Alex Willett took over the Head of Household room (or “House of Headhold” according to Monte) at Wednesday night’s Big Brother Over The Top live endurance competition and she quickly set her sights on splitting up the showmance. There’s been little wavering from that plan since despite efforts from those around her.
Once again this week we’ll get the slow boil roll out of the nominations with the Block Pass light up festival stretched over two days beginning Saturday night at 7PM PT and concluding Sunday night at 7PM PT. Yes, it drags it out, but last week we saw plans change between the two nights so maybe this extra time to overthink will give us something to watch.
Last night Monte resumed his push for Alex to nominate Justin and Jason while insisting he had control over Shane and Danielle? Like the control he had over them last round when they flipped the votes against him and his targets?
Flashback to 10:25 PM BBT 10/6 Cams 1/2 on your BBOTT Live Feeds as Monte has arrived in the HoH room to inform Alex, Morgan, and Shelby that he has “two Aces in the hole” and those are Shane and Danielle. He assures the ladies that if Alex keeps those two safe this week then they will vote however she wants. He spends the next 35 minutes telling the women to listen to him, calm their emotions, and he’ll be their leader.
Now I can’t tell if Monte is just naive about over-trusting Shane and Danielle together or just angling to protect Shane, who didn’t even go his way last week, but Alex isn’t buying what Monte is selling. After he left around 11 PM she tells the other women (Whitney, Morgan, and Shelby) that she doesn’t like how he handles things or tries to control them. Alex announces she’s sticking with her plan to nominate Shane and Danielle together.
We’ll have to keep watching to see if anything sways Alex from her goal and perhaps today’s America’s Care Package with its “Save A Friend” power will do just that. Then again, Alex says she isn’t going to be influenced by America, a stance she may later regret since there’s little she can do but to work around the twists than against them.
Watch for the official nominations to be complete Sunday night but for now we can see which way Alex is leaning with her Head of Household role this week on Big Brother Over The Top.
I like Alex for the fact that she know exactly what she want and why. And she is going for it. I don’t like player that say “I don’t know what to do” or change their mind every 5 minutes.
Exactly she isn’t going the personal route and just nominating Danielle and Shane for the heck of it. She has a valid reason for her targets and notices them as a threat to her game. I hope she comes to realize soon that Monte is just as much of a threat to her game and if he continues on this alpha male rampage he’ll soon be a sinking ship which is not good for her game.
I think she’s just keeping Monte right now for a number. As soon as a few from the other side go then they can get rid of Monte.
Matt said: “There’s little she can do but to work around the twists than against them.”…AGREE!
I think what she means is she’s going to play her own game. She’s not going to let America influence her decisions. I don’t blame her either. There’s always going to be twists but they need to play their own game and deal with the twists as they come.
Right. She has to work around the twist that’s coming. She’s a smart player and will do what is necessary to win the game. at the same time the twists will always be there and can’t be ignored. She’s popular. She’s liked by the viewers. That’s the politics of this new format. The fans involvement. She might even get one. (advantage)
Do you like her? I wasn’t sure I would in the beginning but now she’s my favorite. She doesn’t get into the gossip and mean talk about people. She talks game and she’s not afraid to play.
Alex has said that she’d like to find a way to work with Jason, and I hope that will happen. This OTT game is really good, and my hope is that Monte is evicted now, as it will change the dynamics a lot. Also, to move certain things along, it’d be mighty fine to see Kryssie and Monte somewhat marooned together as have-nots, since they have nothing in common. Plus, Jason could use the opportunity to expand his horizons without Kryssie stapled right on top of him.
They’ll get rid of Monte but right now they need him for the numbers. Otherwise those girls will get picked off one by one.
I agree that they benefit from Monte’s support, but I don’t think it’s in their power to keep Monte around right now. He’s definitely going to be America’s nominee and get America’s vote, and then Justin/Jason/Kryssie/Neely will VTE Monte and there he goes.
Oh come on man, Monte is not going to be America’s nominee. No way.
I freaking love this girl haha, she knows that this isn’t a popular decision and is going for it anyway. She knows that America hates the side she’s on and is deliberately rooting against her (illogically) and she still continues to go against the showmance because it’s the right game move.
Good for her, glad to finally see a player with some guts.
I totally agree. Every vote I cast its going to be to help her. She’s playing the game and doesn’t care. I love it. Finally someone that knows the game and is not afraid to play.
To quote Scott: “Absolutely”
I expected to hate her preseason, but I think she’s really doing a great job, and I hope to see her go far.
Why do I get a Vanessa vibe from Alex? It’s like she’s a cross between Vanessa (gameplay) and Liz (twin twist) except she’s pretty well liked. Or atleast is playing a good game.
Are you guys watching? The paranoia! ..Game talk every 5 mins, and I just turned it