Big Brother’s Jeff & Jordan Are Married & Jordan Is Pregnant!

Big Brother’s long running couple Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd are married and have officially tied the knot! But wait, there’s more.

Big Brother couple Jeff & Jordan
Big Brother couple Jeff & Jordan – Source: Instagram

The BB couple had planned a fall wedding for later this year but the surprise news that Jordan is pregnant moved those plans along the couple has revealed.

Jeff & Jordan revealed the news to US Weekly explaning the abrupt change in plans.

It definitely threw us through a loop, and we were kind of like, ‘Well, we need to figure this out, because the baby is going to be born October 20,’ and I don’t want to be walking down the aisle nine months pregnant, and my dress won’t fit.

Why don’t we go on ahead and go to the courthouse, and make it legal?’” she continues. “And I’m more traditional anyway, so I was like, ‘I want our baby to have our same last name on the birth certificate too.’

Gotta say, I’m quite partial to that birthday date myself! Now as for their previous plans for a big wedding event, well that’s still on. Jordan says they’ll have the baby then throw a big wedding ceremony with friends next year.

So when was the wedding? March 15, 2016, just a few weeks ago. It was the first available at the courthouse so they went on done and did it up. Jeff even put on a tuxedo for the event and says it was quite the day for them:

Jordan wore a cute little wedding dress, and afterward, we were like movie stars. We went to the Beverly Hills Hotel and had lunch, and then, at night, we went and got massages, and then we went to Mastro’s in Malibu for dinner. We lived the life that day.

No word yet on whether or not Jeff & Jordan’s baby is a girl or a boy, but I’m sure we’ll hear more about it soon. Congrats to the couple!

Thanks to reader Captain555 for the news tip.



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  1. I love them. I am so happy that they finally got married and have a baby on the way.

  2. I’m over the moon for them. My favorite ppl to follow. I wish them a lifetime of happiness. Congratulations Jeff and Jordan Schroeder!? ???

  3. I’m very happy for them. i love that they were so flexible & went ahead & got married at the courthouse for tradition.
    I wish them nothing but happiness & babies!

  4. My favorite couple of all time. These two are so cute. Congrats to you both.

  5. Congratulations to America’s sweethearts & all the best to them.
    *** I like the October 20th due date also… 4th wedding anniversary.

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