Time for this week’s Big Brother Over The Top Veto competition on the Live Feeds starting at 1PM PT (4PM ET) as the HGs are ready to see who can win the chance to undo the HoH’s nominations or void America’s pick for HGs on the Block.
America’s Vote earlier gave us this week’s third nominee and with only six HGs left there was no need to pick any players. Remember these Veto competitions are live online each week at 1PM PT on Mondays so you can always turn on your Feeds and watch how things turn out.
Today we’ve got Shelby (HoH), Jason & Danielle (noms), Morgan (America’s Nom), and Kryssie & Justin playing for the medallion.
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Rules revealed this week will be another one-at-a-time comp. HGs had just been discussing that they really hoped it wouldn’t be one of those because none of them like those. I agree. Order of playing was drawn: Jason goes 1st. Shelby is 2nd. Justin is 3rd. Kryssie is 4th. Danielle is 5th. Morgan is 6th.
Players will set out dominoes across a path and run through four questions with two answers at each stage. Getting the wrong answer adds 3 mins to your final time per incorrect answer.
Questions included:
- Which past HG was with you the longest: Paul or Jeff?
- In which competition were most shots attempted: Veto Fore Sale or Perfect SHOTT?
- Which competition lasted longer: Balance of Power or Veto Vault?
Big Brother Over The Top Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition:
- 12:45 PM BBT – HGs waiting for the comp to kick off.
- 1:00 PM BBT – Shelby was just called to the DR.
- 1:02 PM BBT – Shelby is back with instructions. One at a time comp. Jason goes first.
- 1:21 PM BBT – Jason is reading the instructions. The comp uses dominoes & season trivia.
- 1:23 PM BBT – Jason starts.
- 1:35 PM BBT – Jason is done after a second attempt & respacing his dominoes.
- 1:47 PM BBT – Shelby starts.
- 1:56 PM BBT – Shelby is done after one attempt with the dominoes.
- 2:08 PM BBT – Justin starts.
- 2:19 PM BBT – Justin is done after a reset and second attempt.
- 2:34 PM BBT – Kryssie begins.
- 2:47 PM BBT – Kryssie is done on first try but moved like molasses.
- 3:01 PM BBT – Danielle starts her turn.
- 3:11 PM BBT – BB interrupts Danielle likely to remind her of “one path” rule.
- 3:24 PM BBT – Danielle finally finishes on her 4th attempt. Ouch.
- 3:34 PM BBT – Morgan begins. She is the last competitor.
- 3:47 PM BBT – Morgan finishes after much readjusting due to spacing issues.
- 4:33 PM BBT – Results reveal Shelby won Veto with 9m38s & no penalties.
If you missed any of action then you can later rewind your Feeds to 1PM BBT and watch it again. CBS should also include results and clips in the daily recap video either tonight or tomorrow.
What do you think of the PoV Comp today? What should happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be coming up Tuesday at 1PM PT (4PM ET) and we’ll post live spoilers then.
Turn on your Live Feeds and enjoy the latest drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.
Let’s go Jason get this veto then let’s take out Morgan!!!! Then Shelby next week followed by Danielle. If this is how the season plays out I will be very happy
I hope Shelby or Morgan wins then takes out Jason or Danielle.
yessssss!!! danielle’s got to go!
Fingers crossed Dani wins this one.
Something about OTT. Seeing like raw footage of what’s going on in the house, pre-comp. fall out and stuff, make’s it more intense/interesting to watch.
I agree. Over all, I have really enjoyed this season.
Agreed. It’s more fun watching the frustration unravel in real time than watching a producers evaluation or edit of it! haha
Thrilled that it’s one at a time. I think Morgan has a tendency to get psyched out when they’re all together.
I think so too. She will fare better this way, without other house guests there making her nervous.
Any idea what the comp is yet?
So we went from a super high tech HOH comp… to a super low tech Veto comp. Ah, well. Least it won’t break down on them this time.
I agree with Jason that these are some good hard questions, not the kind HGs usually study. I also like that they won’t tell them whether or not they had the right answer (if I’m understanding the rules correctly). It adds a whole new level of frustration and anxiety to the game.
Morgan and Shelby are really good at puzzles, and Morgan’s good with these kind of questions. I feel good about this. Hope I’m not wrong when I say this is theirs to lose.
I can’t help but laugh at both Justin and K… I’m watching them do it in my head and i see a lot of laughing from Justin “this is crazy yo” and a lot of whining from K… AM I right?
I expect Kryssie to quit.
Hahaha… But then again, why shouldn’t she? No matter what she does she seems to be safe!!!!!!
Which is SO frustrating! She’s contributed nothing to this show all season! She’s the ultimate coaster!
Kryssie is Victoria!
She didn’t even freaking try?!
Not at all b/c she has just floated by in this game. It’s disgusting. Woe, after watching that I think Kryssie should go before Danielle! NO ONE should EVER-EVER feel that comfy in the BB house!!!!!!!!
I can’t stand Danielle and I actually wouldn’t be mad to see k go before her this week!
Right?? But with worse manners and hygiene!! ;)
Yes!!! Ugh!!! I’m so sick of her burping nonstop like she does. I can’t recall another house guest that would burp like her all the dang time?
She worse then Victoria. At least Victoria had manners and didn’t lay around in the same clothes everyday.
That’s because Victoria was raised to be a lady.
Kryssie is a mean and nasty person, ugly inside, ugly outside.
Well she didn’t quit but she sure didn’t hustle. She just strolled along.
Go Jason!
Really interesting comp!
So Jason’s done in a little over 10 minutes… but did he get all the answers right? That’s the fifty four thousand dollar question.
I don’t even know the answers
This is going to be a long one guys… The questions are probably not ones they have been studying either.
Jason pretty much said they weren’t.
Exactly. Who was wondering if Jeff or Paul was with them longest? Ya know what I mean?
Right away, Shelby’s found the best pattern.
Is anyone else going back in flashback to get the answers to these questions?? I am… just to make sure it isn’t “rigged”. hahahahaha
I think Jeff is right, because the camera has a tendency to focus on it.
Yeah that’s the only question I’m sure of
Don’t know why this didn’t post a couple hours ago…but It is. Jeff was in the house for nearly an hour where Paul was in the house for like 39 minutes.
Shelby she done
Jason or Danielle needs to win. Morgan needs to leave
Hopefully Morgan wins this one.
No, Jason or Danielle needs to leave, hope Morgan or Shelby wins.
Too bad either Danielle or Jason will be going.
Feeds are bugging out again for me. I definitely think it has to do with traffic on the site.
Who else thinks Kryssie will time out on this comp too? That is all she does. How can she be at 66% and Morgan at 33% and Morgan is America’s nom? Puzzled!
Good question I’d love to know!
I’m puzzled too.
Shelby was faster by over 2 minutes, but it depends on which one got the right answer.
And… now CBS is crashing my computer. Great….
I love watching these comps live, but I think there’s a reason they don’t do it for the main show.
Shelby is a little over 9 min? (aprox)
Yeah, like 9 min 42 seconds. Jason was over ten minutes. However, I think Shelby got the “which comp had more shots?” question wrong b/c the “Veto for Sale” comp HG were taking like 5-10 shots at a time and Paul was in the house for over a half hour compared to the golfing (Jeff was in the house for almost an hour) which was like one shot every twenty to thirty seconds…
Omg. So long between players. Reset faster BB
Here we go justin
Pretty sure Justin has one wrong.
Which one do u suppose he got wrong Saturn because I was thinking the same just don’t know which one was wrong
Jeff was in the house longer than Paul.
Justin. Your out of it already
Did anybody win yet. I just got here.
The producers are choosing their own nominees. There is no way Morgan had more votes than Kryssie.
No one has won yet but so far Shelby has the best time at around 9 mins while Jason is looking at around I think 11 mins and Justin has the longest at I think over 14 mins. Kryssie is up next.
I hope Shelby or Morgan win it.
Times are important, but their answers are to. They get a 3 minute penalty added to their final time for every incorrect answer.
Ahh OK thanks I missed that key info… lol looks like Justin maybe sitting at 17+ mins if that was his only incorrect answer
If they win It could flip on Jason going home this week, in the pass I have seen that you are a Jason fan so you don’t really want to root for Shelby and Morgan that puts Jason in the danger zone
I thought they wanted Danielle gone. I only like Jason and Justin, so anybody else from their side could go. I cannot stand Danielle. Shelby would save Morgan and D will go.
They definitely want Danielle gone. Danielle is their biggest threat at this point.
I’m not even in the house and. Even I want her gone ;)
Watching kryssie take a stroll though the comp hurts my sole, just taking her sweet time, god forbid this is a competition!!!!
lol. I’m glad she is, since I don’t want her winning. Watching her comp is pretty boring.
This comp is so long.
As long as Danielle doesn’t win it should be OK. if Jason comes down she’ll we should put up Krissy. there’s no way Jason or Justin will vote her out. Justin would definitely vote out Danielle and I think Jason would to just to keep the harmony in the group. it’s no good to have an alliance if they’re split in half.
Justin might go up.
Justin’s a guaranteed vote against Danielle. I don’t think Kryssie would be. If Shelby’s as smart as we all think she is, then she’ll nominate Kryssie.
I hope so.
And so Kryssie still thinks we like her.
THIS is why she needed to be on the block, people!!!
Couldn’t agree more
K so threw that
I don’t think so, she just sucks at anything physical.
She’s supposed to be this beast of a weight lifter but so far I’ve only seen her excel in being lazy, pitty parties and burping. She depresses me.
Danielle’s up.
Danielle’s start time is about 3 hours 1 minute.
Like I said, the feeds keep crashing my laptop.
I hope Danielle gets most of the answers incorrect, even if she finishes before the rest.
If Jeff is the right answer, then she already is getting one wrong.
Jeff is the correct answer.
Danielle has 1 wrong all ready. And she’s making the same mistake Jason did.
The way Danielle is doing her dominos don’t even make sense to me… don’t think she has this whatsoever and at least one answer is wrong. Unless she surprises me, I’d say it’s
Safe to say she’s lost this.
Who has the best time so far?
Four stacks/dominoes Daniele is carrying now..what can I say..amazing! lol
They’re not that heavy.
Most of them carry one or two. Justin averaging three…but she’s still a goner.
I think Jason’s first comment was “oh these are heavy!”
Yeah, I definitely would’ve struggled with them.
Jason’s a weakling.
Doesn’t look like Danielle understood the directions for this one. She’s pulling a Justin.
Thank goodness she lost.
She lost..ha!..adios!!
They just cut the comp to tell her that she was doing it wrong.
Danielle just lost. Production had to stop and correct her. She definitely misunderstood what she had to do.
Did production stop and correct Justin?
On the face Morp comp. he misunderstood And was only putting one name instead of two.
No, they did NOT stop him. Jason and co. scolded him when they rejoined him in the backyard.
That’s what I’m saying. Why is production letting her know she’s doing it wrong?
Maybe she’s timed out, as of now? Jason or Shelby could have it 100% correct.
Let’s hope its Shelby
Agreed. Morgan comes down, and all those votes for Morgan to be America’s final Nominee were totally wasted.
Yep they sure were.
I think it is horrible that they don’t let us hear what they say to the HGs. I’m sure viewers will be a lot more satisfied watching and listening to things behind the scenes.
Camera just focused in on Veto Vault. Because that’s what Danielle was working on at the time or because it’s the right answer? Hmm….
Ugh of course BB didn’t let Danielle get to the end to find out it had to be a continuous line. BB stepped in to tell her. That is BS. they should have let her get to the end and give her a buzzer sound Then told her. Quit cheating for the LNJ BB.
Loving it.
I admire Danielle for not giving up.
Timed Danielle..a little more than 3 hrs.
I think that mid-performance nap was what really helped her finish strong.
Over 20 minutes. How great. She needs to go home unless Kryssie and Justin vote out Morgan.
Unless Shelby beat Jason.
Morgan has yet to go, so I’m not counting her into that calculation just yet.
I do hope she wins it. She has done good with timed comps before.
On Jokers, they are saying Shelby was right with Perfect Shott. If so, either she or Morgan will win. Hope Dani goes.
I hope Morgan actually wins and takes herself off. That way Shelby doesn’t get a bigger target on her back for her increasing comp wins.
So much for that!
Come on, Morgan, you can do it! Win this for Alex!
Total bs BB helped Danielle who was going the wrong way, then up comes the fish bowl, when it returns she says ok that sucks, then proceeds to change them heading the right way! Give me a break!
Morgan’s start time is 3:33:49
does anyone have under 8 minutes?
Okay, why do they think Paul was in there longer than Jeff? Is it because he was more annoying than Jeff whenever they screwed up?
A minute with Paul feels like eternity.
Let’s make America Great Again…Kryssie for the Win..Ha!
By that performance, Shelby will need a miracle for Morgan to win HOH next week and keep her safe. If Morgan is still there.
Shelby for production’s choice!?
Danielle, Justin and Kryssie need to go. They simply are the worst.
Rooting for Shelby!!
Veto for Sale has to be right. Yes, Shane won the Veto quick, but the comp still went forward until everything was won. This one might go to Jason.
Are you sure? Jokers is saying 90 shots in Perfect Shot and 70 something in Veto for Sale.
I’m sure of it. Like I said, they kept the comp going until every single prize was won, including the Power of Veto. Shane won it when they had, like, 5 or 4 items left, so they kept going.
Shelby won and now Morgan goes down and hopefully Danielle leaves that house.
No offense but it’s about time.
Thank the Lord! Shelby is the only one left who truly deserves the win.
Absolutely after everything these nomads put her through.
If three of the nasty misfits are at the end..I am not voting for anyone to win from that group.
Can I vote for the Zingbot to win? Because atleast he was funny and cringy. The misfits are just cringy.
This may sound mean but they come across as dirty and very not put together.
I would rather vote for Zingbot than any one of them..Not one deserves 250K.
Was Zingbot there?
No but I wish lol
Whoo! Shelby is probably the best left.
How did Morgan end up America’s Nominee when she is doing really well #2 on Jokers and other polls?
Yeah polls are kinda off.
I was wondering the same thing…on the BB vote thing..Kryssie was at 66% while Morgan was at 33%.
LNJ fans never went on the polls, kinda like Trump, lol
Production picks whomever they want each week. Our votes don’t count unless is for whomever they want.
We warned production after the whole debacle with Paul and Nicole. They are at it again.
This is bad.
lol. I’m just speculating.
According to America, you are right. Morgan has been in the top 2 and top 3 for weeks. This isn’t fair. Just how Paul was robbed of $500k
How was Paul robbed?
Obviously Day liked Nicole’s gameplay and Natalie didn’t like Paul’s attitude.
And this is coming from someone who was PISSED that Paul lost
Production favored Nicole from day 1. That’s why she was still in the house and won.
Production also favored Frank and he didn’t win
There were many instances where production favored Nicole and James. It was sad.
Paul was robbed. Poor guy. Good thing he’s the brightest one of the bunch and is capitalizing on his fame
I didn’t see that at all. It was all about the showmances for them.
I think that Productions has their favorites and do anything to manipulate their game. It happened with Nicole and this season with Jason and I am rooting for him, but don’t like the cheating.
I agree. Kryssie was ahead last week and this week, but they keep putting Morgan up instead.
Joker’s Polls hasn’t been accurate/reliable on OTT..they’ve failed several times already
Doesn’t anyone remember, “The People Have Spoken,” anymore?
Shelby finished with the shortest time and also had all 3 questions right. Perfect shot 90 Golf 77, Jeff 1:34:00 Paul 1:00:00, and Vault 26:19 Beam 18:23. I checked all these results via Flashback during the comp.
When do we find out who won?? Kryssie and Jason are just laying in bed
Production kept telling Natalie to side with Nicole/Corey. Corey was given a heads up during the comps. The list goes on and on
Now the cheating continues with production disregarding our votes and wasting our time.
When is this going to stop??
It won’t, so either stop watching the show or deal with it. It is a TV show and they need to make money and gain viewers.
There is something called ethics. They are charging us money for it. They can’t keep lying to us over and over again.
I understand but not all of the viewers believe this is true. Even after a few complaints, they are still doing it, so it won’t stop until people stop watching and it gets cancelled.
They are making a lot of money from all the subscriptions. America needs to speak up to stop their meddling once and for all.
They cant lead us to believe that our votes mean something when they obviously don’t. Production does what they want. It gets insulting after a while.
I honestly don’t think production interfered. This site and Joker’s aren’t the only polls. Twitter has their own, as well, and that’s where the vast majority of Misfit fanatics like to hang out.
Why is Danielle in the HOH room and Shelby in HN?
I was just wondering the same thing. We are thinking the same things tonight!
?? great minds…
I don’t understand what takes so long to figure the results out
It’s obvious they want Jason to win but even as fans wanted him to win too, our excitement wanes with all of productions interference.
Shelby and Morgan deserve to win > anyone left in the house.
To think that poor Monte was eliminated before any of these stooges like Justin, Shawn and Danielle. Smh
Yeah. I think the problem with Monte was that it was too soon after Paulie.
Sorry but that was gross. ???
Here we go.
19 minutes and 37 minutes. Lol. she was soo excited.
Shelby. She read Morgan’s time as 19 min and 37 min and could barely breathe. She was excited when she saw that her time was the best.
Congratulations Shelby! Good job
Shelby is just good!!..no doubt.
Justin hasn’t won anything eh?
Yeah, he won a Veto in that Tetris style comp with the 2 vetoes.
Haha too bad America. Shelby won. Yay now she’ll take Morgan off the block and finally Danielle’s gone. Better luck next time America.
Finally another hoh that gets their target out. There have been so few this season.
Oh i am so not happy with Shelby winning this one!
is this going to be the only event tonight?
God, I hope so!
I hope you all got what y’all wanted! :) Your favourite golden children just flipped every single one of you off, and said, “F**k you.” Remind me again why you all love them, please! :)
I don’t know why people love LNJ. They’re the worst.
(snicker) Couldn’t resist. You played the pronoun game, and we all know Jason’s been called production’s Golden Boy. ;)
… … …
That is so out of context I can’t even crack a joke about it.
Why???? Maybe bc some of theLNJ have gone way to far in attacking the BS. Literally wished physical harm on them , especially Shelby. Danielle said she wanted her beat up and how much she wanted to kill her!! She’s a bad sport and no one , not even her own group like her. She is also a hypocrite when one minute she’s waiting Bible verses then the next she has this extremely foul mouth. Suddenly the girls are worthless Bitches and Hoes . See how quickly she turned on Justin for talking to the girls. Is she the only person that can campaign ? She may be a very nice girl under ok there circumstances but she does come off as entitled, my way or the highway which shows her I!maturity and lack of sportsmanship.
Would’ve been better if Morgan won, but still! BBOTT History – America’s Nominee is coming off the block!
No americas nom has been vetoed this year until now. Happy it was a pbs to break the streak.
It just makes me upset that morgan cant win anything and shelby keeps saving her she she is going to wine up just like daniellie who should have voted justin out if she takes morgan done she is the one going home next week
I hope she takes her off. It won’t matter what Kryssie wants. Shelby just needs to talk to Justin and let him know who it is best to go home so he won’t get upset that she betrayed K.
That’s really fair compared to who is left. You’d have to put Justin and Kryssie in that same category, because they also keep getting saved by others. And those two hardly try their hardest; whereas I think Morgan gets out there and try her best! She doesn’t just give up or throw the comp. So it’s,s not fair to be pointing out that she hasn’t won anything, when there are others that haven’t done much either! ! Everyone deserve credit for making it this far. Way to go Shelby!
Sorry I meant to say that’s really NOT fair.
To be fair, Morgan was close to winning a recent comp so she does excel well in comps that suit her abilities. She just haven’t been able to win one so far.
Good. Shelby will be able to remove Morgan from the block.
So if America’s nom is removed then there’s no replacement, right?
Despite I’m not watching this season (I’m reading the feeds) I’ve to say: I’m rooting for Shelby!!!! I hope she can win the season.
I don’t think CBS gets it. People don’t want drawn out events. People want scheduled events that happen at convenient times and last normal time so that they can watch the whole thing and not have to leave to do something else.
The times they choose are only convenient if you live on the west coast. If you are on EST and have to get up early in the AM, you’re screwed
The veto today seems better for EST 4-7pm then PST 1-4pm and the average Hoh is better for PST 8pm-11pm then 11pm-2am.
I like watching comps. BB needs to make it easier to watch the comps, like having them in a section under all access that you can watch without being spoiled searching flashbacks.
I started this season literally not being able to stand Shelby but she toned it down, figured the game out (much like Paul did last year) and she seriously deserves the win more than anyone there at this point!
Dang, I guess it will be Dani leaving. Really Really wsnted Jason out. If Shelby was smart her target would be Jason. 1-Jason for some unknown reason has fans and unfortunately will win if in the final 2- Kryssie is more loyal to Jason than Dani and might work with Morgan and her if Jason was gone 3- Jason has performed well in comps. Get Jason out now while you can
Yey, at least Morgan is safe. Let the Misfits turning on each other begin!