‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Eviction Prediction: Who Will Be Voted Out Tonight?

The LNJ faces another loss tonight on Big Brother Over The Top as Danielle Lickey and Jason Roy await their fate on the orange nominations couch. So who will it be?

Danielle and Jason are nominees on BBOTT

There are three in-house votes and once again the return of America’s Vote. In the case of a tie Shelby, the current HoH, will break it. I don’t think it’ll come to that though.

Danielle has been Shelby’s top target all week and after the Veto comp fell apart for Danielle it was very clear who’d be leaving. Not leaving anything to chance, Shelby and Morgan pitched a F4 deal to Justin and Kryssie to get everyone together on voting plans. Looks like that’s going to hold.

Morgan, Justin, and Kryssie will all be voting out Danielle tonight. Morgan is going along with what Shelby wants, Justin doesn’t like Danielle too much, and Kryssie is just happy to vote to save Jason. They’re all ready to make it happen.

With their three votes it won’t much matter how the viewers vote, but that remains open until 4PM ET today so feel free to get involved.

Official results will be revealed tonight during the new showtime for the weekly episodes starting at 8PM ET (5PM PT) with the HoH comp on your Live Feeds at 10PM ET.

Who do you expect to be voted out when the final votes are revealed? Danielle or Jason? Cast your own eviction prediction below:

Remember the Big Brother eviction episode airs live tonight at 5PM PT (8PM ET) only on All Access. Sign-up with the Free Trial now, catch up on the previous episodes and clips, then turn on your Live Feeds tonight and watch it all play out.

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