It is Power of Veto day in the Celebrity Big Brother 2 house and the HGs spent the day trying to plan out what they would do with the Veto if they won. After the competition, we got a better feel for what the plans might be and who the target will likely be if Tom has his way. Read on to find out what Tom is thinking and if Kandi can be his voice of reason once again.
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Celebrity Big Brother Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, February 6, 2018:
8:00 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.
8:01 AM BBT – Dina and Kandi in the storage room. Dina is worried about the POV today. Kandi tells her that regardless of who wins, one of them (Lolo, Natale, or Ricky) is going home.
8:37 AM BBT – Natalie, Lolo and Tamar are discussing what Tom told them in their one on ones about how he wasn’t looking to BD anyone.
8:40 AM BBT – Ricky walks into the room and Natalie tells them all about how when she went to make her tea Tom told her that he had changed his mind because someone in the house got upset about going up on the block. Lolo tells them that’s not why she got upset, she got upset because Tom talked about how she didn’t have health insurance and couldn’t train for the next Olympics and now he’s using it against her.
9:01 AM BBT – Feeds go down for POV Players to be picked.
9:43 AM BBT – Feeds return. Tom, Natalie, and Ricky will be joined by Dina, Kandi, and Tamar in the POV. Lolo was not picked.
9:45 AM BBT – Natalie thinks that they are going to have a live eviction Thursday and Tamar confirms that they are. (They aren’t, DE is set for Friday)
10:34 AM BBT – Natalie is talking to Dina about Lolo’s conversation with Tom. Natalie mentions that Lolo is really upset about it and Dina asks if Lolo is okay financially. Feeds cut.
11:08 AM BBT – Natalie, Ricky, and Tamar are reflecting about all the things that have gone on in their room alone in the last couple of weeks. Natalie mentions all the tears, frustration, yelling and praying that has taken place has been crazy.
11:20 AM BBT – Natalie tells Tamar that when they thought Lolo was going to be on the block, Ricky was ready to fall on the sword. However, now that she is on the block, he hasn’t been talking that way and she is worried about possibly being voted out if she doesn’t win the POV.
11:45 AM BBT – Natalie is making fun of “Tom’s teammates” saying that they are hoping that the POV is nothing physical and how tired they are. Tamar mentions that they are the laziest people she has ever met.
11:48 AM BBT – Natalie and Lolo are talking in the bathroom about how nervous Natalie is. She is worried about what will happen if Ricky wins the POV. He talked about using it on Lolo when they thought Lolo was going to be on the block next to him, but he hasn’t voiced the same thing since Natalie was put up. Natalie is upset that Lolo isn’t playing.
12:12 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the veto competition.
2:35 PM BBT – Feeds have returned. Tom won the Power of Veto.
2:46 PM BBT – Lolo and Ricky talk about how to get Tom out next time. Ricky says who ever wins HOH puts up Tom and Kandi and if he doesn’t win veto he’s gone.
2:52 PM BBT – Natalie says Tom is a beast in competitions.
3:00 PM BBT – Natalie says she thinks Tom might backdoor someone. Ricky says no, he’s the target. Ricky says it’s his turn to go home. He says Tom’s issue with Ricky is personal. Ricky says there’s no reason for anyone to even talk to Tom about the target because he’s going home.
3:05 PM BBT – Tamar is upset that no one can beat Tom at competitions. She says he has got to go. Natalie tells Tamar to calm down because he can’t win the next HOH so Tom and Kandi will go on the block. Lolo asks what if he wins veto and Tamar says then they send Kandi home.
3:22 PM BBT – Tom talking to himself says there are some people who want Natalie out so he could use the veto on her, nominate Lolo and make sure Ricky gets voted out. He says Ricky is the brains behind that group so he is the one who needs to go. He said this could be a way to patch up things with people who are upset with him and potentially not get put on the block next round.
3:34 PM BBT – Tom tells Kandi that he is happy he has her perspective and it helped him with nominations, but he wants to run another idea by her (other than Natalie).
4:11 PM BBT – When Tom tells Kandi that he is probably going to use the veto she tells him that’s a crazy idea and it will come back to bite him. He says he’s crazy. She says he is letting his emotions control him over the Ricky thing. Tom says Ricky is controlling the moves on the other side so he needs to go. Kandi tells him he’s trippin.
4:15 PM BBT – Tom says he is going to start talking to people about their negative energy. He said he wants to have fun during the last week in the game. Kandi said people aren’t going to like that and will take those as threats.
4:16 PM BBT – Kandi reminds Tom that he can’t win next week and they have a better chance at beating Ricky at HOH than Natalie. Tom says he can convince Natalie and Lolo to work with them.
4:20 PM BBT – Kandi again tells Tom that she thinks his issue with Ricky is personal and it’s going to really mess up a solid game move this round.
So it sounds like Tom is set on Ricky going home this week. Kandi has tried her best to convince him otherwise, but now that Tom holds the Power of Veto, his mind is spinning and he isn’t going to take the easy path.
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