Diary Room: Adam Poch’s Player Rankings: Big Brother OTT – Week 7

Despite last week’s BBOTT Double Eviction taking over 24 hours to fully play out – it was still an exciting night / day / night! The challenges that production is facing to get this show done smoothly has been a bit rocky at times, but that’s what happens when they need to show us (just about) everything live.

Adam Poch on Big Brother 13

Alex & Whitney both were sent packing from the Big Brother Over The Top house, and a care package helped keep Morgan & Shelby safe. There were lots of tears, both real & fake, so “at the end of the day” I think the Double Eviction lived up to the hype.

When the dust settled, we were left with our final 6 and everyone has their eyes on the prize. We finally saw the cracks in the LNJ starting to widen, and for the 2nd straight eviction, they have to eat one of their own. Let’s take a look at the week that was and see who is setting themseves up for the win, and who needs to fight for it.

Shelby Stockton – 6 strips of Bacon – yes, usually the top award is only 5 strips of bacon – but I need to give my fav this season an extra strip of bacon for her total dominance this week. After also winning HoH last week – Shelby’s reign was less than spectacular. Jason getting the care package & winning Veto pretty much voided any power Shelby had. This week after a comp re-do, she not only won HoH, but also won Veto.

Shelby was not looking to play risky and just went after her top 2 targets. Knowing that this could mean her only ally left Morgan would be vulnerable to be America’s nominee, she threw caution to the wind and put up Danielle & Jason. She listened to Danielle & Justin’s pleas and deals and decided keeping Justin & Kryssie safe would be her best bet moving forward.

Shelby knows she can trust Justin a little more than either Danielle or Jason, especially after their fake Final 5 deal the week before. the LNJ think she plays emotionally, but she played very strategic and for once all season an HoH’s plan went exactly how they wanted it.

Justin Duncan – 4 strips of Bacon – it only took about 6 weeks, but Justin is finally playing smart. He is working deals to protect himself, and give himself the best chance at winning if he makes it to the final. He was able to squash his beef with Shelby for a week to save himself, and then made a deal with Morgan to bring her to the finals with him. It has not been a secret that his does not like Danielle. If you remember week 1 he was in love with her, but the combination of her hooking up with Shane, and her cocky selfish attitude turned him sour to her.

Now Justin just needs to find a way to get Jason out of the house before F3 to have a chance to win. It sounds like he is willing to throw this weeks HoH. But then again, he may not have to throw it, he may just stink at it.

Morgan Willett – 2 strips of Bacon – Morgan has realized that people want to take her to the end because she has not been a strong player all season – and she is using this to get to the end. Sure, her Care Package during the Double Eviction came at the right time and she used it exactly how she should have – but that does not mean she is coming off as a strategic threat. Couple that with her poor social game, and incompetence in challenges – she is an easy take to the end. She is willing to let Shelby go home, even if it was during her HoH reign – IF she can win an HoH. Morgan does have the chance to fight her way into the finals, but not sure she can win no matter who she is against.

Jason Roy – 1 strip of Bacon – Yes, he is on the block. Yes, he is the biggest threat to win based on America voting for the winner. But yet – he still has Kryssie willing to throw away her chance to win for him – and with numbers dwindling down, and everyone playing for Veto – he has 2 people fighting for him. Danielle leaving is good and bad for him. She was probably never going to turn on him, but as we saw last week during the double eviction – she has no 100% ties to anyone and is here to win it all. If given the chance, she may have cut Jason at F4 – so with her out of the way, Jason has a better chance competing against Justin, Kryssie, & Morgan.

Kryssie Ridolfi – 3 strips of Tofu – I am going to take it easy on her, but damn girl – you are the most delusional player we have seen in a long time. How does Kryssie not see that having Jason at the end with her guarantees her not to win. I wonder how many tables she will have to wait on to make $250K. At this point in the game, it’s probably too late for her to win against anyone. But she stands a better chance sitting next to Morgan & Shelby than she does with Jason or Justin.

If it was Kryssie’s game to make friends and sit around burping for just about 3 months – than it was a success! If you were watching twitter during her live DR last night – you would see that America probably would vote for the Eviction Couch over her in the finals. She has earned the “Hypocridiot” tag that Shelby calls the LNJ. She does the exact same thing as the alliance formerly known as the Ball Smashers – but condones them, and thinks she is the righteous one!

That leads us to the Tofurkey of the Week and this week it goes to Danielle Lickey. She tried to be slick last week and make a fake alliance just to screw with Shelby & Morgan. But as we have seen in Big Brother so many times before the people at the bottom rise to the top and vice versa. She did a horrible job securing herself – and then won the DE HoH. Well, that would have been good for her – except the care Package gave Morgan & Shelby safety.

Danielle’s downfall then solidified by using her tie-breaker vote to get rid of Whitney, who was not a threat at all. The smarter game move would have been to get rid of Justin at that point – and all week she regretted it as soon as Shelby won HoH. This was the classic case of someone overplaying at the wrong time. As a big threat to win, your goal should always be to get rid of the other threats, and instead she got rid of someone who no one was targeting, and a person who would be an easy win against.

At the beginning of the season, I thought Danielle would be more mature of a person & player, but I was wrong. When she got a little power, she got way too cocky and that is why she will be reunited with her son tonight / tomorrow.

Well, there ya have it – another week in the books, another round of bacon & tofu given out. Please let me know in the comments section what you think of this weeks rankings. We are down to the final 5 and only 2 more evictions before we get to decide who will win the grand prize!

In my question of the week, what 2 players would you bring to the end with you to give yourself the best chance to win?

From outside the Big Brother house, I am Adam Poch, have a great day!

Follow me on Twitter to get more updates as the season progresses twitter.com/heavymetalteddy.



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  1. Applause applause to Adam! Very well written and right on point! Thank you Adam for a GREAT review!

  2. I want to say I would take Kryssie and Morgan with me to F3, but if I was in the house, I would, without a doubt, be on team PBS. Unfortunately, Jason had a huge following before the game started, so I think if he isn’t in F3 then someone from his alliance will get all those votes anyway. This means that horrid belching person could potentially win and go on thinking that America loves her all the way to the bank. Sickening.

    • ONLY if she is there with Shel & Morg could she POSSIBLY win. But I hope America gets it right and does not vote for her

  3. Adam, Spot on again. I mentioned this yesterday. Justin/Morgan realized getting the two players to most likely win the game evicted, is the way to go. As a fan of the show, it intrigues the most when players lay out an elaborate plan on how to win the game, Misfits or Plastics…

      • It’s a difficult task, but I can see it happening. It kinda remind me of the ‘Renegade’s elaborate scheme to get to F2…or Dan G. with Danielle. lol

  4. I could not agree with you any more adam! Very well written article and Shelby is my absolute favorite in the house! She is playing an excellent game and she is actually my preseason pick to win (along with Alex and scott but they’re gone now lol). I always look fwd to reading your bacon ratings since I love your opinions and of course, BACON!

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