pay $7/month to watch something you dont like, it makes perfect sense to cancel. But I disagree with your “earns it” statement. Whoever wins the game, did earn it. Now is the perfect opportunity to adjust your game. If you see America is swaying towards one way, adjust your game your game that way. They’ve seen how America plays now for 2 weeks. Derrick from BB16 is the best example of this. He had no clue that there was going to be BotB. But while everyone was complaining about it, Derrick used it to his advantage. Same with team America, where he was put in an alliance with Donny, who he wasn’t working with. Along with his amazing gameplay, he adapted to his surroundings.

      • So then it should be easy to align your game to best suit your needs. This is Big Brother. You create your own destiny.

  11. Care package time:

    Do we really want to give Scott the care package too?

    • So far Scott seems to be the early pick from most of the twitter polls I’m seeing to receive the next care package. I endorse doing that so he can strategically choose which veto is played. For example if Danielle and Shane are the noms and America noms Kryssie then he would be smart to choose boomerang veto since it saves 2 people but even if someone not on the block saved 2 people Scott would be able to nominate the remaining 2 misfits and keep all the girls safe this week. My plans for the week is Care Package for Scott, HN’s Danielle Kryssie and Jason. American nom Kryssie and evict Danielle or Kryssie.

  12. Scott is in HOH room and tells viewers he’s going to nominate Shane and Danielle. 3:05BBT

  13. Okay my fellow BBOTT’ers, think we should all vote to give Scott ACP. He may not be our favorite HG, but we need to help him execute his plan.

    He plans on putting up Shane and Danielle.

    This week’s CP is Pick A Veto.

    The winner will decide which Veto the HG will be competing for this week:

    1) Diamond Veto
    2) Double Veto
    3) Boomerang

    This will make for a very interesting eviction next week.

    What’s everyone’s thoughts?

    • Any of the HGs in that would be good. But if everybody wants to go with Scott, that would be fine with me.

    • I think it’s fine to go with Scott. He’s not very popular so I doubt he’d ever get one in the coming weeks. We don’t want the misfits to get it because they could choose diamond veto and if they win nominate one of the girls and possibly evict them. Double veto is also bad because 2 different people could win a veto and save 2 of the nominees which would force scott to renom at least 1 girl. If Scott gets the care package and the 3 nominees are all from the misfits he could choose boomerang veto and no matter who wins at the end of the week a misfit will finally be going home.

  14. I’m disappointed that Scott won HOH. I think it puts him in a much more perilous position in the weeks to come, particularly if he aligns with the Plastics against the house majority.
    I’m giving my ‘Care Package’ votes to Shane, (who hasn’t done anything to anybody), and my ‘America’s Nominee’ votes to Whitney or Alex.
    I don’t care for Jason or Kryssie’s attitude or power plays.
    I enjoy Justin and, so far, Shelby and Morgan. I think Neely is at a disadvantage because of her age and position within her group, but I like her.

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