Big Brother Over The Top Houseguests started off their day early again and the HoH competition continued as the BB Bug worked it’s way down to selecting the first Head of Household. Now it’s time to move on to target picking and deal making.
If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother OTT Live Feed Highlights – Friday, September 30, 2016:
8:40 AM BBT – Neeley is up and outside. Shane is wandering the house then comes out to visit. Soon more HGs start to join the living.
8:45 AM BBT – CB finds Shane and tells him about seeing Scott outside last night with a group of people. Shane says they can still trust Scott to be with them, but maybe they should hold back from telling Scott everything. CB says they should keep Scott but he’d be the first to go at F4.
10:15 AM BBT – Morgan gives Cornbread the Bug as part of the HoH challenge.
10:20 AM BBT – Scott checks in with Shane and tells him what Jason was saying last night. Tells Shane that Jason said they should keep Monte, Shane, and Danielle as they’ll naturally become bigger targets later to shield the others.
10:45 AM BBT – Whitney really liked Frankie and wants to know from Jason what he’s like. Jason says he’s not as crazy in real life.
11:05 AM BBT – CB passes the Bug to Jason.
11:35 AM BBT – Jason tells Scott he’s planning to give the Bug to Whitney since she’d let one of the guys run her HoH and he already promised Monte he wouldn’t give it to him.
11:40 AM BBT – Jason lets Shelby know he’ll give the Bug to Whitney and he’s hoping Alex will be the HoH. Jason says he’s going after Cornbread.
12:00 PM BBT – Monte tells Alex that Jason promised him he wouldn’t infect him and that they were cool, but he thinks Jason is just playing the game and lying to him. Monte mentions he might nominate Kryssie and Jason if he gets HoH.
12:20 PM BBT – Jason gives the Bug to Whitney. She will soon pick the HoH between Alex or Monte.
12:35 PM BBT – Jason checks in on Whitney to make sure she’s not mad. She isn’t but worries that whoever she picks would be mad at her and then nominate her in retaliation. (What?)
12:40 PM BBT – Whitney and Alex checked in and chatted. They’re planning to go with Monte for HoH and hope to make a deal that they can come upstairs and use his shower out of the exchange.
12:50 PM BBT – Whitney and Monte working on some deals. He promises to watch her and Alex’s back if he’s HoH.
1:02 PM BBT – Final alarm. Whitney gives the Bug to Alex. Monte is the first HoH of the season.
1:30 PM BBT – HGs lounging around the pool and getting sun. General chatter.
1:40 PM BBT – Monte announces to the group that it’s too early in the game to be making deep thought decisions on nominations so no one should take it personally.
2:05 PM BBT – Julie Chen comes over the announcer and screen to inform the HGs of a few changes. There will be no Noms Ceremony. HoH will be told to name a certain number of HGs as safe. There will be the Veto as usual and HGs who were named “safe” can still be renom’d at that point. Julie does not mention the 3rd nominee by the viewers.
2:35 PM BBT – Alex worries Shane and Danielle could end up a power couple in the game now that they’re starting to be together.
2:55 PM BBT – Alex and Whitney swear to watch out for each other in the game.
3:05 PM BBT – Morgan tells Shelby she expects Monte to target Jason. Morgan thinks Neeley, Kryssie, and Danielle could end up being the next few targets.
3:20 PM BBT – Shelby and Morgan doubt that Scott is really a debt collector (he does appear to be a debt collector from what we know).
3:40 PM BBT – Morgan warns that CB may be well liked by viewers so he’s okay to keep for now, but he’d be dangerous for them at the end.
3:50 PM BBT – Shelby and Morgan still hanging out and chatting about personal things as Morgan seems to be working on expanding her social circle in the house.
Now we’ve got Monte in control of the noms, though we know that’ll just be two of the three. Those “safety HGs” are coming up on Saturday and we’ll get the real nominations on Sunday so this should be interesting to see how it works out. We’ll watch for more planning and talk tonight but it’ll be hard for the HGs to really plan when they have no idea how this is going to work the first round.
You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
I don’t believe that Scott smokes. What is he doing?
He said the other night that he started smoking a few years ago when trying to get on BB so he could “quit smoking other stuff.” Something to that effect.
Hmm…what do you think the ‘other stuff’ is Dan? Lol…
Haha…Scott couldn’t have meant the wacky tobacky now could he??
Hehehe :D
Maybe he can switch to the patches or gum next lol.
In case anyone was wondering at 4:23BBT HOH room was revealed.
I missed it, but i don’t really like Monte.
Still worth going back to watch the first few minutes. They couldn’t get the door open. Jason told them to give it a minute because production had to unlock it from their end. That’s something we’d never see on the show.
I was trying. How do you do that?
I clicked flashback, but didn’t know how to do it.
There are different features on the side panel. It reads Chat, Highlights, Flashback, Tweets. Go to Flashback, then select the date, time, and camera you want to look at (if you’re not sure which camera, you can go quad until you see an angle you like).
Thanks. I did it. I was putting a.m. instead of p.m.
LOL I did the same as well this is the first season I have used flashback!
I did that too my first time.
Also watch at about 4:36BBT Cam 1 Monte talks about the houseguests photos in the HOH room having buttons.
Didn’t Matt say something will be happening at 10:30 as well?
In the chat on live feeds someone mentioned that BB tweeted cancellation of the DR live sessions. Not sure if its true though.
I thought nominations was tonight.
No, it was supposed to be the Live DR interviews. However, they were supposed to start little under a half hour ago, so that in combination with what BBN has been tweeting definitely confirms that it’s not happening tonight.
I know this is new for BB but I hope they get this scheduling issue together soon!
I guess i’ll stop watching now. I was waiting.
Does anyone know what season they put the tv in the HOH room? Thanks!
I think it was season 6. Janelle’s first season. That’s when the house started with the HOH upstairs.
Scott is funny. He just met Jason, but at least he’s on his side.
Monte is already driving me a little crazy. He is a talker and talks over people alot…he is being looked at as a I don’t know if he will be around for too long…still trying to get a read on some of these HG’s..I like Alex and Morgan..Whitney and Shelby are a little annoying…Justin has his moments…I think Shane is the quiet type who may be there for awhile..not rubbing people the wrong way…yet…still learning about the others.
Great post Lynn, agree with a lot your points. Monte is getting on my nerves as well (still nowhere near male BB18 levels though:)
Alex seems like a really solid player…might be my fav at the moment.
I am so exasperated can someone please help? I bought all access but yet I can’t get it to work. Right now I am trying to watch Sept. 28 at 7 pm which is the first episode. I keep clicking the date and time and the watch button but it just keeps showing live. Also EVERYONE has said that you can watch the next day ON Demand. Has anyone actually done this cuz it is nowhere on my damand. I even searched by name and nothing comes up. Also I bought a chromecast and set it all up. i went in to try and watch the 1st episode and again there is nothing there. I clicked on episodes and it says there arn’t any. Again why has EVERYONE including CBS said that you can watch previous episodes but yet there is nothing there?
KK, I can’t help you with OnDemand or Chromecast, but if you’re able to watch on a desktop computer I’d recommend downloading BBViewer (just google it). This application is the best way to watch the feeds (it’s available for Mac and PC).
Maybe someone else can provide info on OnDemand & Chromecast?
I’ll second the BBViewer recommendation. The Rewind/Flashback feature on CBS’s website has been junk recently and keeps taking me to 1PM of whatever day it’s on instead of to the time I’ve selected. BBViewer can properly rewind to the desired day/time.
Wait…is this available On Demand? I was under the impression it’s not…but if it IS, I’m in heaven. Is it?!
Yes. Go to Videos section of the BBOTT official CBS website and scroll down. Everything is there, it’s just not under “Episodes.”
So I don’t have to subscribe?!
No you don’t have to… Go to Telemundo dot com, on upper left side, click on ‘novelas’ drop down menu, then click the episodes you like…Good luck Sha!
Are you being serious Cy? If so, I’m gonna be SOOOO happy! Thanks, Cyril, my Cyril!
You’re welcome..Click on ‘Deportar now’..if you want to flashback..Enjoy!
I’m sending you YUGE hugs and kisses—even if you don’t want the kisses. You can always wipe ’em off…but take the hugs. Hope to see you soon!
Shoot…I can’t get it to work. Maybe I wasn’t over-acting enough…lol. I’ll keep trying. I don’t want to do a free week, because I’ll be too bummed when that week is up.
I’ll keep trying Telemundo.
Wow! This is too good to be true.
I hope I’ll be able to navigate the Telemundo site as I’m not all that confident when it comes to computers.
I still haven’t gotten it to work. :(
Same here :(
I was trying to follow the directions but it soon got to the point where sweat was pouring off my forehead and I was on the verge of picking up my computer and bashing it into something like that guy did in a viral video. So I thought I’d try again later :D
Good luck Sharona :D
Because there are no “Episodes” yet. This was a terrible design choice by CBS, but that’s what they did. They should have labeled Wednesday’s premiere as an “Episode” but they didn’t and I’d call it a major, foolish blunder to have not done that as many viewers are confused by their decision. The first “Episode” airs on this upcoming Wednesday night and like the other video segments so far will be on demand and available shortly after it airs on the Feeds.
The “event,” as they’re calling it, on Wednesday night is available in the Video–>Clips section. Navigate to that and watch Julie’s intro then the move-in.
If you’re on a desktop view then you can Rewind the Feeds to Wednesday night at 7PM BBT and watch the full thing from Julie’s intro to the move-in, champagne toast, and beyond but all that took several hours. The summarized video segments in the Clips section may provide all you want from that.
Totally agree. The rollout of OTT has been blunder filled. Production has made a huge mistake by not making things easy on the viewer, especially in the first week. I wonder how many potential viewers they’ve lost due all this confusion.
The success of OTT seems really dependent on keeping the fans that can’t watch feeds 24/7 engaged. A recap of the long move-in was badly needed, the slow-burn first HoH “comp” was not at all captivating, and dumping the first Live DR segment last night was really disappointing. Also looks like their skipping the Have-Not reveal this weekend as well.
I did enjoy the longer Recap segment last night though. Hoping they extend them further as we move along in the season. As an avid live feeder, I’m having trouble keeping up with all this, can’t imagine the fans that are attempting to without much live feed experience.