Big Brother Celebrity 2019 Spoilers: Round 5 Veto Competition Results

Power of Veto medallion on Big Brother

We’ve got your latest Celebrity Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds with the new Veto results. Read on for the spoilers!

When players were picked everyone but Lolo was selected to play which must have been the cherry on top for her angry, stressed position recently. With Lolo on the sidelines, the rest of the house competed for who might have the chance to change Tom’s nominations of Natalie and Ricky.

Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers: Round 5 Veto Competition Results:

  • Tom won the Power of Veto!

Well! Tom is quite the powerhouse performer in these comps! Now he’s got the choice to change up his noms but the target is already on the Block as it wavers between Natalie and Ricky. I would expect Tom to leave his picks alone unless something big happens very soon.

What do you want to see happen this round with the PoV? We’ll watch for the next round of spoilers so stick with us as we head toward the next eviction on Friday night.

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