Celebrity Big Brother revealed who was voted out last night with just a little over a week left in the season and eight Houseguests left to go (well, seven after tonight). Who was evicted this round? It’s time to find out!
Saturday’s episode left off without an HOH and we’re already back around to another eviction which means this is going to be one very busy episode featuring all the round’s events in one night. Our live recap starts at 9PM ET so settle in for the fun!
Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s All Access in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight.
Now we already know the spoilers and results for the HOH and nominations so feel free to skip ahead to those but otherwise we’ll work our way through those parts to get to the live show.
Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 4 HOH Competition:
- Tamar beats Kato in the final round to win HOH!
Tomato is in trouble here!
Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 4 Nominations:
- Tamar nominates: Kato & Tom
There’s a small, tiny small chance of a big shift here but it all hinges on how this Veto comp turns out. If the noms don’t get their hands on it then we’ll roll right on into the vote. But if they do force a renom then maybe we’ll get a blindside. Let’s see what happens!
Veto Players picked: Lolo, Dina, and Kandi. That was a good draw for this potential blindside. Gallagher (look him up!) hosts & smashes away, now players have to remember the details!
Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 4 Veto Competition:
- Round 1: Everyone gets a point
- Round 2: All but Kato & Tom get a point
- Round 3: Everyone gets a point
- Round 4: All but Tom get a point
- Round 5: Tamar and Lolo get a point
- Round 6: Lolo gets a point
- Round 7: All but Tamar and Dina get a point
Lolo wins the Veto. Don’t expect her to make any changes to the noms here.
Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 4 Veto Meeting:
- Lolo does not use the Veto
- Final noms: Tom & Kato
Five votes and no chance of a tie-breaker this week on Celebrity Big Brother! Someone is about to head out the door.
Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 4 Votes:
- Ricky votes to evict: Kato
- Kandi votes to evict: Kato
- Dina votes to evict: Kato
- That’s enough votes.
- Lolo votes to evict: Kato
- Natalie votes to evict: Kato
By a vote of 5-0, Kato Kaelin has been evicted from Celebrity Big Brother!
Once the eviction is over the HGs will have a break before they get into the next round’s Head of Household Comp but we’ll be ready to deliver the spoiler results as soon as we know more so keep checking back tonight for those updates.
Big Brother Celebrity Results – Round 5 HoH Comp:
- results are coming…
Two more evictions this week with the Double Eviction on Friday night at 8/7c (TWO hour show) plus don’t miss Thursday’s HOH & Noms episode (9/8c) as well.
We’ll be watching the Feeds for more updates tonight. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!
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